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The Bubble 2022

Like the first lockdown: fun at the beginning, monotonous in the middle, and by the end I was praying for it to finish.

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huge ad for tiktok. fuck this shit

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Started of well, had some funny moments.
I was going to give it an 8/10.
Then it kept going. 7/10 and going 6/10.
Ending.. 5/10
Watch the trailer, have a laugh and skip the move which is just terrible.

Highlights.. Iris Apatow is cute and Karen Gillan still has a nice ass (in the right pants).
Lowlights.. Fred Armisen cannot act - how does he keep get a job? David Duchovny proves once again something we've known for years - he has no acting skill whatsoever. This just highlights his lack of skill.
Everyone else that was hired for this movie also have no acting skills - other than Pedro Pacal.

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suffered through this for pedro pascal

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I don't know bout the others but i'm someone with a very low level of humor so i laugh at almost anything but this was painful to watch. They tried so hard to be funny that it wasn't funny at all but just pure cringey-ness. Sure, there were some funny moments but like i said, they tried too hard. If i was an actress and i see a script like this i probably would feel this is a fun role to take on because you don't get to do crazy cringey roles like this but after or while filming it i'd probably regret and think to myself, 'what have i gotten myself into?' LOL I'm sorry to say but this was definitely a waste of time and not worth watching at least not for me.

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I started watching the movie thought it was bad. Then I saw Fred Armisen and that's when I knew the movie would suck.

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Not one laugh here. Not one. I have loved almost every Apatow flick and i think this is the first one I cringed at so much that i wanted it to end 10 minutes in... it never got better. it had no redeeming qualities other that a few funny lines from Key and one or two from Pedro Pascal. I honestly wish I chose ANY other movie but now I'm stuck with this memory forever.

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There's no story or humour, just celebrities smelling their own farts.

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a literal hot steaming pile of garbage

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Shout by Pete
BlockedParent2022-04-15T05:21:11Z— updated 2023-02-08T01:10:36Z

Yep. It's bad. I figured it couldn't be as bad as I was led to believe. I enjoy most Apatow flicks. 3.0 out of pity and enjoying some of the actors, but they weren't given much to work with here. Cringy and unfunny for most.

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It’s a so bad, it was good kinda film and i know all the actors were putting on a stupid act for the film but it could of been better but other than a few negatives it was a good film that made me laugh and was very weird at times.

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2nd comment on this: I don't know, why this movie got rated so bad. It is much better than expected. There are quite a few laughs, and its much better than recently "comedy" movies. I suggest give it a try, it is def. not a waste of your time.

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do not waste your time. I think its supposed to be a satire about celebrities. What they were making fun of is exactly what they were doing though. Kind of Ironic.

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This made me hate movies

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Is what it says. Cheap movie in the pandemic. This actors really need money to go that deep bottom.

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It's probably one of the worst Aptow movies I've seen but generally I enjoy Aptow films so much this is a backhanded compliment. I think it was actually an okay movie. It didn't have the biting satire or uproarious humor of The 40 Year Old Virgin or Knocked Up or even This is 40. I might even put this below Trainwreck but only slightly. I think the film works as a movie with something to day about how hollywood handled the pandemic. It doesn't have a lot to say to be sure but there's a little something there.

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Two days since I consumed this tart parp of a shtick flik. Couldn’t remember what I watched the next day. I thought all day specifically about what I watched the night before. “What did I watch last night?” I finally remember the next night when NetFlix had it up on “Trending”, then and only then I recalled watching it. It was long and convoluted — I vaguely remember David Duchovny being the strongest performer however I know it was ensemble cast. The fact the film is being thrashed through the waste pile of my brain rot so soon should be an indicator of its value to me.

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Shout by sweetdeath
BlockedParent2022-04-06T19:44:09Z— updated 2023-02-23T08:04:06Z

Too bad for Maria Bakalova - from an Oscar nominee to a literal extra in this shit. Plus it's waaaaaaaaaaay too long and waaaay too stupid. I kept reaching for my phone out of boredom. Also, just because the pandemic was too long, doesn't mean the movie should also be long. Or at least if the movie is long, make it interesting. The fact that many of us think it was too long, means that it wasn't interesting. "Comedies" like this should be 90 min tops.

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I'm baffled that this movie even got made. It's way too long, for how bad it is.

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Its quite an entertaining movie with a few laughs. Not a waste of time so give it a shot. :)

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Not sure why all the hate...
Karen Gillan is excellent as always.
Too long? Sure. So was the pandemic.

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This is an utterly ridiculous movie. It's actually funnier than I expected and had a handful of real belly laughs in it.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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not good, but fun

maybe 20mins(?) longer than it needs to be

of the "lockdown generation" films, near the top as it doesn't take itself seriously at all, and self-aware enough

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Don’t waste your time on this.

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This is absolute GARBAGE! I want my life back, this sort of crap just makes me want to never watch movies again.

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Would have been slightly better if it came out a year or two ago

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The worst movie in years.

Run , run for your live!

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this movie is catastrophe :thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown::unamused::banana:

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Occasionally funny but it would have been better with a sharper script and shorter running time.

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One of those Netflix movies where content had to be got out out overnight and no adults were around to care whether it was any good or not. Can't believe Judd Apatow wrote and directed this. And what a criminal waste of on-screen talent.

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There were one or two laughs for me but other than that this movie fell completely flat.

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Netflix’s The Bubble… a cursed reminder of all the worst parts of COVID that follows the familiar Judd Apatow trend of a bloated runtime that reallyyy overstays its welcome (and it wasn’t even welcome in the first place!). Pedro Pascal I’m gonna get you outta there!

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