Shouts about...

The Gift 2015

Another thriller that was massively overhyped at the time of its release.
It reminded me a lot of The Guest; it’s simply too predictable if you’re paying attention, a lot of the character motivations are dumb, contrived or don’t make any sense, and the filmmaking is incredibly bland throughout (everything looks like basic coverage, uninteresting use of colour and light, sound feels like an afterthought).
It’s one of those scripts that demands a much better director at the helm, because the movie generally has a hard time creating memorable scenarios or twists, and I can already tell I’ll have forgotten about most of this within a week. The ending’s a nice, ambiguous choice, though.
The acting’s fine, I don’t think anybody’s being particularly challenged.
I didn’t hate watching it, there’s nothing incompetent going on here, but it’s an average, occasionally schlocky movie that doesn’t do anything special or different.


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Shout by Khawlah

Fantastic thriller. It sure will make bullies think twice before hurting someone. It should be taught at schools. Doesn’t matter how young and dumb you are, your actions will always have consequences.

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I thought this was a really good thriller that definitely takes you on a heavy ride with unexpected turns.

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You have to be careful what ghosts of the past you can accidentally meet on the street. ;)

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I really wanted to love this movie. What a shame.

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This was waaaay to predictable

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It could be predictable, but the plot tends to work. The two halves are badly balanced, with the first half where little happens, and the second half where instead all the events take place. The classic American film which entertains you on TV or on the plane, without being too deep.

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Shout by JLumsden

A very interesting movie that seems to be a thriller but turns out not to be. What seems to be a stalker thriller film that keeps the viewer at the edge of their seat turns out to be a lead on, as the plot points about the main characters' past get jumbled and short sided, therefore leading to a confused audience. However, the ending sums it up pretty well by giving an indication of a much simpler plot about a guy getting revenge on a high school bully by messing with his and his wife's mind because of the way the bully tormented him with a lie and minds games in high school.

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A disturbing psychological thriller, The Gift delivers some intense thrills. After moving back to his hometown with his wife, Simon Callum’s past comes back to haunt him when a former classmate from high school attempts to befriend him. Jason Bateman, Rebecca Hall, and Joel Edgerton lead the cast and give solid performances. But the pacing is rather slow, and the dark history between the characters is drawn out so long that it kind of loses some of its intrigue. Yet despite its weaknesses, The Gift is haunting and unsettling film.

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Look, from what i saw, the movie just looked like a very good episode from a critically acclaimed drama series, so there you go.

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It's so good that I didn't like it. I should watch less trashy thrillers.

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just watched, loved it... it's amazing how the movie is developed vs the trailer. Interesting gift, worth of your time, I recommend!

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Appears to be another slasher-thriller at a glance, but ends up as completely the opposite. Without trying to spoil the film too much, it plays with the usual thriller tropes you usually see - even with one jumpscare as a nod - but it subverts our expectation middle way. It slowly turns into something completely different, and most importantly it feels humane: not just from mere sound and music as usually horror/thriller does it, but from the awkward conversation, the silent pauses, the worried expression. The three actors' performance make this film.

The ending remains ambiguous as the final reveal is lifted up from its curtain. Some noted that it leaves out the morale question, the sterile intake that puts our protagonist Robyn as not much more than a dressing, but I suppose it seems to give a slight nod to revenge trope, perhaps similar to what Oldboy does: is a revenge, after all, worth the trouble and leave us as a better person?

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I'm a huge sucker for Jason Bateman, I'll watch things purely because he's in them. That's what happened here for this Joel Edgerton written and directed thriller about bad things happening to bad people. It's hard to discuss this movie without spoilers but basically you go in expected one thing, and getting it, and slowly the movie gradually turns into something else. Bateman is outstanding in this, playing a nasty character that I've never seen from him before, and his wife, played by Robyn Callem, and antagonist Gordo, played by Edgerton, do a great job of ratcheting up the tension through-out the movie until the very end, when everything explodes. If I had one complain its that I'm not sure I like that the movie ended on SUCH an open ended note, with a lot of horrible questions going unanswered.

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This is a movie that I just love, Joel Edgerton did such a good job directing this movie. All acting is really good, the score is great just everything. This movie is slow but dosen't drag at all it consistently puts you in awkard situations and builds tension and keeps building on that tension making you on the edge of your seat for something to happen. Couldn't recommend this movie enough.

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Whoo, this is a crazy revenge thriller. Definitely worth the watch.

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Right from the start you have a this uneasy feeling about Gordo but as soon as the story develops this feeling will shift. It did for me at least. I really liked this movie and applauded the ending which was not what I expected. as soon as it is given that Simon was a bully I started rooting for Gordo, especially when he gets beaten up by Simon, showing the true nature of him. When I thought he might've raped Robyn I felt disgusted but I believe he just wanted that idea out there for Simon and it didn't actually happen. Brilliant writing, making the bully feel completely shattered.

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What breaks my heart when movies like this come out is that most people are so limited by their own movie tastes they can't appreciate a film that does great things in very different categories. As a Blumhouse movie, it stands out for the quality thriller that it is. Nothing mind blowing, but solid twists and drama along with excellent acting to support it.

Additionally though, this movie carries profound messages about the human condition and the effects our decisions have on each other. For anyone interested in the nature of humanity, how we hurt and damage each other, this movie certainly stands out.

On a rewatch it may get bumped up to a 9, but I'm always cautious about my hype. Probably gonna have to buy this one.

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Just saw this on Showtime. I remember the trailer seemed interesting enough, on account it's from Blumhouse too. It's a simple thriller starring the Arrested Development guy, probably one of those ideas that was thought up as a joke, then turns out into a full length film. Oh, and Simon uses a black Nokia Lumia 920 in this one. I had to rewind a couple times to make sure which exact model it was.

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The plot of the movie is surprising departure from the standard fair of thrillers. The movie has no action but the plot is delivered simply on the strength of the acting. The scenario is a bit far fetched and entirely unrealistic but it is surprisingly watchable. The movie is paced beautifully and you honestly feel swept along for the ride.

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The past really does come back to haunt you, and this film shows it. I really enjoyed it, tence at parts, creepy at times, and good plot twists, but would of loved more to where it left you thought, but other than that brilliant! 7/10

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Decent thriller with some surprising plot twists.

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Currently this movie is available on Netflix

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Bad, it started as a psychological thriller but it just didn't make much sense for me, got bored a lot

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This is so great. Almost as good as Gone Girl!

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Really good, I must say. Very good psychological thriller, very smart, and despite of being about a bullying thing it's very original, and kept me interesting the whole movie, and kept me thinking about it, trying to figure it out, and the atmosphere in those awkward moments helps a lot. I like the way this guy just leave Simon wondering if "that" happens or not, and even if I would've liked a more conclusive ending it is still good. Good movie, great story, great directorial debut from the guy of 'Warrior', and great performances, especially Bateman's.

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A well acted thriller/drama where as the story unfolds you find out more about the characters than you expect. The film definitely isn't generic or predictable.

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Shout by Deleted

Joel Edgerton has crafted a painstakingly intelligent film, one fully committed to both subverting and heightening expectations. It succeeds both as a dreamlike thriller and an intense character study, exercising subtlety in both areas but never lessening its impact to be labeled strictly as a pretentious art house film. This is one of the best movies of the year, and, without a doubt, one of the most innovative of this generation.

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