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The Fifth Element 1997

This movie is literally anime. It's incredible. I'm not an anime fan, but seriously, the few titles I saw seem to have a lot in common with this movie.

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This movie is not even good let alone great.

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This movie will never age. I really appreciate it being remastered to newer video formats. Since its release in 1997, I have watched this movie in VHS, VCD, DVD, Blu-ray and now 4K HDR. It keeps getting visually stunning with every single technology iteration. A true cult classic.

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I think the only thing that didn't work for me is the relationship development of the 2 main characters. There wasn't even a chemistry. Yeah, they're both good looling, but there's nothing there.. anyway the entirety of the movie, is okay.

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This movie aged so horribly...

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I own too many copies of this, yet won't stop buying it for every new platform.

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The fifth element and the five senses. Sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. The overload was beautiful. The visuals were breathtaking, the soundtrack was roasting, and the acting was boasting. I mean, Bruce, Milla, Chris, and Gary acted themselves into production. They became set peices. Talking of set pieces, the design and production quality was bewildindering. Tied up together with some hidden eastereggs and a heartwarming story. I stopped caring for the plot holes as soon as I realised how good the quick-witted comedy was. Not only comedy but horror, romance, thrill, action, and sci-fi.

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Don’t know why i never seen this movie until now but it’s better then most new movies.:popcorn:

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this movie is so wacky and so out there and wild! how did anyone think that movie was like the "future" or that we could fully reconstruct a human from part of an arm like Adam and Eve type of stuff. Just such a wild movie I tell you that. Its very at times maybe on edge? there's just ever so much cringe but its not bad at all, maybe I would call it corny? its hard to define. I have probably seen this movie like 5 times over many years I keep forgetting how many wacky moments there are each time I watch it.

I even remember at one time seeing it being played at chucky cheese for some odd reason.

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This movie is super green.

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Didn't hold up as well as I remembered but it was still a decent watch. As an action sci-fi it isn't very impressive, we've had much better. The story isn't very original or interesting. Where it excels is in the futuristic sets, silly costumes, weird aliens and especially absurd comedy, that creates something along the lines of Austin Powers meets Star Wars (some Indiana Jones moments too). Definitely has B-movie vibes at times. Good pacing that keeps moving, I never got bored. Watched it in 4K and the colors are so vibrant.

My favorite moments are whenever Zorg or Ruby Rhod are on-screen, I can't help but laugh. Bruce Willis isn't particularly bad but I don't like his character, he's so pretencious and kinda bland. Milla Jovovich is just there to appease the eyes, she doesn't talk much. I was dying to see her have a conversation with Willis' character but most of what we get are childish sounds. Because of that the romance aspect felt unearned and maybe even innapropriate.

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Re-visiting Luc Besson's science fiction film, The Fifth Element, from 1997 was a weird experience. I had memories that I loved the film. However, when I queried my brain database all that would return was some vague fragments of the visual style. Watching it again, I can understand why that was all I remembered as that's really the only strengths for me. Visually it is stunning. There are some really neat music choices too. However, the story takes you all over the place and it's ultimately just too silly to be considered a great film. I had fun when I'd turn off my brain and just enjoy the performances and the vision of this future.

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I Love It, My Favourite Movie Ever

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Watched this purely because of the visuals and fashions showcased and I’d say visual wise it’s a 7/10 but the story itself wasn’t engaging enough for me to actually enjoy it

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A legendary science fiction masterpiece. It does so much world building while also being a mix of comedy and action. It's the best. Saw it this time around in 4K DoVi.

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The Firth Element - la Ruby Rhod

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Milla Jovovich Tells the Story Behind 'The Fifth Element' Costume | Vogue (12:27) May 11, 2022

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Filled with cool Sci-Fi concepts mixed with awesome characters portrayed by great actors, this film will forever be one of my favorite Sci-Fi movies. The Fifth Element has action that is Pure fun and amusement paired with awesome music to match the futuristic vibes. Bruce Willis plays the uptight badass hero he always is, Milla Jovovich is a great "confused" love interest and Gary Oldman plays quite a cool and unique villain. This is one of those "before its time great Sci-fi action movies of the 90s" that will always provide a super fun and entertaining experience. They don't make futuristic Sci-fi movies like they used to.

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I have no idea why this movie has 80+ rating!! Plus, the genres are all wrong, this NOT a thriller.

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The Fifth Element is probably one of those Sci-Fi movies that will never really leave me. No matter how long it has been since the last time I watched it…

I love this, and should really take it off the shelf more often. Maybe even upgrade my copy to 4k. The Fifth Element really is good enough to warrant that.

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Thoroughly entertaining film, with a well-crafted plot and premise, that's unexpectedly funny and action-packed.

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I found it surprisingly immersive. Characters and environments are well designed. It was enjoyable to experience Korben’s life for a few hours.

