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Spider-Man 2002

Reboot this as much as you want Maguire was the best Spider-Man.

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A little too much romance and there could be some more action. But beside that it's a good movie that wants to convey the message "With great power there comes great responsibility" (which it does certainly, and quite well IMHO)!

And I actually enjoyed this flick even more watching it the second time!

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im sorry but for me Tobey is the most boring Spiderman if you compared him w Andrew and Tom
I know some people love him and the movies but for me the others are way better

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Good movie, but with the reboot and the way effects have changed over the years, it has some awkward romance scenes and laughable sfx, but it's fun to watch nevertheless.

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Raimi and Maguire weave a magical web in this excellent comic adaptation.

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looks like it was done with pics art, but still enjoyable

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The Green Goblin doesn't make any sense after the halfway point in this movie. He got everything he wanted when he killed his board members. Spider-man didn't even stop him from doing that, so why does he keep harassing spider-man afterward? It doesn't make any sense. He seems to suggest that if Spider-man doesn't join him, that he'll get in his way, but get in his way from doing what? He's already accomplished his goal.

I'm sure the explanation is "the serum made him insane" but that's weak writing. He just feels like a cartoon villain. I love Dafoe in the role, but on this recent rewatch I realized just how little his character makes sense.

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fantastic movie, very good good to watch several times and still very good

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best spiderman ever. so much emotion in this film.

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the pure camp that defined this era of humanity is just absolutely inspiring

look out- hooo, here comes the spider man

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One of my all time favorite films. I love the director and I love a majority of the actors. Great film. I've seen it a million times before, and I'll see it a million times more.

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not the best movie ever but it's pretty decent and it help made way for the Renaissance of comic book movies we are dealt with today

Tobey Maguire is my least favorite actor to play Spider-Man I felt like he didn't have the sass sarcasm and wit Spider-Man is usually portrayed having

on the other hand I loved William defoe's performance as Green Goblin

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Good movie, although a bit too Holywood'ish to me.. I hope the up coming one , "The Amazing Spider-Man" will be much better!

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Any doubt this is one of the movies that had more impact on me on my childhood. Seeing this as a child and imagine maybe one day you could be as Spiderman is magical. Best superhero ever.

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why does Willem Dafoe need to wear that giant green goblin mask when it's identical to his normal facial expression

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Fucking masterpiece.

I rate it "marvelous" out of ten

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Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-07-02T16:06:34Z— updated 2023-10-15T17:41:46Z

Theme- 7.5/10
Rewatchibility- 8/10
Acting- 8.5/10
Kinematography- 9.5/10
Time- 9/10
Total - 42.5/5 = 8.5

Peter says that being Spider-Man is his gift and his curse. I would say that is as true for Tobey Maguire as well. A gift in that this movie became a foundational pillar in which the superhero genre was built after a nearly fatal shot by Batman & Robin in '98 and his legacy as an actor is cemented. A curse in that after this performance, no matter what Tobey does, Spider-Man will always be hanging over his shoulder. That is a testament to the performance itself which is great. While I believe that there's been better Spider-Man's since then and despite him being in his late 20's in high school there has yet to be a better Peter Parker than the one here in the Raimi trilogy. The only complaint I've ever really had about the movie is why anyone would cover Willem Dafoe's face as the Goblin is beyond my comprehension. Other than that, this is always a fun rewatch and a great way to introduce someone to the Human-Spider.

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Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man character is easily the best faithful interpretation of the original comics. Peter Park is supposed to be a total dweeb before his transformation to super hero and Tobey nails this arc. I love Holland and Garfield but they’re far too naturally attractive and charismatic to be believable nerds, at least in the classic sense that Stan Lee was going for.

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Really good and gave very good nostalgic feels for me as this was a film of my childhood. I enjoyed watching this.

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Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2022-01-11T02:17:02Z— updated 2022-09-23T04:57:52Z

Spider-Man’s origin story takes the right time and still feels relatively fresh. Unfortunately, the second half didn’t age as well. The characters’ relationships are barely sketched in to service the plot, and the overall tone is outrageously campy.

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It suffers from trying to do too much in that it wants to rush past how Parker developed into Spider-Man and the emotional beats don’t land as well as they should. Maguire channels his wide eyed innocent look, Dafoe hams it up and JK Simmons pretty much steals every scene he is in. It doesn’t help that Dunst has nothing to do except be the girl that needs saving, although both Maguire and her have enough chemistry to help get through the generic teenage boy wish fulfillment fantasy that the film relies on to drive the plot for much of the film. It’s not terrible by any means and entertaining most of the time, it’s just some elements have not aged well. Elfman manages to create yet another great superhero score though!

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Shout by PorterUk
BlockedParent2021-12-29T00:31:21Z— updated 2021-12-30T23:38:53Z

Does a lot of heavy lifting in the first 40 minutes setting up the backstory and introducing all characters...

Then the introduction of the villain arrives and it plummets into a mess of poor CGI, bad casting, and comic book foolishness.

The MJ / Parker romance has little to no chemistry and is illogical in how it develops. But the upside down kiss is iconic. (and those metal steps behind them are the Purple Rain album cover steps FYI!)

In a world before Iron Man, this is okay. It's no Superman with Christopher Reeve, it's more like a full length film of an episode of Lois & Clark or something similar.


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I've never been a fan of this one. I'm more of an Andrew Garfield kinda guy. But I can enjoy this every now and then for what it is. Even now Willem Dafoe is one of the more terrifying live action Spider-Man villains. The one thing I can't get passed is Kirstin Dunst's awful acting. Also as a character, MJ annoys me. One moment she's completely supportive of Parker and the next she gets mad when he doesn't give her enough attention when he's doing his Spider-Man thing.

