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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 2016

I liked it, but I am a starwars fan

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A Star Wars movie that's actually a war movie too.

Like all the best old war flicks, it's a little cheesy round the edges, but that didn't stop me having a blast.

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it was a OK movie was glad to see Darth Vader in the movie.... I think they shouldn't have recreated peter Cushing role with cgi... So wrong we won't need actors soon we can just use cgi...

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TITLE - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Year - 2016
Acting - 2
Characters - 2
Casting - 2
Importance - 2
Chemistry - 2
Dialogue - 2
Balanced - 1
Story - 2
Originality - 1
Interesting - 2
Visuals - 2
Directing - 1
Editing - 2
Advertisement - 2
Music - 2
Introduction - 2
Inciting Incident - 2
Obstacles - 2
Climax - 2
Falling Action - 1
Rewatchability - 2
Fun - 2
Impulse/Buy - 2
Impusle/Talk - 2
Sucks Audience IN - 2
TOTAL - 96/100

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People said enough here already about the movie itself, so I won't. Instead, I wanted to point out a couple of tiny funny moments though, can't even say it's a spoiler ones.

Firstly, they have freaking starships, highly intellectual robots, they can transmit data through the universe... and yet their holograms always have such a shitty quality! Always glitching and lagging, like it was recorded on 5 inch floppy disc. Amusing really..

And the second thing is how in the first couple of minutes of the movie (so not so much of a spoiler here) when an imperial ship landing - why the hell they landed like 5 miles outside of the destination point, and then just walked there by foot through the field? Did they feel like having a stroll and some fresh air after a long flight in a closed space or something?

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Shout by Deleted

Much better story, acting, effects, etc than The Force Awakens.

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Shout by Deleted

After being disappointed by The Force Awakens I wasn't expecting much from another Disney Star Wars movie. However, this one was awesome. Mads Mikkelsen was great and the badass Darth Vader scene was a total geekout.

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Easily twice as good as the previous one, which I found just average by the way. Rogue one is intelligent, less drama, more Star Wars action and good characters. Excellent Star Wars movie. Maybe it helped that I went with little expectations. Looking forward to the next one.

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I'm just too big of a StarWars fan to not find this movie amazing. I loved every second of it. The storytelling is amazing, the pictures, the music, the acting… just everything from this movie was perfect – how they completed all the plot holes from the old movie. It's amazing how well this story fits into the rest of the StarWars universe!
The only disappointing thing was how unreal Tarkin looked like – it was amazing that and how they let the actor come back to life (as well as young Leia), but especially compared to Leia I immediately spotted how he was computer animated… though still amazing work!

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Chirrut! K2! They're my new fave.

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Shout by Deleted

Definitely shocked me, wasn't expecting a great movie after being a bit disappointed with force awakens but this one was great, i know most hate the prequels but ive always thought they were pretty good, not great as yes they could have been soo much better given the subject at hand, that being said i wouldnt mind seeing a star wars movie set during the clone wars possibly, or another spot in star wars galaxy

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Shout by Deleted

We all miss Han Solo

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Just to change things up a bit. I thought Force Awakens was a far better movie than this one.
Rogue One is terrible for plot, pacing and dialog for the whole first 2/3 (right until they hit Scarif) and then suddenly it seems like an entirely different movie. I'd give the first 2/3 a 4/10 and the last 1/3 10/10. The first 2/3 were so bad it reminded me of Suicide Squad but with the names of planets splashed on the screen instead of DC anti-heroes. Fortunately the last 1/3 was so good that it almost made up for it.
It was obvious to me that they made large changes to the script, and the only part of the movie that didn't get cut up was the last 1/3.
Of all the things they tried, K2SO's humor, family/emotional pathos, nods to the force, absolutely nothing lands in this movie except for a couple of transports. (If you hated that joke, suffice to say those in the movie are worse; actually, were they even jokes?)

