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Side Effects 2013


Shout by Deleted

Best movie ever

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Shout by Deleted

A little slow to start, sad they killed Channing! but other than that good movie.

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Fantastic thriller, i did not see that coming

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I haven't seen this movie so long due to bad critics and because i thought it was too slow i wasn't really in that mood.But i was way wrong!

I enjoyed it more than i thought really great script with powerfull casting and lot's of plot twists.Rooney Mara was exceptional for once again her perfomance was perfect for me.Anyway this was a great watch i reccomend you to watch this movie i didn't even find it to be slow or boring.From the beggining it's very interesting and it's getting better as the time goes by. 8/10

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This manages to expand viewer concerns over big pharma—adding to the list of dirty tricks commonly discussed in the public forum—while creating a thrilling puzzler. Well worth viewing.

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that was good , but i expect more .

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Damn good!
Start is slow, but the end is worth it. Give it a try!

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Shout by Deleted

Goede psychologische thriller

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The movie starts really slow and gets even slower by the middle, but you seriously need to watch it till the end, because the ending is really good. I can't say I particularly enjoyed the movie overall, but the ending somewhat saves it.

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Although the first half is pretty slow, once the movie picks up it never loses steam. Rooney Mara and Jude Law are both excellent but the rest of the cast is rather forgettable, particularly Channing Tatum who should not have been cast for this role.

All the twists and turns are really well done although not to the point where the viewer is totally lost.

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Get's a little interesting once the twist unravels about two thirds in.

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This was on odd little film by Steven Soderbergh. It started out in one area and I would have never guessed that it would wind up where it did. Jude Law and Rooney Mara were fantastic. I liked the film... for some reason I wanted to like it just a little bit more. I think at the end it tried to be two films and on some levels it didn't work.

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Shout by Deleted

Good Movie. Could have been better with a different/better ending.

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La parte de abordar la ética profesional dentro de la medicina es más interesante y poco explorada en el cine; conforme se desarrolla la trama se transforma en un thriller convencional y eso le resta fuerza a la película. No es lo que esperaba, aún así es una muy buena opción en comparación con las otras cintas en cartelera.

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The screenplay was a good one, it could have been better.

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Morally ambiguous characters in a deceptive, complex thriller plot.

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Shout by Deleted

It tries too hard to be twisty, but it was predictable nevertheless

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don't waste your time, boring film with poor twist

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Shout by MT

I first heard about this film from a presentation on adverse events from taking psychiatric medications. It’s a legitimately important topic that needs to be discussed more openly when it comes to medications. There have been too many cases of individuals put on an SSRI (who frankly didn’t need it), reported negative effects, had their doses increased, and then committed suicide or murdered a loved one. So I was quite pleased to see it so plainly explored in the movie. But boy was I disappointed by the reveal that there was an absolutely absurd lesbian conspiracy to commit fraud. It completely trivializes depression, adverse events, the need for critical psychiatry and an open dialogue about medications. Leave it to Hollywood to take an opportunity to educate the world about the harms of psychiatric meds and almost literally stomp on it with misogynistic sexual fantasies. Do not watch this trash.

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