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Shout by Ro

Ruby Rhod: What was that honey? It was bad! It had no fire, no energy, no nothing! So tomorrow from five to seven will you please act like you have more than a two word vo-cab-u-lar-yee! It must be green!
Korben Dallas: Can I talk to you for a second? (pushes Ruby up against the wall) I didn't come here to play pumbaa on the radio. So tomorrow from five to seven your gonna give yourself a hand, green?
Korben Dallas: Can I talk to you for a second? [pushes Ruby up against the wall] I didn't come here to play pumbaa on the radio. So tomorrow from five to seven your gonna give yourself a hand, green?
Ruby Rhod: (high-pitched) Supergreen!
Ruby Rhod: [high-pitched] Supergreen!

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I just saw it at theater. Great, great movie!

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I remember liking this more than I did on this rewatch. It's fine but we have had better scifi.

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Fxasss dsd eesf ewcgtr gedcv

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A true cult classic.

This movie is over the top from start to finish, and it knows it. A lot of movies that try to do this, the level to which they are over the top ebbs and flows. It jumps all over the place. This movie keeps it persistent, consistent, and that's what really keeps it flowing and makes me love it so much. Just the right amount and not too much.

The right amount of comedy to take what really is a pretty crap story, and just make it truly enjoyable to watch. They went above and beyond making all the scenes as artistic as they could. The cinematography really draws you in and can be enjoyed even if the movie isn't for you. I can watch this time and time again, and not grow bored.

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A cult classic with Bruce Willis and Chris Rock? A great movie for a a few good watching sessions.

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You can watch this film in one of two ways. Either you are expecting a good all-around movie or you have a nice home theater and you want something filled with action and booms. As you may have guessed, the film falls short with the former but isn't bad with the latter expectation. The major surprise for me was just how good of an actress Milla Jovovich is. I had always assumed that she was just another former model. (review written when the movie came out)

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Multipass!! Fun fun film. Remember sawing it for the first time and had to re screen again to fully appreciate it. Loony screen, fun, interesting characters and good acting. Action, drama, soundtracks, moral values, the greater good. Idiot and violent aliens, a big evil and the good guys. saw it again the other day and it still holds its own. Of course the special effects suffer a bit while aging but still fun. Multipass!

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Now boys stop having unnatural thoughts about Milla

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Still such a fun sci-fi/adventure. It's over-the-top, goofy and rather vapid, but none of that matters because it's such a blast. That opera sequence still makes me cringe though...

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Talk about love at first sight.

This is one of those movies where if you were lucky enough to see it first-run, you did not really appreciate it at the time.

It holds up very well. And gets better with subsequent viewings (As does MS. Jovovich who went on to do a string of very memorable sci fi flicks, and one drama where, believe it or not, she played an aspiring wedding singer) Massive (truly massive) talent in front of and behind the camera. Luc Besson in front (crazy as a loon but boy can he write scripts) and Willis/Oldman in front.

For the day, the special effects were top notch.

There a joyful innocence about the film which was rare at the time, and even rarer today.

See it once. See it often. It'll make you smile.

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A wonderful action movie to see over and over again.

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Amazing visual style to this film and while the storyline is fairly conventional, it is told with real flair.

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Bruce Willis was never able to shake his square-peg-square-slot role as a cynical, anti-authoritarian action hero, despite getting cast outside the type in movies such as The Sixth Sense and, to a lesser extent, 12 Monkeys.. But perhaps that wasn't such a bad thing, as in two particular movies his basic, archetypal example of such an action hero contributed to one of the most complete action films of all time: One of those films was Die Hard, the oft-besequeled cop film which watched like a slasher with villain and hero reversed. The other was the sprawling, operatic The Fifth Element, where he mimics the effortless coolness of the Captain Kirk archetype and crosses through a gorgeous, often hilarious version of a sci-fi future.

Notably, the fact that Zorg represents Gary Oldman's second-most iconic villain role must be a testament to his ability with such characters.

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I hope the future is like this some day, just looks so much more interesting

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El quinto elemento fue una idea muy original puesta únicamente para argumentar la experiencia cinemática. Es un argumento vacío que no logra tener sentido más alla de funcionar como el lado "sci-fi". Porque incluso con lo futurista que se ve, nunca propuso nada.

Pero no se lo tomen a mal, todavía dudo si había más intención en eso ya que lo que más sobresale en la película y la hace estupenda es el lado humano actuando en ese Universo. Cómica, romántica, sobrecogedora. Los personajes son simplemente geniales y gracias al manejo técnico de Luc Besson The Fifth Element entra entre las más espectaculares de su tiempo.

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This movie has everything a person could possibly want in a fun cinematic experience! Good job, mr. Besson.

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I watched the movie a long time ago. Today i watched it again and it's still a f***ing great movie. Some Martial-Art-Jovovitch-Stuff and some very flat jokes are annoying. But the very most rest of the movie are just great.

Anyway. Overall a 9/10

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A very epic movie for its time!

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Simply an amazing film.

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