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Star Wars: The Last Jedi 2017

It's an okay movie.
It IS a beautfull movie, very well made.. but that's already expected from Disney.
Maybe I'm not so emotionaly compromissed with the franchise and that's why to me, it's only a 7/10.

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There's been a lot of backlash from fans on this one, but I actually disagree. I actually liked this one better than the first one of this trilogy. It differs from other Star Wars movies in the fact that it doesn't take itself too seriously. Most Star Wars movies are serious and broody (and I am a hard core Star Wars fan, I grew up on Star Wars movie marathons, so that's not a complaint, just a fact). And so I can see where some of the sillier or humorous moments seem out of place. You also see a very different Luke which doesn't quite live up to the legend. But I felt a lot of these differences were a good thing. We've opened things up. We're done replicating and copying past movies and we're moving on. So, it's hard, but necessary. Overall, a good movie, fun to watch with some super exciting scenes to balance out some of the sillier scenes.

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I liked it.
It's not perfect. It's not the "Empire Strikes Back". But it is a good movie.
There are many things I did not like. First of all, the plethora of comedic moments. One or two can improve a serious movie, but there were too many of them here. Then the scene in which Leia floats in space, without an explanation whatsoever, what the hell? . The writing could have been better, some lines of dialogue didn't really click with me.

But, there are also many positives. The overall story is nice. Kylo/Ben managing to do what Vader failed to, killing and replacing his master, was a really nice scene.

The acting was good, although a bit over the top sometimes.

The cinematography was great. The scenes on the frozen planet looked stunning and the CGI of the various ships was super cool. There were some CGI animals/creatures, but I did not find in them the charm aliens had in the original movies.

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I liked it. I had a smile on my face as soon as the opening scroll started. Yes, there were predictable parts. But, I felt the movie kept going forward, and the visuals were outstanding. The space battles blew my mind; loved it. I also enjoyed the acting, and the introduction of new characters. I thought it was an improvement from The Force Awakens; now that was a predictable movie. I was able to avoid seeing the trailer before the movie, too. That was a first in a long time.

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I really didn't realise how much I was looking forward to this movie until I was about half way through.

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Awesome continuation of the saga. Although some of the negative fan criticism it’s still over all a good movie.

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I really liked it!
This movie was AWESOME!
I miss Carrie Fisher. She was so talented.
Luke at the end was AMAZING!
Finn and Rose were so good working together.
Rey is so powerful. Poe was genius.
I want to see more.

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a decent enough entry in the star wars franchise, and thankfully, not as much nostalgia this time around. disappointed with how easily Snoke was despatched, and the scene where Leia survives being in space by using the force was cringeworthy and almost made me laugh. take away the star wars name, and you have a decently good sci-fi adventure

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Shout by Ian

Bizzare writing decisions at a plodding pace, with the insulting addition of tons of elements purely for nostaliga or merchandising. What were they thinking?

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I’m very disappointed. This could have been so much more but fell flat.

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Shout by Deleted

i think it will be really cool

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Absolutely awesome film, much better than the crap rouge one rubbish

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I think I like "The Last Jedi" as a movie a little more than as a "Star Wars movie". But I didn't find the eighth episode of the saga as disappointing as I remembered it this time. I have a lot of respect for Rian Johnson as a director, and his talent is evident here from time to time. A few approaches with his view of the Force are interesting but are not really followed up on afterward. Some of the decisions, characters, and entire sections, such as in Canto Bight, I didn't like at all. Furthermore, like in "The Force Awakens," the second part of the trilogy never really gives you a feeling for the state of the galaxy. What remains, however, are a few really beautifully staged sequences, of which I particularly like the beginning and the finale. And that's much more than I would have expected from my memory.

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Still incredible 6 years later, and the salty fanboys who've treated this no different than the prequel haters did 20 years ago still getting mad about it, just strengthens my resolve that this was so much better than any of them will ever admit.

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This movie is good idk what other people think

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Literally, this will be the Last "Star War" I will ever watch.

There used to be a time when I looked forward to the 9 movies being completed.

Thanks to Disney and Rian Johnson efforts to "subvert expectation," I'm finally free of caring about Star Wars at all forever!

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This movie may be horrible but I'll be damned if the Holdo manoeuvre isn't one of the most memorable cinematic moments I've had the pleasure of seeing on the big screen.

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One of the most controversial movies ever. I love it, haha, although it is worse than the previous movie. 8.5/10 :star:

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Just Got done watching The last Jedi and yes it still holds up since it's release

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Shout by Lauren

luke skywalker drinking the green milk directly from that space sea cow's titty and looking rey directly in the eye as he does it is the biggest fucking power move in the entire star wars history

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Shout by Karin Rosner

I’m really struggling with my thoughts on my self-enforced rewatch. I appreciate tearing everything apart and creating an alternative tone in this universe. I know decades have passed for all the characters we love. So Luke can be snarky and earn that bitter ol’ man on the mountain trope. Leia could be advanced in her Force Training enough to cheat death by asphyxia. Sure.. Rey and Ben have a soul tie that links them telepathically.


