Shouts about...

Selma 2014

Difficult to watch but important to do so. The events that happened in Selma, Alabama in the 1960's still resonate today. One day we will overcome prejudice in all its forms, regardless of race, gender, sexuality etc but that day is still some way off.

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What do you march for? The first thing I'm gonna say is that the Oscar nomination for Best Original Song is completely fair because Glory is a great piece of music that blends perfectly with the theme of the film and still resonates today with the world events that destroy humanity. That said, Selma is a perfectly set and performed really touching movie, in my opinion. "Glory" - Original Song From Selma

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You should not consider this "just another movie" because you are not american. As much as this is part of American history it is also part of Humanitys.

The movie itself, as mentioned before, is well made with great actors. I would not recommend this for an easy entertainment movie, the topic is to harsh for that.

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Selma is a good movie about the historical fact in America. To people outside of America this is "just" a movie as we don't have the feel with it as Americans might have. Nevertheless the story needs to be told and people need to know the harsh things that have been done not so long ago. Great acting, can't say I loved the movie because the story isn't a story you can love.

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Featuring awards worthy work from David Oyelowo, Selma rides the power of its true story to magical effect.

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good movie, but not great, should have put more emphasis on tragic events and their effects over families and society, but still worth watching

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Was prepared to hate this movie (we’ve already seen how Hollywood tends to handle the black American experience) and was pleasantly surprised. Oyelowo is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors and he does a pretty bang-up job with a difficult role. Props to DuVernay for some great direction (and hooray for women directors!) and Paul Webb for what must have been a difficult screenplay.

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Rewatching this after Green Book won an Oscar for Best Picture is very enlightening.

Selma is an incredibly powerful film about an incredibly powerful story that shines the light where light should be shed, that gives voice to those that historically were robbed of it. That tells the story of one of the greatest leaders of our time.


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Shout by Deleted

What do you think? What a movie great acting, and you get a sense of how discriminated and intimated people were in America at the time. What went on was disgusting and insane

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It's a good movie. Good performances, good soundtrack and sound design, good cinematography...but that's about it. The lead performance shines and the depictions of violence and abuse are painful to watch BECAUSE they are so realistic and don't hold back(bravo! that is very, very rare), but the movie has some pacing issues and features multiple B-plots that are disposable and don't get enough screentime to actually...matter. Everything else is on the better side of average. Nothing more, nothing less. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing it, but probably won't be watching it again.

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