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Run Hide Fight 2021

What an interesting little film.

A scenario you would hope would never happen and if it did that someone you love would not be involved. Yet they happen in the US with staggering regularity and it's taken this long to have a film made about it.

The film is a low budget. A little bit preachy. A little bit like Hallmark tried to make A Winter's Bone. And there's more suspension of disbelief needed as the plot plays out.

But where it excels is in the portrayal of how it would play out in this horrific situation. I was aghast at how real it felt and how easily it could happen.

I didn't like the final 10 minutes and how it wraps up but it was somewhat inevitable that it would need to close that way.

Well worth a watch though.

Were I in the US with teenage kids, I'd be petrified after watching this.


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Essentially Die Hard in a high school but with a serious modern problem at its core. Its not as tacky as it could have been but should it have been made? School shootings are becoming more regular and while the movie is fairly sensitive to the issue, it’s very being is kind of exploitative.

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Substance lacked style and atmosphere. Missed opportunity :thinking:

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this movie is despicable.

glorifying school shootings is exactly what we SHOULDN'T f***ing do..

not to mention it was distributed by The Daily Wire, which was co-founded by the one, the only, Ben Shapiro.

please don't waste your time, hun.

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i didn't expect it to like to so much, it surprised me a lot. Tension, nice story on a so known topic. The whole setup was really good

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Loved the action, the cast all did well, an overall decent film start till finish.

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Guns, can't live with them, can't live without them. Acting sucks by the way.

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Oh boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy! The storyline was not bad. The acting was terrible. I understand the political message behind this movie, bu the execution was just terrible. Is it worth watching? If you are bored YES.

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random actors; fantastic movie. really puts into perspective all those mainstream movies you thought were bad because of the actors were really just bad because of the writing and directing.

can't wait for what the future holds for groups like these that are clearly focusing hard on making a great story! a reckoning is coming hollywood!

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Movie we deserved but never had right until now
The only question I had is what happened to her boyfriend? Did she just casually forgot him?

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Trash, trash, trash, trash, trash. There’s your five word review. Run, hide, fight, the tactics I used before I was forced to watch this PoS.

I see The Punisher’s(Thomas Jane) career is over.

This movie is gonna get some kid killed when it really happens

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Loved this movie. I was surprised by it and that's why I love movies. To still discover movies that surprise me. This is not a teen Die Hard movie for me. I thought it was much more. Makes you think about many things.

Huge Spoiler: I especially liked it because they didn't go the full revenge Charles Bronson route. This is why I didn't like the very end when the hostage situation has ended and she goes murdering the guy. It was completely out of character and the movie. During the active shooting situation she had the chance to kill some of the shooters but she didn't. They established that. What they did at the end was unnecessary. It was like a studio boss forced them to add it.

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Not as "woke" as I expected it to be so that's a plus.
Even though the movie does have the very annoying new trend of making the only black male character gay/effeminate.

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Not to bad of a movie, I would just say ok for an action flick or as some have said a teen/school "Die Hard" type flick, nothing special. Most of the acting in my opinion is sub par. Isabel May did a pretty good job and she's cute, I know her from "Young Sheldon", and for some reason she reminds me of Arielle Kebbel (The Uninvited). But why did they have to use some female butchering the closing credits song "Eve Of Destruction" originally by Barry McGuire (hope I spelt that right) which is a great and meaningful song?!

Edit: Apparently who I said was butchering the song was actually performed by Mondo Boys feat. Julie Mintz. It still sucks!

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I enjoyed this film, just wish the bad guys could act. Cause they SUCK :joy:.

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Of course the villain would be an edgelord who thinks saying "trigger warning" out loud is an hilarious joke and that anyone who doesn't think so is just a triggered snowflake. :joy:

Sadly, it doesn't go deeper than that and just relies on glorifying a school shooting as Teenage Die Hard. So many opportunities and they ask the wrong questions every single time.

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Not a biggest fan of action movies(or movies in general), but if you asked me to recommend one, this would be me pick.

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Excellent movie, a real Thriller. With a really good hero.

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It's not perfect, has some major plot holes, but it's a fine movie, and a star maker for Isabel May even for a kinda forced & unnecessary die hard.

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