Shouts about...

Silent Hill 2006

Enjoyable adaptation. Had horror, suspense, and a fair bit of drama too - guy below must've been watching a different movie...

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Best movie based on video games

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Very scary and sometimes shocking horror flick based on the eponymous PC game: a girl, burned nearly to death because the village elders think she's the devil's spawn, takes revenge on the whole town of "Silent Hill". The ending (the return of Rose and Sharon after the destruction of the Church in Silent Hill by Sharon's "Twin") is somehow strange: are they both dead and live in a parallel world or why can't Christopher see them?

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It was horrible. Neither horror, neither suspense, neither drama.
Even if you are a fan, you probable won't like it.

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One of my favourite horrors. So creepy when it first came out and it still is.

Excellent film, not without faults, but I still love it.

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Oh goody! It's another Horror movie with a scary little girl. And to make it even more original, the baddies are not the ghosts or demons that live within Silent Hill. No, it's actually the religious fanatics that live in the church! Wow! What a great idea because, you know, like, that's like, how actual religious people are!

If you like movies where people run around and scream a little girl's name for two hours in a world that requires a game map, then this one's for you.

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Shout by Deleted

Strange movie but not bad.

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If I wasn’t a huge fan of Harry Mason, I think I would have liked this a lot more. I am someone coming from the game and did have some expectations going into this movie. Objectively I had a great time watching this movie, the acting was awesome and the enemies were super cool. The atmosphere was done super well and I thought Silent Hill was done perfectly, I was very happy with it.

However, also as a fan coming from the games first, I did have some grievances with some of the things they did. To me, Pyramid Head is James’ being, he is a manifestation of James and what he did to Mary and having him in this movie feels very off to me. Second of all… they killed off Cybil… Might as well just end it all. I didn’t mind that they changed some of the story, but what I did enjoy about Silent Hill the game, was that Harry fought God. To me, that was cool.

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Boring as hell. I guess is not my style.

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I rewatched this movie and found it to be a little bit more enjoyable than the first time I saw it. I remember feeling a bit lost on th plot the first time I saw this but it made more sense this time. What the movie does very well is setting a mood.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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"Fire doesn't cleanse, it blackens!"

This is not near as bad as I thought it was going to be. It's a pretty good adaptation and it definitely has the Silent Hill feel that the game had. Pyramid Head is awesome of course.

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I enjoyed this movie. Definitely something to watch with friends and/or family.
I did have a problem with the way the mother reacted to her child's illness and taking her to a town with fumes still lingering from a previous coal mine fire, but it did not ruin the experience for me. After they arrived in Silent Hill it was an enjoyable movie. Surprising ending.
I'm interested in playing the Silent Hill games now to learn more about the lore and see how it varies to the movie adaptation.

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