Movies that caught my attention


Since 2005, each December, the Black List releases its annual list, a survey of the most liked unproduced screenplays of that year. The annual lists are aggregated using votes from film executives working in the film industry.

The annual lists have included such Oscar winning films as JUNO, THE KING’S SPEECH and ARGO.

At its heart the annual Black Lists are meant to shine a light on extraordinary screenwriting, some of which may have been overlooked more broadly.


To challenge myself I'm starting the year(ish)-long attempt to watch and possibly even review 100 movies I've never logged before, with an actor in common between each movie.

- Only listing movies I haven't logged before
- They must be linked by a common actor
- Each actor will only be mentioned once

We'll see how it goes - 100 movies is a lot!


Jan : 1 - 9
Feb : 9 - 28
Mar: 29 - 40
Apr : 41 - 42
May: 43 - 47
Jun: 48 - 54
Jul : 55 - 102
Aug: 103 - 126
Sep: 127 - 150
Oct: 151 - 168
Nov: 169 - 183
Dec: 184 - 200
