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Surviving Christmas 2004

The star cast elevate this a lot.

Ben Affleck, James Gandolfini, Christina Applegate and Catherine O'Hara are, honestly, the only reasons this was watchable, for me personally at least. If it was a film with a lesser known cast, I wouldn't have any positives for it.

For a festive flick, it's a little too mean-spirited. Of course that's the way these films usually go so the eventual pay-off can occur, though with this it's a bit too the other way and the aforementioned pay-off isn't all that pleasant. You gotta make the characters way more likeable if you're only gonna redeem them a tiny bit.

'Surviving Christmas' is at least only a relatively short film at around 90 minutes and there are a couple (if not enough) amusing moments. There's also a surprisingly topical commentary on unintentionally consenting your likeness away via photos - I'm looking at you, latest Instagram trend.

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Really like this. Second time seeing it and still laughed out loud. I can see me having this as my Christmas comfort movie.

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Lacking the magic of the season, Surviving Christmas is a shallow and uninspired film. Ben Affleck plays an eccentric millionaire ad executive who makes a deal with the family living at his childhood home to let him stay there and to help him live out his fantasy of an old fashion family Christmas. Affleck gives a phoned in performance, but co-star Christina Applegate really shines. Also, the humor is rather hit and miss; as a lot of it is in bad taste and inappropriate for a family comedy. There are a few moments of fun in Surviving Christmas, but there’s no heart.

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It's not great but a solid christmas movie. Ben Affleck is weird but I love some James Gandolfini.

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I think this movie is hilariously funny to watch.

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When people say that they have to watch Home Alone every Christmas time...I was thinking same thing...Until I've seeen Surviving Christmas... It's one of those movies that leaves a mark...So I happy to watch it every year..Let's suvive Christmas one more time people!

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I was told that this was a very funny movie which I can not agree with. This movie was not so funny (IMHO) but more of a modern interpretation of a classic Christmas tale. I enjoyed it but probably wont recall it years from now which should indicate that the movie itself failed to be a classic. Anyway you spin, it was a good use of time.

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