I feel like this isn’t the school yard Star Wars adventure that I want to play in anymore. My generation made up its own fanfics for these characters— it never fully belonged to Lucas. Thinking about it this way, it’s like I don’t agree with the direction this iteration developed. It feels too different from its source material, and too divergent from the universes I played in, read and watched. I’m going to keep my original “fair” review, but it hurts. I want to like it more, up it to “good”, but I can’t. The writing skill doesn’t support the giant leaps that the new story wants to take.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi is a fantastic addition to the original saga. The film is packed with thrilling action sequences, iconic characters, and deep thematic explorations that make it a standout in the series. Despite some of the negative reviews it received, I can confidently say that this film is possibly the best of the saga outside of the original three. The cinematography and acting are excellent, and the story is both satisfying and emotionally resonant. Fans of the franchise will undoubtedly enjoy this film and appreciate the bold new direction it takes the Star Wars universe in.

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The end product is absolutely laughable, but Rian's general approach should be lauded, and is what I wanted from a new trilogy of films.
Remember the old, but burn down the constraints that it holds you to, and build something greater together.
If they'd have let him control the entire arc and move forward with the destruction of the Jedi/Sith binary dichotomy, I think the Star Wars movies would have been in a much better place right now. Additionally, the theme that greatness and change can come from anyone, anywhere is better than reverting back to birthright, blood relations and the bloody Skywalkers and Palpatines again.
Such a missed oppurtunity. I hope when Disney inevitabley attempt whatever comes after this, they remember some of the messages put in place here and carry them forward. I don't want Blue Saber v Red Saber for the rest of time.

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My personal worst movie. I could not imagine a worse way to handle the original characters and move Star Wars into a new era

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i think this movie could have been so much better

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Soo much no sense... Like Rey leaning Jedi tricks whereas a live of training is mandatory to understand the concept of the force. Everything is stupid, like the light and dark force... Star wars is still homophobic, racist and misogynistic.
Again, when you can create new character in a world with billions of planets, action take place in small place and the fate of the Galaxy is tie of the sons of the characters in the previous trilogy

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Shout by Deleted

Luke drinking the nipple milk killed this movie on the spot.

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Shout by Deleted

absolute garbage, nearly ruined the whole franchise for me.

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I guess at this point the story is becoming so ridiculous that it could be more fun if it would focus on adventure and the fantasy world (e.g. like Star Trek or Lost in Space). Luke's surprise in the end wasn't that bad though.

The First Order continues to throw money around without achieving much. It's not like Star Wars ever made much sense but now it's starting to become annoying, e.g.:
- In the first space "battle" one X-Wing can own their fleet because their turrets aren't (properly) shielded and they only launch very few fighters.
- The light saber battles are basically dances.
- The fact that shields cannot protect against objects traveling at light speed defies the last reasons for having big ships, battle stations, etc.

But hey, it's still Star Wars, the CGI is great (thanks to the ILM magicians), and it's nice to see more of the world/universe (which IMO is much more interesting than the boring fights).
I liked it but now I also remember why I didn't watch this in the cinema and that I really should downgrade my rating a bit.

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Excellent, one of my favourites from the franchise so far.

'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' makes for an exciting 152 minutes! Sure it probably could've been a little shorter, but at no point did I personally feel it drag. The cast give great performances, while the music and whole look of the film is extremely pleasant.

Daisy Ridley and John Boyega do their thing and are enjoyable once again, Ridley particularly impressed me. I also like Adam Driver in this, while it's always pleasing to see Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher involved. As for newcomers, Benicio del Toro and Kelly Marie Tran stand out.

There are also some incredible shots, the entire sequence at the end thrilled me - there's a particular part involving Laura Dern (even if her character, overall, isn't all that good) that looks utterly superb.

All in all, I felt very satisfied and very entertained after watching this. Quality film, in my eyes anyway.

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This movie is so bad I want to pull my hairs out.

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Now. Had Ryan Johnson been given permission to finish episode eight and nine the way he envisioned it, this episode may have made more sense. But once Kathleen Kennedy pulled him, this episode stands on its own and does not make much sense considering What follows. Episode nine, the final episode, was hijacked and re-written. Director by JJ Abrams Tried to finish this third trilogy and by doing so made this episode pointless and confusing.

