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The Darkest Minds 2018

Make this a tv series cause i feel like they have a lot of characters to know but not enough time to develop.....make it a tv series asap

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An excellent young adult movie with a novel take on special powers. Excellent young cast. Thriller pace with tender moments. I give this movie an 8 out of 10. [Super Powers]

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Love that Rue gets her own YA-movie adaptation

The movie itself is, in my eyes, kind of a mixture between X-Men, Hunger Games/Divergent, Harry Potter and the Maze Runner. You can see all kinds of things from those movies in this movie. So if you liked those movies, you probably will like this movie too.

I haven't read the books so I don't know if it's a good adaptation, but the movie got me intrested for the next parts. Too bad that this movie practicality is an intro to the next parts, so it lacked a story and action on its own.

With this ending, there as to be a follow-up movie, otherwise it would be a shame to not know the intended ending of the screen writers

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I liked this movie. I know it has some bad reviews, but the messaging, and the acting of Amandla Stenberg is worth the watch. My only complaint is that the fight/conflict scenes could have been better, more complex

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I enjoyed this movie. Easy going. Would make a great TV series. Well worth a watch.

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Ignore any comments putting it down simply because it's a young adult genre. Truth is some of the best books ever written are young adult books. They knew what they decided to watch so they shouldn't cry about it later.

Otherwise, it's a great story, creative and tries to be inspiring. It's pretty good overall. A little too short for the story. To much must have landed on the cutting room floor, but entertaining overall.

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I enjoyed that, some good action and casting was sound and not heard anything on a squeal in the last 3 years of holding this off till now but with the ratings it has I don't see one coming but it would be nice because that ending got me craving for more.

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Had 0 expectations about this movie but I really enjoyed it. Great adventure/sci - fi

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This was a good film with some fantastic cinematography and amazing visuals. It is let down, by the desire to make the idea into a series and fails in the same way The 5th Wave and The Divergent Series have. The problem with making films from books is that the readers spend their time building the universe being described. With films, that world is given to them, so the viewer needs something else to spend their time progressing with. Unfortunately, this film doesn't even attempt to provide a substantial amount of action and instead opts for narrative and story. The result is a fairly slow, albeit enjoyable, film without anything significant to offer. Instead, it just feels like they spent their time working on a way to create it into a series - and fails. Worth a watch, just don't expect there to be a true ending.

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The idea is original, but the film has a lot of narrative and obvious gaps - it was clear that the bad guy was the president's son and the good guys were the League. In addition, a story of teenage love prevails over dystopia. All in all, it is an entertaining movie.

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A mishmash of all the YA adaptations that have come before it, this does little to stand out from the crowd. Sets itself up for a sequel that is probably unlikely; at least, not unless the brightest minds of Hollywood can come up with something to make it shine.

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I have mostly given up hope of any movie living up to the books, so my rating on this movie is somewhat lax since I went in kind of expecting it to be bad. That being said, it wasnt as bad as I was expecting. It was a bit rushed at times and could be frustrating, but I found the characters frustrating in the book too so can't really complain there. The main leads actually had some chemistry which is an improvement on so many YA adaptations. Its not Oscar winning, its not gonna blow your mind, but considering how horrible some YA adaptations have turned out, its actually not bad.

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That could be better. It's a teenage movie with a lot of WTF!? scenes.

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Not the production value you’d expect from a Fox movie... more like an expensive TV movie. But a great story nonetheless.

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This movie is just an extended trailer for the next one,
although not certain that there will be next one since nothing happened in this one.
Felt like first 15 minutes of the some TV pilot.

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"You're not an Orange, Liam, you don't understand"

Can't be too hard on this film as my eldest truly seemed to enjoy it. But man oh man was it hideously contrived, disjointed, boring and a mess of YA cliches

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Honestly if you want to see new mutants wait for New Mutants don't waste your time with this recycled story line which we've seen in the Hunger Games or Divergent. I'm a strong young woman destined to lead others who have also experienced hardship out the terrible apocalypse life has become. I fall in love but I don't need love because I'm focused on my greatness. Also I somehow become acceptably lighter as I age.

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This went all in on the young adult cheese.

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For me, it's the worst YA movie.
The actors have delivered a mostly good performance, but this can't change the overall impression. Plothols on a continuous basis. Since I haven't read the book I don't know if it is due to the script.

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Another shitty teenage novel written by a woman that is so trendy right now.
But this movie is so bad that is not gonna have a sequel, and this make the ending of the movie even worse.

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Disclosure: I didn't know anything about the movie prior to seeing it besides seeing the trailer. I didn't research it because I hate spoilers. But in this case I think this was a mistake.

First, I loved the movie. The story is interesting, though predictable, the pacing is fine. During the whole movie the story was building on and when it finally came time to hit the climax - the movie ended! I had one of those WTF?! moments. I was really disappointed because I felt that the whole movie was intro into the story and the action was rising only to end right before the climax. Like I didn't get the feeling of a conclusion. I didn't have the same feeling with any of the other YA trilogies or multi-part movies. It was obvious that another movie will be coming but I cannot stop comparing it to one of those books that don't provide answers unless you read the next book. I hate those books!

So if you are like me better wait for next movie to come out and then watch them back to back.

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this is what you call absolute garbage.

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What a cluster mess... even by the lowest standards this movie made no sense :type_4:‍♀

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