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Silent Hill: Revelation 3D 2012

Plus one point for keeping Harry Mason alive. Negative one point for Heather not almost birthing God and spitting it out, Claudia then eating the foetus and birthing God herself. Plus one point for the Hellraiser looking ass creature that was Claudia. Not as good as the first movie if I’m being honest, it’s very mediocre, but was a good watch for once and never again. I love you Heather Mason.

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If I were to watch this movie 50 more times, I still wouldn't remember the plot.

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I rewatched this movie and - well - it is an interesting epilogue to the original Silent Hill (2006) but we certainly could have done just fine without this movie.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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"The darkness is coming. It's safer to be inside."

All the good faith I gave the first Silent Hill was wiped away with this one. I sure hope the next one doesn't rely on 3D gimmicks and go for bare minimum.

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Begins well, with the familiar Silent Hill music and a chilling atmosphere but then descends into a mishmash of Silent Hill mythology which will confuse newcomers to the universe and frustrate long term fans.

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Excellent visual effects but plot is weak.

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If I had to describe this movie in one word, it would be "lazy." The writing is lazy, the editing is lazy, the directing is lazy. It seemed more like they were trying to depend on the 3D effects to carry the movie. Granted the first movie wasn't high art, but at least it had entertainment value and a mostly cohesive story. This one barely builds on that, and many parts of the story make no sense. Character motivations amount to little more than "because I said so." Skip this one.

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Shout by Deleted

What the hell? I heard this was bad but figured it couldn't be all that bad. It was. When you can fall asleep during a horror movie, it's bad.

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Shout by Deleted

While not entirely unenjoyable, it could have been a lot better. I guess it's an achievement of sorts when the script is so bad that even a cast like this can't save the film.

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Great visuals, horrible B class acting, other than McDowell.

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Enjoyed it.

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Shout by Deleted

Where is the will know Silent Hill horror in this unnecessary sequel? This movie stands pale in the shadow of the first one. They still have the nerve to end it with the promise of yet another sequel! This is very insulting for the Silent Hill video game fans.

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Was really looking forward to this and such a let down. Two really good actors made to look stupid (Malcolm McDowell, Sean Bean). Seemed pointless and just rehashing allot of the elements from the first film, which was much more enjoyable.

Just fill it with the nurses and that would have made me happy :D

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Shout by Wesley

Wow I expected this one to blow me away seeing my Fiance and I loved the first one... But this one was just full of fan service and a almost non-existant plot...

Saying that I Liked the ending though... Ties in with the latest TV game "Down Pour" with the pison bus driving into Silent Hill in the end...

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Shout by Deleted

Another horrible video game movie, the director and writters have never played a silent hill game and don't know anything about relationships or decent plot twists. This movie was horrible.

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Shout by Deleted

long hair small brain

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Shout by Deleted

still coming soon?

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cant wait!

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