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Oh wow, terrible. I will understand the references made to this movie in No Way Home but at what cost……

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Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland got nothing on the OG Peter Parker/Spiderman. This movie is a lot of fun. Campy in some parts. Touching at others (the scenes with his aunt and uncle)

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Spider-Man Spider-Man Spider-Man no way home

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Classic movie, truly revolutionaty to the superhero genre.
The VFX aged really well for the time it was made.

I love Tobey's Peter Parker/Spider-Man dry humor and weird personality.

I just can't understand one thing: why the hell MJ dates 3 different guys in the same movie? First Flash, than Harry and finally Peter... She literally cheated on Harry when kissing Spider-Man upside down. I hate her screams too.

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I love how Sam Raimi allows the actors to act instead of non-stop action scenes.

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Time to rewatch given the recent news...

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Really not as good as people make it out to be, but still good nonetheless

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Far better than The Amazing reboots.

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Good movie, still better than X Men, but still shows the limited effects and some great quotes and some horrible ones.

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As someone who grew up with (one of the) spider-man cartoons, this was a huge disappointment.

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Overrated as hell but still is a classic.

(MJ sucks, the acting too)

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I arrived, I saw, I heard the screams of Kirsten dunst,,,,,

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"Slander is spoken, in print it's libel."

best quote of all spider-man movies

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It's a perfect early 2000s superhero movie. It's got everything it needs to have and it makes things work, the witty dialogue especially. It works so well.

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Great movie
21 years down the line
even though Tom is my
SPIDER-MAN and the
Most accurate, especially
age wise at the time
Tony recruited him,
I still have a great love
for the 5 previous movies
that came before,
Even more so they are now
MCU Canon.
This movie wasn't to heavy
which I appreciated
with alright vfx and good
solid performances
all round.
Tobey is a great actor
and really brings the
character to life.
(Love the DC
name drop
Shazam and Superman,
Lol. But it has been
Established that
DC is actually a
comic book in the
Cinematic Universe.)

Good pacing
and a fun time,
It's like a living
Comic Book.

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It's amazing how strong a legacy this movie has. How many scenes, lines, and images from it have endured and remained recognizable. Long after the MCU is laid to rest people everywhere will still remember Sam Raimi's Spider-Man.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2021-12-03T22:35:53Z— updated 2023-05-23T17:35:04Z

I always found this a bit too cheesy, even as a kid, and it’s kinda dated at this point, though I suppose most people aren’t quite willing to admit that (yet).
You can feel that this came out during a time where comic book movies weren’t taken seriously, and it aims at a younger audience than most of these films do nowadays.
The acting is very stiff and weird (it’s no surprise that it inspired so many memes), the dialogue can be clunky and awkward, the story is generic and predictable, the characters are fine but they also feel a lot like stereotypes and Goblin’s suit looks like it was designed by Joel Schoemacher, it’s too lame to take as seriously as the movie wants us to.
On the other hand, I do really love the scenes with JK Simmons, and I like how cinematic it feels, Raimi gives the film a lot of style. The action is pretty well done and can get surprisingly visceral.
But overall, I just don’t think it holds up, it really feels like a product of its time.


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I predict he's gonna put some dirt in your eye

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This is a really long episode of Power Rangers!

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Great first installment in the OG Spider-Man trilogy. Tobey Maguire was perfectly cast as Peter Parker. I watched this a lot as a kid and now as an adult it‘s still a great watch and holds up quite well considering we are now used to Marvel movies being on a whole other level. These were the days when comic movies just started getting really popular.

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Tobey Maguire's version of Spider-Man is still the best one to date.

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“With great power...” Marvel’s most popular character comes to the big screen in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man. In this adaptation high school senior Peter Parker becomes the masked vigilante Spider-Man in the wake of his Uncle Ben’s murder, but Parker’s new quest to rid the city of crime pits him against the mysterious Green Goblin who’s terrorizing the city. The film embraces the campiness of the material and makes it work. And the casting is especially good, and includes Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Willem Dafoe, and J.K. Simmons; who all give excellent performances. The special effects are also quite impressive, and hold up fairly well. Additionally, Danny Elfman provides an exquisite score that’s energetic and full if whimsy. Terrifically entertaining, Spider-Man is an entertaining and fun film that helped to revitalize the comic book genre.

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The first modern arachnid. Without all the MCU baggage wokrs well. Dafoe and Dunst also contributed to this.

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"The one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail."

This is it. This is the movie that changed everything for comic book movies. Sure he shoots webs from his body instead of web slingers, but in a way it made sense for this version to do that. The pacing and character development is pretty great and it will forever have a special place in my heart.

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Far from perfect, but you don't get characters done like this anymore. Mostly I like the things with Willem Dafoe: his over the top acting, his lines, and how he comes into the picture against Spiderman.

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Still the better Spider-man in my opinion. Bring me more Spider-man.

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Shout by Deleted

Tobey Maguire will always remain the best Spider-Man to me.

Now that that's out of the way, this 2002 reboot of Spider-Man is one of the best movies ever and well-deserving of its box office sales. On to Spider-Man 2!

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This and the second one were a huge part of my childhood so I'm glad rewatching this it held up well. The CGI didn't look the best at times but the movie is so much fun. Willem Dafoe is just having a blast. J.K. Simmons is a perfect JJJ. There were some weird montages that were edited funny but that's not too distracting.

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I just realized that this movie is a mashup of Superman, Batman and Back to the Future.

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Still a great film and no other spiderman film except spiderman 2 compares over it. Great performance from Tobey Maguire. I’ve got to say, William Dafoe puts on a good villain. ‘With great power, comes great responsibility’

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