Here's my ranking of Star Wars movies for those interested

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It's a fine movie, I guess. it starts kind of slow but eventually it picks up and ends in a wicked battle.

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Shout by Clagex

At first I thought this movie was going to be all about "original trilogy", but this movie actually explains some plot from the original movies for the fans who only watch the movies. I love the reference about hope and the final scene with Darth Vadar and Princess Leia as the beginning of A New Hope.This is not like a remake of any Star Wars movie, this is more than that. It tells the story of all rebellions and their sacrifices which is really really touching to me. This movie did an excellent job to have the old material(C-3PO, R2-D2 and so on) and the new ones. Anyone can understand this movie.
And Darth Vadar scene is incredible.

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Similar plot twists of the other films of the saga. Nevertheless this is better than I thought, good characters, great action and incredible final scene with Darth Vader

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Shout by zombiebxxk

The Vader scene was freaking amazing <3

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Shout by sp1ti

Unless you're into explosion heavy action films like... any current Hollywood production... this can be skipped. Gareth Edwards certainly can shoot large scale action decent but whoever handed him the script had little regard for much else. While it's understandable that they didn't want to put their "best" characters into this they could have at least bothered with a bit more story than what uninspiring Felicity Jones is supposed to deliver (her childhood arc isn't even remotely adding anything to it but a "hey it's drama dude"). But it isn't just the characters like the autistic mode K-2SO, the plot isn't very engaging either and has lots of dumb shit in it. I also find it ridiculous that this is supposed to be a standalone entry into the franchise... the things most people are liking in it are the fanservice that would just confuse the hell out of anyone unfamiliar with Star Wars. Just embrace the "standalone" instead of adding in CG characters of previous movies to it and do something different than X-Wings, Tie Fighers and Storm Troopers otherwise I really hope that everyone stops handing over money to Disney after maybe the 20thiest installment.

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Fast, action movie with secondary plot without deeper thoughts from the main saga. But it is Star Wars film so as for now - must see! :)

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Not as brilliant as "The force awakens", bit still great and so much better than a lot of people feared when only a year has passed since the last Star Wars movie was out.
I think the newly introduced characters are not as great as the ones from the original films (but since a lot of them died during the film, they may be thought they shouldn't create characters that the audience loves and therefore is severely disappointed when the die, but still much better than ones featuring in "of the rack" action flicks.
The scenery was great and I thought the beautiful planet of Scarif a nice touch and good contrast to the mostly grim planets depicted in star wars movies! What I missed was a great new type of star ship, but that's not that crucial.
Plot-wise it fits perfectly between Episode III and IV and features (as always) a lot of action! I really enjoyed it and look very much forward to the next Star Wars movie: keep up the good work, Disney!!!

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Boring is the word that comes in mind when you think about this movie.
Characters are inconsistent, the story is full of holes and sometimes it seems like things are going onward randomly.
Star Wars franchise is truly down the gutter, minding only their special effects and their fan services.
Let's face it SW aficionados, is not the onscreen appearance of some bootleg Darth Vader that can reignite the dead fires of this script.
4 only because the action scenes and the robot character were somewhat enjoyable in this one.

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Started off quite slow, but got really good after she got the message from her father.

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Of the entire series, I'd say its a solid 3rd quality and entertainment wise which was a wonderful surprise.

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wish i walked in 2 hours later, would have missed nothing.. seems like disney has begun milking the saga

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If only all the other Star Wars movies were as good as this one. For me this even beats the original 4-6 trilogy.
While all other movies try to mix a bit of everything (drama, fairy-tales, humor, action, politics etc), this one is dedicated to those who prefer a more darker and realistic approach. The plot is full of really brave decisions and gives you almost no hints on how the movie will progress. The characters are really interesting and likable.
Unlinke 1-3, all technology and CGI fits in perfectly with 4-7.

