Shouts about...

Stratton 2017

Implosible, reactions by the characters. No intelligent person would do the ridiculous things in this film. Very disappointed in Dominic Cooper for taking this role. Must have been just for the money.

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Neither great nor terrible. It ran like an average 2 party Sky drama rather than a film. Predictable plot line with the usual betrayal. Several times throughout you'll be left thinking why did a character act in such a way. The way of the villains in these films always seems to be to go the most convoluted route. There were several chances to have executed his plan in the centre... You'll see what I mean!

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When you order Bond from Wish...
I like Dominic Cooper. Sadly he's just never quite lived up to his hype. He can't really carry a film. Do yourself a favour and watch Strike Back instead. It at least has a sense of humour and doesn't take itself so seriously...

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I don’t understand why this film was made, or how the basic premise got the project funded. Admittedly much could have changed during production, but the end result is a bit of nothing. Jacobi, Chan, and Felton put in decent performances, the rest were … wobbly.

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As unambitious as its title, this sub-par Bond movie is more Thunderball* than Skyfall. Rubbish.

*While I declare Thunderball the worst of all the Bond movies, this film still falls way below the low standards of that particular film.

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