I have never read the books by C.S. Lewis before, but this is still an excellent film that tells the story beautifully. It takes us on an emotional journey. Some parts were upsetting, some parts were hilarious, while some parts genuinely had me terrified... (I didn't know if the beavers would die or not.)
Some characters however were quite annoying, especially Susan, who played the 'realist'. I think it was intentional, but nevertheless, she got on my wick, as realists usually do, and for that, I have to knock off marks. Also my favourite character, Mr Tumnus was frozen throughout most of it, which was quite upsetting. That wasn't the filmmakers fault, as Mr Lewis probably wrote that in his book. But it is still rather sad, as I quite liked him, yet he only had a small part. All in all, I definitely recommend it, especially to those who are fans of fantasy. But it's definitely not my personal favourite.

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Still one of my all-time favorite movies. I saw it in cinemas as a teen and loved it immediately. It's so magical and hopeful and Tilda Swinton is just brilliant ad Jadis.

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I loved the books as a kid, and as an adult (through the film) I can now appreciate the Christian overtones... Edmund the betrayor, Peter the doubter, and Aslan's sacrifice. The movie isn't as enchanting as the novel - the acting is variable (mainly Susan) - but it's still an enjoyable and fascinating ride into the magical world of Narnia!

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i can relate to edmund because i, too, would betray my whole family for turkish delight

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Rewatching this after well over a decade, the CG holds up quite well from 2005, but something just stuck out while revisiting this Disney film. It seemed like that Disney was trying to score big in the Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings crowd with Chronicles of Narnia, but failed. Kind of how studios tried capitalizing on the YA market again after the Twilight and Hunger Games boom.

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it was really magnificent, cannot understand how can be IMDB score is low, there are a lot of garbage movies are higher than the movie :(

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This sure is a Long movie. Its good, but Very Long

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this was good. i remembered parts from when i watched as a kid, but i don't think i ever got past the first film. i really enjoyed it, but it did feel both rushed and drawn out. i think i'd really like the books, though i'm unsure that i have the patience for that these days. the graphics hold up insanely well, and i found myself genuinely connecting with the characters. the animals especially i felt some real good emotional connection to.

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After Harry Potter, I remember this as the "popular book series that is now a movie and is a must see". This is easily the best film of the bunch, but overall, it is a pretty average adaptation. This serves as a decent standalone film opposed to a full series.

Rating: 3/5 - 75% - Worth Watching

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Though the movie isn’t 100% perfect, it is close to it. I feel as if this is the best of the Narnia stories to tell. As well as definitely the best of the movies. The villains in the sequels have nothing

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Shout by dgw

It's been so long since I read these books, I can only decide how much I like this film as its own work, sans comparison to the source material. And as its own work, as a fantastical film for the younger audience, it's solid.

Are some of the lines childish? Well, yes. I'd be upset if they weren't, considering the protagonists are children. The story is simplistic, and that's OK.

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C.S. Lewis’ beloved classic fantasy tale is vividly brought to life in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. While staying at a country house four children travel through a wardrobe into a magical land full of talking animals and are told that they are the prophesied ones who will end the tyrannical reign of the White Witch. The novel has been adapted several times before, however this is the first version to incorporate CGI, and it really adds a new dimension that opens up the doors of imagination. Some of the CGI is a little rough, but overall it’s used to spectacular effect; delivering a fresh, new creative fantasy world and impressive battles sequence, the likes of which have never been seen before. Additionally, Tilda Swinton gives a brilliant performance as the White Witch, and Liam Neeson is magnificent as Aslan. Nearly every character is captured perfectly, and the film’s tone conveys the perfect mixture of terror and adventure, with some lighthearted humor added in. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is a fantastic adventure and a wonderful adaptation of C.S. Lewis’ seminal work.

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Awesome and fun movie for fantasy and the imagination.

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I grew up watching Narnia and it's what started my obsession with all things fantasy and mythical.

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Story is good but the dialogs are mostly stupid like they were written by children. 4/10

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A little too long and kid friendly but I enjoyed it.

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A magical movie to watch with your family that every member is likely to enjoy. The idea of the wardrobe used as a way to enter a new world is interesting and the different places we see are beautiful. Tilda Swinton is mesmerizing as the heartless witch and I found myself waiting for her appearances. The soundtrack is good and the secondary characters are likeable however apart from Lucy I found the Pevensie children annoying.

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i wold fock dhis liun

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Shout by Deleted

Could have been better if it wasn't trying to be a PG rated Lord of the Rings.
Because of the poorly written charachters and bad acting it went south.
Uptight and stuck-up housekeeper, eccentric professor, cute, but little annoying little sister, a younger brother who wants to step out from his older brother's shadow, and the older brother who could not persuade me he'll be succeded the throne, because he was not a hero material rather than a wuss. As he conquered the wolf was ridicolous. Later somehow, he managed to learn how to fight.
However, the plot was built up very promising, until all the siblings got to Narnia.

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Because I disliked the book "The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe" I didn't think I would enjoy the movie. But I was positively surprised, especially about the 2nd half of the film. And the composer of the soundtrack did a magnificent job! The story is kept very closely to the book.

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