If you loved games like X-Wing, Tie-Fighter etc. you must watch this. If not, go watch it anyway.

for me a clear 10/10

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I see now that Star Wars is too incestuious to survive. The non-stop references in this movie we distracting and off-putting. I'd always be thinking about how it makes sense to see that thing there, or why they just said that line.
The overall story and new characters were good, but at this rate all Star Wars movies are just going to constant nostalgia bait for how good the orig trig was. This was meant to be the risky break away one too.

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Shout by Deleted

Who know that Jimmy Smits would be the best thing to come out of the prequels.

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As a star wars fan am pleased. Totally delivered on the dark nature of the story and the tie into the rest of the Star Wars Universe got me 'geekying out' like a ten year old. Need to do this again!!

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Tremendously better than "the force awakens"

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Its not that i didn't enjoy it i like it but not that much. K-2S0 was the best thing of the movie with some genius comic relief. The characters where good develop, the dialog could be better and the use of the word "force" could be less. I enjoy the ending with the dying of the main characters and not a simple cliche rescue, the CGI of princess leia gave a good tone

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Well, I saw it at last, and it was an utterly disappointing experience. Rogue One is a disjointed film with almost no real plot, badly drawn characters and tons of fan service. The first half hour is so jammed that it feels like a trailer, while the rest of the film is lacking character development. It really shows the places where the film was pierced together on re-shoots, as those are the moments of "fun" or when everything slows down with pointless exposition. I didn't see anything from the teasers and trailers on the finished film (where is "isn't this is a rebellion... I rebel", Forest Whitaker's speech or the many, many battle scenes on the ground?). The main character was so flimsy and flip-flopping on her resolution and motivation that I couldn't care any less about her by the end, even when they made a point negating any chance of a sequel. I gave it the benefit of the doubt after my lousy experience with The Force Awakens, but as for me right now, Star Wars ended on the Endor celebration. I'm not paying for nostalgia anymore.

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I like it 'cause everyone dies.

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I really enjoyed this movie.
I liked the characters. It was easy to like them. They did some good performance.
Darth Vader scene was intense.
Great movie.

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Rogue One!!! Excelente película!!!

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Shout by Deleted

I wasn't sure what I'd think going in. Already knew how it would end...spoiler alert they get the plans. However everything about this movie was awesome. I wanted to stand up and cheer for the heroes of the movie, the action scenes were incredible, the cinematography was amazing and the scene near the end with Vader was awesome. I'd give it a million likes if I could. Going back after Christmas to see it again with my daughters. They aren't big Star Wars fans but I know they'll love it. Besides can't help but show them another movie with a kick ass female in it.

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Shout by Deleted

Not as amazing as everyone said. Lack of character development to really care about Jyn and his friends. Some appeareances truly anecdotic (Forest Withaker is an example) and the rest of it is outstanding, special effects and all that.

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I liked, as they carry the film, the cameos, tributes, although the end is already known by episode 4, you see how they do

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Shout by Alex

A great story without the "whining-ness" that is the Skywalker-gene (prequel Anakin, current Kylo Ren). It was weird seeing a Jedi not using force push or a lightsaber. Now for some spoilers: Darth Vader was brutal, Leia has an appearance, Darksaber is mentioned, and all the main characters -- even the droid -- sacrifice themselves for the cause. It did feel weird not a seeing an intro scroll at the beginning, like every other SW movie, but it was nice seeing completely new characters, not related to the original movie's characters, with their own background and desires. Suffice to say, it dragged somewhat, but you won't be disappointed by the ending.

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OMG OMG god damn amazing!!!!!!....Gareth Edwards is a incredible director and took Star Wars too the top again, this film was just amazing

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Shout by Deleted

Walked in with high expectations and this movie hit it dead on. Though the beginning was a little sporadic the rest of the movie lived up to what it was meant to be "a Star Wars story". Worth the watch.

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Shout by Deleted

Rogue One is a welcome addition to the Star Wars universe with a perfect balance of classic characters and new ones. Rogue One did essentially everything I wanted it to do. Gareth Edwards and the whole cast need a round of applause. It also remains a pretty ballsy move by Disney as this movie may not be as universally appealing as the other films in the franchise.

