Shouts about...

Spider-Man 2 2004

One of the few prequels I know that surpasses the original! Very entertaining & with a great message: "Sometimes you have to give up your dreams for the greater good".

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I just LOVE this movie. It has great humor, great action scenes and a powerful message: sometimes you have to give up your dreams to be the person everyone needs you to be.

Every time I watch it, I find myself rooting for this guy even though I already know everything that it's gonna happen.

Great super hero movie!

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no matter how much money they spend, marvel can never beat the El Train sequence. 


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One of the most boring Marvel...

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This is the best of Sam Raimi's Spiderman flicks and is one of the best in all the Superhero genre. There's a variety of reasons for this but it's mostly due to Alfred Molina's portrayal of Doctor Octopus. There's a lot of "Evil Dead" insanity in the operating room scene that features the arms of the Doctor and Spiderman sparring. It's trademark Raimi and it's the best sequence in any of the Spiderman films. Actually the fights between Spidey and Doc Ock are all great including the terrific runaway train scene and also the final act.

Tobey Maguire is very good as Peter Parker even though the relationship with Mary Jane in her Kirsten Dunst form just doesn't work well. She's dislikeable in the role and is written as being very needy and self-centered. It has the potential to spoil any rewatch if you're in a foul or less gracious mood.

The special effects are very good and the action scenes are all class. This is one sequel that tops the original.

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The director of the film had a weakness for shots of people screaming, there are many scenes like that.

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had to give this the cheeky 9 because it was such a formative superhero film for me. Saw it in theatres on release and idk it just hit me in all the right spots as a 12 y/o. One of those ones I wore out the VHS copy of (probably the last VHS tape my parents bought for me).

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that one strong Child helping Spider-man

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While the writing suffers from the same problems as the previous movie, the overall presentation definitely improved here. It finally starts to show that Raimi is directing, and the impact of the action scenes got immensely bigger, with higher stakes and more great special effects for its time. The plot is pretty much the exact same: we have a brilliant scientist and father figure that gets controlled by his own creation and starts messing around, coincidentally involving everyone Peter loves. Same hokey dialogues, same teenage drama, same subpar acting. Still, a fun superhero flick to watch nevertheless, especially in the second half.

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There is a confidence here that gives the film room to breathe and the film chooses to focus on much more relatable issues for Parker as he struggles to balance his new found status as a superhero with with the every day pressures of holding down a job, paying the rent and attending university. Molina is less hammy as the central villain and the action sequences are much stronger culminating in a standout sequence on top of a train. All the actors seem much more comfortable this time, though Kirsten Dunst yet again is given little to do - she deserves far better as the chemistry between her and Maguire has nothing to do with the script or plot. It’s definitely the best of the original trilogy of films and still very entertaining.

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Crikey... What a mess.

Bigger budget. Better CG. More storyline. Yet it messes up a lot of this due to the original sin - shitty casting.

Macguire is more wooden than the Ark. Dunst seems to have had a labotomy so she only has one facial expression - and what the hell is that final look that closes the movie. Franco stinks up every scene he is in now.

Doc Ock is a better villain this time round but the motivations and execution are flipped more times than a coin.

The plot is an absolute mess but the pacing is even worse. Silly scenes added in for levity might work if they weren't overly long. And the massive dramatic scenes lack essence due to the poor casting.

I'm calling tosh on this one and Macguire's terrible stint as Spidey.


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"Pizza time!"

When this movie was released, I still remember the chills I had throughought the whole thing. Still gives me chills til this day. The bank and train sequenece still hold up, and Spider-man himself is such a good hero in this one. J. Jonah Jameson also kills it. I could go on and on but it comes down to this: This really does feel like a comic book on the big screen.

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This was a bit better and there are some actually inspired sequences, in a this-is-so-tacky-it-somehow-works way. Kirsten Dunst steals the scene completely.

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"Brilliant, but lazy."

One of the best live action Spider-Man movies to date. This isn't just a superhero movie, it's a drama with some fantastic acting in it. While some people have complained about how "cheesy" these movies can be, but honestly I think with that kind of mindset on these movies kinda overshadows and undermines a lot of the amazing elements in this movie and the mature themes it tackles.

It can be corny, but you remember it more. Even then, the movie is much more than that.

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This movie overcame the first one and besides being a SCREAMING SIMULATOR 2004, Spider-Man 2 is the best live-action movie of the hero (for now). Powerful messages, strong plot, quirky and funny jokes and surprisingly, the fight scenes and the VFX overall aged really well.

The train scene and the hospital scene are PERFECT. Gotta love Sam Raimi.

Tobey and Alfred Molina stole the show.

My final conclusion: MJ BELONGS TO THE STREETS!

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This is one of the few instances where a prequel is better that the original. Spider-Man 2 might be my all time favorite pre MCU movie by Marvel. Great story, awesome villain and really good CGI (even in 2021) makes this movie hugely entertaining. Also the look of Spider-Man in this OG trilogy is still the best one imo.

