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Scenic Route 2013


Shout by Saint Pauly
BlockedParent2016-01-16T12:07:45Z— updated 2020-06-02T00:05:17Z

Sold script and acting make this psychological huit clos well worth the watch....

[01/06/2020]... Was what I wrote 4 years ago and I don't remember anything about it!? WTF!?

Anyway, here's my new, 5-star review:

I'm not the right person to review this film. You should ask someone who was expecting to see two men having a heart to heart discussion while stuck in a pickup truck in the middle of a desert, instead of looking for the horror film we were promised on the poster.

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Great movie. Everyone who watches it will have a unique perspective.

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Shout by Deleted

I didn't knew what to expect about this film and at the beginning I thought that it wouldn't be nothing special but then it started to get interesting.
Scenic Route tells the story of two friends who go on a road trip but their car broke down in the middle of desert with no water and no food. In hey start attacking and offending each other about the decisions that they made for their lifes. In despair they start to get totally crazy.
It's a simple story with a stunning desert setting that can keep you entertained but with some flaws, specially about some actions that the characters take, that in my opinion are little bit ridiculous but who knows maybe that's the point, try to show how a human being literally starts to get crazy in the conditions they both were.
Josh Duhamel didn't totally convinced me yet that he really is a good actor but he did a pretty decent job with this role. Dan Fogler also does a good job.
Not perfect but good, with a cool twist at the end.

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First half way great and the second half was OK. I didn't see that ending coming. I liked the acting.

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