A lot of people consider this to be the best of the Star Trek movies. I do not count myself among them. It´s not that I dislike it in general it´s just a lot of little things I personally didn´t like that add up. The idea of again having an alien probe coming to earth. The method how they bring the message in this part feels like delivered with a hammer. Normally I percieved Star Trek to be more subtle in that regard.
I´m all for humor in a movie and there were some really great funny scenes but all in all it´s too much. And than there is the part of messing around with the past.

Time travel is always a great tool in SF but I often wondered if there where budgetry reasons involved. After all it is less expensive putting the movie in the (then) present. Alltogether as I mentioned not bad in general, but it always felt to me being just a movie and not a Star Trek movie.

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Shout by Céline
BlockedParent2018-03-18T09:38:35Z— updated 2018-03-22T10:20:07Z

Ok, but how cool is that lady?
Seriously, she hitched a ride to the 23rd century leaving everything behind without even thinking about it and then she ditched the guys she came with to find out what she could like and be useful with after a two-centuries jump?! JUST. AWESOME.
This is probably the least noteworthy detail in the movie but I was so impressed I had to write about it somewhere, don't mind me!

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Shout by 1010011011
BlockedParent2014-06-04T16:04:26Z— updated 2016-12-24T11:19:08Z

The only thing I wondered was, what the hell happened to the prime directive? For non star trek fans this movie is totally accessible, because there is no need what so ever to be familiar with the characters. It's all self-explanatory.

P.S. the prime directive is that starfleet personnel should not interfere with a less developed civilizations let alone alter the timeline for a whole universe.

It would help if you have lived in the time portraited in this film (earth of the twentiest century). The film has some cold war humor in it.

Chekov asking a cop on the street: " Excuse me sir. Could you direct me to the naval base Alameda. It's where they keep the nuclear vessels. NUCLEAR VESSELS ! I'm looking for the nuclear vessels. Could you tell me where the nuclear vessels are? "

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I reeaaally loved this movie! The first Star Trek movie I wouldn't change at all. Awesome, ridiculous story, great character moments, no boring parts, a lot of good humor,...

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It's the eco-friendly Star Trek movie! Kirk Spock and the rest of the crew travel back in time to retrieve some now extinct humpback whales who are needed to save Earth four hundred years in the future. A probe from deep space is accidentally destroying Earth as it stops to check in with the whales. Actually this is a fun movie with a decidedly lighter tone than the first three movies. Nimoy is hilarious as an out-of-touch Spock who can't grasp the slang of 20th Century Earth. Kirk has a good time with the colorful language himself. This movie could be better except that the Dr. Taylor character played by Catherine Hicks isn't very likeable. The special effects aren't the best even by 1980's standards.

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Yes, the plot about whales is kooky af but goddammit the ride is just so undeniably fun - plus, I'm a sucker for both time travel stories and fish-out-of-water humour. Obviously, for those Trek fans of a more serious disposition, they will probably find this a bit too lightweight but it's one of my favourite Trek movie entries.

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The best delivery The protagonists travel to our days.

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A nice family film with some laughs. It's the best Star Trek film according to critics. According to fans Wrath of Khan is the best and they aren't wrong.

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The first good Star Trek flick in my opinion. The SFX are outdated nowadays but still bearable and the acting is finally decent. Additionally I really liked the plot of the flick!

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The best delivery. The protagonists travel to the present.

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Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-07-02T15:53:40Z— updated 2023-10-15T17:47:59Z

Theme- 8/10
Rewatchibility- 8.5/10
Acting- 8/10
Kinematography- 7.5/10
Time- 7.5/10
Total - 39.5/5 = 7.9

How on Earth can they save the future? Whales... two whales. That's what this movie has to work with, it's not a spoiler but it certainly is convoluted. Despite that, however, this movie clicks. As I sit here and think on it too, this may be my favorite Star Trek movie I've seen. It has a nice blend of heart and humor, it has stakes, and it even has a bit of environmental commentary to boot. The entire crew is top-notch here and Bones may perhaps have some of the best lines in this whole thing. While I can get behind heavy dramatic outings for Trek like Wrath and some of the great TOS episodes, it's when the franchise decides to let loose and have fun that I tend to enjoy myself more and want to return and give it another watch. While this is technically the finale of a three-film story arc, it does suffice as a standalone if one so chooses and one should.

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From the opening score, it is immediately clear that the tone of this film is going to be vastly different from the previous two entries and the serious tone is replaced with a far more irreverent take on the Star Trek mythos. Whilst some of the humour may make fun of the characters, it helps that the "fish-out-of-water" vignettes are also very funny especially those involving Spock. This is also one of the few Trek films that gives all of the cast a part to play in the plot rather than just Kirk, Spock and McCoy. The film ties up all the loose ends left from the previous films and would have served as a nice coda to the original series had this been the last one. It is a shame that the environmental message is laid on a little too thickly but great that a bit of fun has been brought into the series after two such serious instalments.

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This time the whales save us

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This was a lot of fun and I liked the time travel fish out of water aspect.

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Shout by Deleted

I'm a big ST Fan. So my score maybe bias. 7 of 10 IMO.

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