Personal Lists featuring...

Swallow 2020


Psychological thriller
Thriller psicologico
Time Travel
Viajes en el tiempo
Unexpected endings
Finales Inesperados


The greatest films ever made, as voted by MUBI’s global community of film lovers.


Psychosexual drama films are a subgenre of psychological dramas that focus on the psychological and sexual aspects of human relationships and behavior. These films often explore the darker and more taboo aspects of human sexuality, including fetishism, domination and submission, and sexual power dynamics. They typically feature characters who are struggling with their own sexual desires, motivations, and fears, and often depict the psychological and emotional consequences of these desires.

Psychosexual drama films often deal with themes of desire, power, control, and the complex interplay between sexuality and the unconscious mind. They may feature sexually explicit or suggestive content, and often explore the psychological and emotional complexities of sexual relationships, such as jealousy, obsession, and unrequited love.

Examples of psychosexual drama films include "Blue Is the Warmest Color" (2013), "Secretary" (2002), "Wild Reeds" (1994), "Basic Instinct" (1992), and "Eyes Wide Shut" (1999). These films are often considered to be challenging and thought-provoking, and may not be suitable for all audiences.


README.TXT :page_facing_up:
This List contains Movies and Tv shows that I watched over 2020 in groups of 10.
Each group is separated with numbers and separating titles.

2020 Released TOP 10 Movies

1 Portrait of a Lady on Fire
2 1917
3 Wolfwalkers
4 Bad Education
5 Sound of Metal
6 The King of Staten Island
7 Swallow
8 Love and Monsters
9 Tenet
10 Soul

2020 Released Honorable Mentions

11 Kajillionaire
12 Mank
13 Black Bear
14 The Trial of the Chicago 7
15 I'm Thinking of Ending Things
16 Feels Good Man
17 Bill & Ted Face the Music
18 The Willoughbys
19 The Devil All the Time
20 The Vast of Night

Overall First time watch 2020 TOP 10 movies

21 Knives Out - 2019
22 Hereditary - 2018
23 Jojo Rabbit - 2019
24 Train to Busan - 2016
25 Climax - 2018
26 Sink or Swim - 2018
27 Ford v Ferrari - 2019
28 Dunkirk - 2017
29 Before Sunrise - 1995
30 Doctor Sleep - 2019

2020 Released TOP 10 TV Shows

31 Dark - Season 3
32 Euphoria - Season 1
33 Infinity Train - Season 3
34 The Queen's Gambit - Limited
35 The Umbrella Academy - Season 2
36 Solar Opposites - Season 1
37 The Mandalorian - Season 2
38 After Life - Season 2
39 Dave - Season 1
40 Upload - Season 1

The first time, Comeback or Ended TOP 10 TV Shows I watched in 2020 (This Title is a Mess :D)

41 11.22.63
42 Infinity Train
43 Barry
44 Mr. Robot
45 Watchmen
46 The Handmaid's Tale
47 The Man in the High Castle
48 You
49 Tuca & Bertie
50 It's Bruno!

Some Stats:
2020 Movies (#224)
2020 TV shows (#141)
2020 episodes watched (#1998)
Year In Review:

More at Recommendations:
All Lists:


List order:
Each entry besides #1 is paired with a bonus movie not part of the ranking so all the ones on uneven numbers aren't actually part of his ranking.


Movies that aren't from A24, but could've been.
(personal opinion)

If you have a recommendation, please, leave a comment with it!


A list of films John Waters has referenced in his interviews, books, commentaries, and other work as influential to his career or that he is a fan of otherwise.

Includes all of the films ranked in his yearly 'Artforum: Best Of' year-end lists. (

This list is a work in progress, by no means a complete reference.

Cross referenced at (with JW quotes pertaining to each title)



Last updated 2022-03-10


HollyWood Movies based on Popularity


Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival lineup for 2019.


Woody Woodpecker. Dora the Explorer. Angry Birds (best video game movie ever). Rivers of penguins. Giant, fluffy puppies. Baboons in space. Shazam flosses. Hulk dabs. Emperor Nero raps. People and Pokémon merged. People and cats fused. Aliens smoking the damndest things. Hayley Bennett pooping the DAMNDEST things. Zombies like coffee. Zombies like cabbage. Dildo blade. Death by horse. The rich explode. Lesbian painter. Lesbian vampire painter. Jay and Silent Bob. Good Burger in 35mm. Space Jam in 35mm. Polynesian Jew Hitler. Adam Sandler’s colon. Eldritch alpacas. Huge vagina. Talking dogs standing up to gentrification. Todd Phillips for Best Director. CGI Will Smith in 120 FPS. CGI Will Smith in a pigeon’s body. Gay anime. Straight Frozen. Adam Driver double bill. Two popes. In this economy? Makoto Shinkai drew a cat. In THIS economy? Danny DeVito is Awkwafina. Danny Glover is a horse. Rian Johnson wins. Star Wars loses. Rian Johnson next to me. Céline Sciamma in front of me. Bong Joon-ho, in my presence, in a scarf! Oh, and so much horrible crud has been happening in real life, Disney owns everything and Britain, not to mention the free internet, are damned for eternity. You in the US of A should feel lucky your president is going to prison but as for us, there’s nothing left for us to do. There’s just no hope left. Boomers win.

And if all of that didn’t sound wild enough, I discovered I’m trans.

Hail Satan, amirite


Movies that you most definitely must watch. I insist.


Not ranked. Just a collection of Wow moments. Great acting! All the more better when it’s unexpected
