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Star Trek: Generations 1994

Excellent way to transition and perfect prelude to the best Star Trek movie of them all, First Contact.

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The sisters are actually done! I'm glad, yet sad.

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I liked the mix of old and new crews. Patrick Stewart is great.

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Without a doubt best movie of the first 7 Star Trek movies if you only take the SFX and "technical aspects" into consideration. I like the idea of Kirk meeting Picard very much.

Unfortunately the plot is only solid and the costumes of the new Enterprise-crew just look ridiculous! All in all I would say this flick is on par with "The Voyage Home" and "The Undiscovered Land".

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Starting from a story point of bringing two Captains together isn't a good sign and the convoluted use of The Nexus is the kind of science-fiction technobabble that gives Star Trek a bad name. It is nice to see the crew of the Next Generation make the transition to feature films from the TV show, but it would have been a far better film had the focus solely been on them. There are some funny moments with Data, a nice cameo from Whoopi Goldberg and the film touches on some interesting themes on dealing with grief, death and regret, but these moments are fleeting and not explored enough. The eventual pairing of Kirk and Picard is fun to watch yet the outcome is somewhat anticlimactic, when it should be powerful. Perhaps this is down to the fact that the original cast had a perfectly good send off in VI. It is entertaining enough, but flawed from the beginning really.

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This movie is a Hate Crime... and also Never Happened.

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Could have done with a lot less Kirk, but I don't hate it.

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This movie was made in 1994!!! The scene from the beginning when they go down to the room where kirk was is so absolutly ridiculous that looks like a scene from a comedy movie. They get into the room and the ship was ripped off... they were literally standing in the vacuum without astronaut suit!!!

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