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A film about how difficult it is to be a superhero when in normal life it is difficult to life is without having everything served on a tray. ;)

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I can rewatch this movie endlessly without it losing its place as one of my favorite superhero movies every created. Thats pretty much all i need to say. if you love this movie your a smart and decent human being, if you didn't, then you suck. there it is.

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2 Hours 7 Minutes was too much

The Plot was Stretched And The Writing was Horrible
Directing Was also Bad IMO.. Also a point off for the pace

My Final Rating 5/10

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I have a ton of memories from childhood this and it's video game. I know it's not at the same level as current superhero movies but I still has a lot of fun with it. Alfred Molina is great as Doc Ock. The quiting montage is forever in my brain everytime I hear that song. The train set piece is fantastic.

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The best super hero movie ever!

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Shout by Bat-Kaled
BlockedParent2024-04-23T01:41:40Z— updated 2024-04-24T20:19:56Z

I will never understand why so many people say this movie is one of the greatest in the superhero genre, is way too simple... Tobey Maguire can't act, Peter's Plotlines feel like a big filler and his love with MJ is really unispired. The main villain is really lame. The only things i liked in this "classic" were the action sequences and maybe how the movie present the downsides of being Spider-man but also why is important to Peter character follow his morality because if he don't do the shit nobody will.

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I'll always love that Raimi managed to sneak in a dig at Maguire's attempt to hold the movie hostage for more money by having his "doctor" excuse him for back problems. "I'm back! Ow, my back!"

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It's a great follow up to number 1 but I feel like it was way to long for what it actually gave us. The character development outside of Peter was next to nothing. Other than that a solid movie.

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There are so many screaming women in this movie

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This is OK as a sequel but if you decided to see this before the original, I bet you'd be very disappointed. Improvements to the special effects means nothing when the production quality doesn't match it. There's also serious tempo problems... (not to say the original was perfect, but it was at least very close to holding my attention and building excitement consistently).

Between the cheesy production effects and the feeling of constantly waiting for something interesting to happen, this was aiming to be a 4/10 rating for me, but when the train scene starts is when it finally matches the tempo that the original film had — it's crazy how much happens (action, romance, and story-wise) in those final 45 mins. If the entire film was like that it would have been great, instead it just feels like we spent an hour waiting for it.

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“I’ve been reading poetry lately.”

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Much better than the first movie. Not as camp for a start, though still a little dated. The plot thread of Peter Parker struggling with his responsibilities and the sacrifices he has to make as a young man elevates this above a simple action flick.

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All I know is that it's Pizza Time

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It’s been said to be one of the best superhero films ever made...and it is. Spider-Man 2 is a thrilling film with an epic tale. The story of Peter Parker continues as he struggles to balance his normal life with his life as a superhero. Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, and Alfred Molina all give strong performances, making for rich and interesting characters. And the story is especially well-crafted; dealing with themes of identity, freewill, and sacrifice. The special effects are especially ambitious, but they end up falling short at times and can be distracting. However, the score is remarkably effective, and enhances the tone of the film. Incredibly powerful and compelling, Spider-Man 2 delivers an exciting adventure that raised the bar for the superhero genre.

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Just as good as the first installment.

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Best of the series without a doubt

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The second best superhero film of the last twenty years or so, right behind Batman v Superman.

The philosophical questions it asks about being a superhero were pretty ambitious for the time. It makes for a fantastic story about Peter Parker having trouble dealing with his personal life, and his unassigned duty as Spider-Man, something that's expected of him by the people of New York.

It's a great film, especially an action film too. Highly recommended by me, and I'm not much of a fan of superhero stories.

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Best Spider-Man movie hands down.

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Actually a pretty good film. Doc Ock is one of the best Spidey villains/rogues, and that whole train scene was so good !! Some pretty odd lines tho: "When you punch me I bleed" wtf? Definitely worth watching even if you don't want to watch SM1 or SM3.

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Another great second film, that got followed up by a disappointing 3rd film.

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2017-02-16T20:27:48Z— updated 2017-04-02T21:29:41Z

In terms of character developement this is one of the best of all Marvel movies. And I stick to my comment about Maguire - he was the best Spider-Man. I still can´t understand why this series had to be re-booted again and again. Even if the third is bad (I haven´t seen it at the time I write this) - so what ?! Not every movie involving the Avengers was great and it didn´t destroyed the series.

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Takes every element from the first film and improves on it!

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The action scenes make this one good. MJ was more likeable in the first film than in the sequels though. In this she rips Peter a new one for trying to tell her a romantic poem he wrote for her. In part 3 she managed to be even more bitchy towards him.
The movie has a fitting great ending. Too bad the 3rd didn't take the ball and run with it though.

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It's way better than 1, but still has some laughable things that some characters say.

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