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The Fisher King 1991

A homeless man with a special vision of the world

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Good movie, but how could they never have Jeff Bridges tell Robin Williams that he feels guilty/responsible about his dead wife?!

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The existence of this film can really only be brought to life as perfectly as it is with the combination of Gilliam, Williams and Bridges.

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Jeff Bridges and Robin Williams play well off of each other.

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It's an affecting fantasy (almost a fairytale). Gilliam's style help make this feel otherworldly, but it's the dynamite performances from the main cast that make this soo moving.

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Always a good movie to watch. Robin Williams is a legend!

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Here's a Terry Gilliam film I hadn't seen, and now I'm super glad to have finally changed that. We get a great combo of The Dude and Mrs Doubtfire. I really had no idea what I was walking into, and the plot always seemed to move in directions I didn't see coming.

Plus, you get to see Robin Williams fully nude. So, I mean, that's something.

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Simply amazing! Its a Heavy movie, so bit hard to swallow, but the messages in within are strong, and great

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