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I know there are so many haters out there but I really liked this film. I think it is not as fan -pleasant as the other ones. It works as a film by itself. And the music is still one of the best scores of all times. Maybe I liked it because I'm not a Star Wars fan.

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Rather underwhelming, Star Wars: The Last Jedi is a solid sci-fi adventure, but it fails to build on the promise of The Force Awakens. After a costly attack on the First Order, the Resistance is depleted of resources and retreats to a fortified moon base for a last stand; meanwhile Rey pleads with a reluctant Luke Skywalker to train her to be a Jedi. None of the mysteries set up in the last film are followed through with or get satisfactory answers; Rey’s parentage, Snoke’s possible Jedi/Sith connection, Luke’s battle with the Knights of Ren, etc. The script is poorly written and the characters don’t feel the same. In fact, the directing and editing are so different that the film doesn’t even feel connected to the previous ones. Still, most of the action scenes are exciting and the lightsaber fights are intense and dramatic. And the special effects are especially well-done, making for some visually compelling set and character designs. While Star Wars: The Last Jedi doesn’t live up to the standard that’s been set by the new Star Wars films, it’s entertaining and moves the saga forward (though not by much).

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I finally watched The Last Jedi last night. It wasn't the worst movie on Earth, but in the Star Wars arena, it was a mess, and I do not see myself ever watching it again. The humour in the movie was me laughing at the movie itself. Rolling eyes, face palm, whatever one needs good supply of to get through this just once to see the truth. Even more uninteresting than The Force Awakens. Shock! So I am not a big SW fan. I like it enough to watch the Original Trilogy on DVD every so often. I really liked Rogue One. The prequels ugh. The Clone Wars animated show is my favorite though.

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Half genius, half garbage.
One plot line is great, the other is mediocre at best and the other is terrible. As simple as that.

5/10. Should've focused more on Rey and Kylo.

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Kylo vs Luke could have been the most epic lightsaber battle of all time. It was set up so perfectly to only be a huge disappointment SMH. god this movie was a beautiful disaster.

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"A lengthy list of missed opportunities and puzzling decisions."

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A long, long time ago ... and it keeps in suspense almost until the end :) Plot very similiar to SW: V. Giving -1 point for incredibly talented Rey in her newly acquired skills. :)

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2019-12-18T21:15:59Z— updated 2021-11-08T00:09:39Z

While it is disappointing what was done to Luke. I was very entertained by this movie despite frustrating moments.
It’s still better than The Rise of Skywalker. Due to that just being no different than any other Star Wars film. With even villains from the past brought back for the hell of it.
This movie gets a lot of crap but it’s actually the best to look at Star Wars movies with some truly great shots. The story also takes all different directions that weren’t satisfying to fans. Though, at least not predictable or the copy and paste stuff that JJ Abraham’s gives us.

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Had this been a stand alone movie and the main characters had different names I probably would have enjoyed it more. Basically it took everything JJ tried to setup with TFA and obliterated it. It was needlessly long while trying to inject social commentary like the entire casino story. The Finn/Rose arc was a waste of time as was the introduction of new and essentially worthless characters like Holdo. Wanted to like it, I really did but nope. And the politics that were injected by fans surrounding this left a bad taste in my mouth and its tarnished SW for me as a whole

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Terrible movie. Worse than attack of the clones.

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"E' così che vinceremo: non cambattendo chi odiamo, ma salvando chi amiamo"

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I have absolutely no idea how this movie manages to contain green milk on the one hand and, on the other, so many amazing goosebumps moments, stunning visuals, actually funny jokes and heart-pounding action... but it does. Absolutely brilliant.

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The scheme of the movies in the series is already fixed and repetitive, even so ...

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very entertaining and very influential the presence of Disney in the production

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Shout by Deleted

T'was good, you just have to turn off your brain a little bit

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I'm not sure quite what to say about this movie. It's been said that fans are divided over it, and I myself am rather divided, too.

On the plus side, there are some great action sequences, and it's fun to see Luke in action again.

Conversely, there's too many scenes involving characters merely sitting around and talking, and it doesn't quite feel like Star Wars as I'm used to seeing it.

As a longtime fan of Disney productions, I didn't think the House of Mouse would mess up the beloved space opera; now, it kind of seems like they have. If you thought this franchise jumped the shark with the prequel trilogy, just wait until you see this movie.

Disney should have stayed true to the saga as it was and adapted the Thrawn trilogy into celluloid form; now there's something I'd pay good money to see!

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Shout by Deleted

it is the best movie

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It was good, fight seens were great, but dragged a little on some scenes

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Only one word: BORED BORED BORED.

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it was amazing. can't wait for the next movie of star wars. the force is with is with us with the new Gen!

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Super. Nie mogę się doczekać następnej części.

