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The Dark Knight Rises 2012


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It's Batman. Come on.

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Shout by Deleted

the first 2 movies, were so much better. I kinda missed the action, the excitement, the tension.. :(

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Not tne best film in the trilogy in my opinion

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It seems to me the whole Cat Woman storyline would've been better off left out of this movie, it was nothing more than a distraction from the main plot and was not very well integrated into the movie at all, seems that time would've been better off spent explaining more about the interceding 8 years between the Dark Knight and the present film.

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Shout by Deleted

too little batman for a batman movie in my opinion

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Very well done...

Bale has certainly made Batman his own. I sure wish there would be more of these, but all good things have to end I suppose...

Great ending to the trilogy, and a great wrap-up.

...and then there were Anne Hathaways ass on that 'bat' bike. Worth a whole point all on its own. ;)

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Shout by Deleted

Good. Note 8/10, but to me, Michael Keaton will always be the real Batman

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Shout by Deleted

La tengo que ver !!! Todavía no la vi :(

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Shout by Olly

Before I start, SPOILER ALERT!!!! Don't read on if if you haven't seen the movie!

Firstly, I want to say that I LOVED THIS MOVIE but there are a number of small things that niggle at me about it:

  1. Catwoman was under-used and the whole "clean slate" device nonsense was never explained. How did BW get hold of it when noone else could? Where did he get it from?Secondly, there should have been more Kyle/Wayne scenes, more flirting, like inthe Burton movie. More sexual chemistry. Their kiss at the end felt forced.

  2. JGL finding his way into the bat cave was great, and a cool idea to hint that the mantle of Batman could be taken over by this young heroic cop, but why oh why make his 'secret' christian name Robin? He's Robin, seriously? It felt like a completely unnecessary, and forced, way of inserting the batman mythos into the movie. He didn't need to be Robin and didn't seem like Robin!

  3. When they killed Bruce Wayne, I was like "fucking awesome, what a finish to the trilogy!" and then they brought him back to life! What a cop out! It would have been so much better if they had at very least left it ambiguous. It would have been great to have the shot of Alfred at the cafe in Italy nodding to someone off-screen and then ending it at that moment! So we never know whether he is looking at BW or not! It would have made a way better finish.

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Shout by Olly

Ignore the haters and watch it for what it is - several hours of fun escapist blockbuster entertainment! I loved it (with reservations about some of the hokier plot elements). Watch in IMAX if you can - it's well worth paying extra for, since sound and picture are where this movie shines!

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Shout by Deleted

The genius thing about Nolan's Trilogy is the multiple references that he makes without commiting th understanding of the plot to those who never watched or read anything about Batman. And to those saying, "Yeah, but a Bat-Movie with a Nuclear plot and a bomb at the end is cliche", then watch this my friend: It's just epic.

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The twist was totally unnecessary and poorly implemented. Other than that, sensational.

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Much worse then The Dark Knight. Was movie made for kids, with almost no brutality and a "happy end"?

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not as good as I had hoped :( But then again maybe it was silly to think a movie could be better than TDK. Still. Solid movie! Bane was awesome!

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After watching Batman Begins and Dark Knight before getting to see Dark Knight Rises, I was really excited to see so many good comments about the film and when I finally got to see it,I really feel that people's comments are like reviewers...don't believe it until you see it..Dark Knight Rises is a great film, definately better than Batman Begins..But better than Dark Knight, I don't think so. Dark Knight Rises has a great ending for the trilogy and the story is pretty good, but there is something that this just didn't have that Dark Knight did have and that's a great actor.Tom Hardy did a great job but Heath Ledger's interpretation of the Joker elevates Dark Knight in my opinion above Rises. Now a lot of people might not agree with my comments but this is not an excellent film,this is a great film but not excellent.

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Shout by Adam

Fantastic ending, the perfect way to end the trilogy in my opinion.

Though I couldn't help thinking when JGL found his way into the BatCave, that a JGL spin-off Nightwing film would be incredible.

The Nolan Dark Knight Trilogy is a must see.

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Excellent movie, I rarely see movies in theaters, but based on its picture and sound quality I highly recommend doing so.

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Simple put, best movie of 2012 so far! I expected less even, but it really made my day. Just make sure you watch it in a proper movie theater since the sound is super.

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Was sooooo good! Sad about what happened in Colorado though...

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Not saying anything more than "Fantastic".

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Seen it and loved it. Must see for anyone who liked the nolan batman movies.

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Very good movie, not quite as good as dark knight, but still very good

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I am far too excited for this movie at the same time scared. It's the end of a so far a flawless super-hero saga. Not to mention it's Batman, my favorite hero of all time. I used to play Batman daily when I was little and my entire room was Batman themed complete with a full batman mural, custom bat stenciled symbols around the border of the room courtesy of my dad, and batman window vinyls that i plastered next to the toddler in this room fire dept. window decal. This is the first Batman movie that completes the story. All the other movies have been left open ended. Also lets just pretend that George Clooney and Val Kilmer's adaptations never existed. Michael Keaton and Tim Burton however = Badass, Adam West = I'm fine with it. So sick. I got my Midnight IMAX tickets so look for a review on what I thought. I don't think nolan will let me down. When I saw Batman Begins i was blown away, Dark Knight i had glory tears brewing and still do when i watch the last scene, if i fully cry during this movie i will be more than satisfied but i fully intend to be brutal in my review. And for all of you that don't like batman's voice go fuck yourselves, its a symbolic representation of bruce wayne's physical transformation into batman when he puts on the suit and its a literary tool that's used all over the place. It's semi-like Reverend Dimmesdale in the Scarlet Letter where his sin manifests itself as a sickness and a rash which kills him. Batman's voice is symbolic of the transformation of bruce wayne and how his quest as batman is one that is unsustainable. It is a representation of both the physical strain and the bat taking over. In all serious though if you had a sweet suit like that wouldn't you talk scary too?!?!?!!?!?! I know I would... HARD.

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Shout by Deleted

or future...

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Shout by Deleted

now two guys have watched this,
maybe they are from Mars :P

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One person has watched this already? D:

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Can't wait :D

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