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2 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
0 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

1 / 1 misc

7 out of 10

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I watched this movie on the release date. I have been a stars wars fanatic since I was child. What the hell happened to the story line in this? Was and still am very disappointed, I can't even bring myself to sit through it a second time. I like the force awakens very much and how the reinvigorated the story line, but this pretty much ruined everything they did in the previous film. Watch it if you are a star wars fan, but be prepared to be DISAPPOINTED!

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Shout by Deleted

Very different for a Star Wars movie, but very enjoyable nonetheless.

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It was a bit too long and predictable, but entertaining nonetheless.

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great movie. the know world and very entertaining. but......

new but the same but new and sti
ll the same.

new characters to appeal to new audiences but seems a remake of the old proven story.

still enjoyed it very much.

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Definitely more of a setup movie so makes it hard to stand on it's own. It was great seeing all the returning characters in the series, especially from the older trilogy. As with the other movies there were a lot of parallels in plot- but I thought this time they made enough of a variance to make it a tad unpredictable. Pacing felt kinda off though. Overall it was "ok" movie on it's own in terms of excitement and action but a must-see for fans.

My favorite part was when Rei and Ben fought all the Red Guard, seeing all the cool weapons and choreography were great.

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Long time ago in a galaxy far far away... but it still keeps in tension. :) I felt a little copy from the SW: ep. V, but in general quite good action movie. I gave -1 "heart" for astonishing Rey and her new so well trained just discovered abilities. ;)

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Great continuation can’t wait for the final in 2 years

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Shout by Deleted

Almost flawless masterpiece. There were some scenes for fan service and there are some charachters I cannot peace with, but the experience I got from The Last Jedi was absolutely phenomenal. I loved the way how the force has been treated in this movie. Finally, I feel like the franchise got rid of the burden once and for all which has been put on it by the prequel trilogy, especially the first one with those midichlorians and whatnot.
Also, I received the right amount of humour and coolness. ( except that conversation between Hux and Poe at the beginning, that was way way over the top. )

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Is this movie (and trilogy) nothing new nor essential to the whole Star Wars universe? True, but I really enjoyed it and seeing the characters develop too (specially Kylo, thank God it got better). Now, my fear is that a day may come that I stop enjoying them and they start doing more damage than good (or neutral at least) to this universe. Cause, you know, Disney's like: "if can make millions for the next 15 years, what esle matters?"

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Funny, innovative and very smart. The best of the new batch.

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I really didn't realise how much I was looking forward to this movie until I was about half way through.

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First off, I didn't hate it. I know lots of people did for whatever reason, but I didn't hate it. Did I love it? No. I actually enjoyed the random bits of humour, although I did find myself laughing alone more than once. Overall I'd say it was not at all what I expected, but that's probably a good thing when it comes to Star Wars. We need new things in these movies, not just a series of winks and nods to the old ones.

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I realy liked it. Great story.

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I liked it. Better then "Rogue One" (although it is completly different story) but not as good as "The Force Awakens". Maybe becouse the latter played well on nostalgia note. Some scenes in "The Last Jedi" could easily be removed and it would do a favour to the movie. (especially the one with Leia "Space Drifter" Organa).

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No spoilers here. Great follow up in the previous installment. Builds and what is there, but takes some unexpected twists that make it fun to explore and discover. I won't go into depth to keep the spoilers away, but I had a great time at the movies tonight. 8/10

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Shout by Deleted

the movie tries new things but still mantain certain formula elements.
the different lines are well done, but others are FAR more interesting than others.
acting is fine.
my overall score is 7/10.

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It was ok, just that... Need it some more action because at times was boring.

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Looking only for the technical features as art direction, cinematography and special fx, this movie is impeccable! It probably has the most amazing scnenes of light saber and space fights in the inteire franchise. When you pay attention to the script, the movie is kind of "meh".

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kylo: i offer you the whole galaxy, my partnership, my heart, and my soul
rey: thanks! i hate it

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It was good except for the one military character wearing a floor-length evening gown for going into battle. WTF? She had to keep hiking up her hem to move or sit.

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I liked it, there are things that I expected to happen and others that surprised me. A pity that Carrie Ficher is no longer in 9, they dedicate the film to her

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Shout by Joshua R Swanson

Scriptwriters don't understand mass spirituality anymore. They think technology and logic will do away with any form of belief. This extends to believing in people and hunches. If the Resistance had backed Rose & Finn or told the people they were fighting with the plan the movie would have been better.

Shitty fan critiques about trusting the country bumpkin and other "flaws" in logic seem to have been used in writing the script.

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Shout by Deleted

The Zoroastrian concept of balance returns with a totally new perspective, though the script is filled with useless, childish moments which lower the film's credibility and seriousness.

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