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By far the best prequel of a film franchise i've ever seen... has prequels go.. the force is strong in this one... that really does live up to the 4th, 5th, 6th... to the sound tracks, to the effects, the picture, the one liners, and the cast.. unbelievable... it's great to be alive!

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Shout by Dave

The non Skywalker Star Wars we've been waiting for.

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It was epic, I left with that buzz of excitement that only Star Wars can offer.

It fits in very well with the rest of the film's and really enhances the full story. Just wanted to get back and watch A New Hope as soon as I got home.

My only concern is that because it was good it will just open the flood gates, and for the next 10 years we'll get an overload of "additional" film's. I don't want it to become what Marvel has, who seem to just be churning out film's, some are good some are bad, they're just playing the odds.

Lucasfilm should focus on good solid film's only, as a fan I am willing to wait a few years between to really get the best films.

The end with Vader, just absolutely epic, brings back that unmistakable feeling I had as a child watching the originals, he is so damn badass. For the whole thing I was trying to work out where this film fits, I knew it fell between "Revenge" and "Hope" but I do like that it is near immediately before "Hope", really makes a New Hope more dramatic

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Shout by chazTV
BlockedParent2016-12-17T03:36:28Z— updated 2016-12-18T06:07:06Z

Thoroughly enjoyed it, start to finish. They did an excellent job of mixing in visual elements from earlier Star Wars while maintaining cohesion with more modern effects. The final scene is amazing, must've had a team of artists to pull that off. Great story, perfectly complements the better films in the series.

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Shout by Jim222001

***1/2: Spoiler: A gloomy and probably unnecessary StarWars story it is. However the film is so well acted and well done that it's definitely not bad.
While there's some pretty bad ass Vader appearances. Which
makes us forget the disappointing last time we saw Vader on the big screen in 2005. He gets way cooler lines than "Where's Padme ?" and "Noooooo!" ”
I also liked how they used to bring back dead actors from the original or to make certain actors from the original look younger. They should make a First Order film leading into Force Awakens and use that effect.
My complaint is something that hit me after the film. This a big spoiler: Just that after anyone part of the Rogue One team does their part of the mission, then they're expendable like right after. Time for them to die. Which happens one by one after each character has done what they were supposed to. I didn't expect any survivors from the start but the way it was done was some-what lazy.

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This movie was perfect from beginning to end! Never thought i would see all those places and people on the big screen again!!

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I wasn't prepared for goosebumps on top of my goosebumps. Felt like i was 7 again.... JUST OUTSTANDING!

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Didn't hate, didn't love. Something rubbed me the wrong way....need to see it again. A few things took me so far out of it. Obvs will have to wait a few weeks to discuss in the open.

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this was amazing !! and the last scene wirh darth vader ♥_♡ was awesome
10/10 for me

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In many ways it follows the structure of a standard Star Wars film, and it kind of feels like it was made to sell tickets, but you know what? They figured out exactly how to play with the formula to make a satisfying movie. There were no glaring flaws (although I just came from watching, so maybe I'll think of something tomorrow). They tried with all their might to appeal to the fanboy and fangirl in all of us who can't help but be delighted by every easter egg to A New Hope, every connection and every character, and ultimately it made for a quite enjoyable film. Bottom line: it's not exactly Star Wars, it's trying to test how far a Star Wars spin-off can go in terms of separating itself from the films that came before it. It tries to be fresh and different, but not too much. Takeaway from this ramble: in terms of the franchise, Rogue One may not be the main course, but it's a joy to get to enjoy it on the side

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What The Force Awakens should have been

This movies looks and feels like the original trilogy. Also, I can't help but compare it with last year's episode VII which I didn't like at all. Both movies have a female lead character and that is great. But while everyone is still wondering who is Rey and what is her link to the Jedi, Jyn Erso story is told in a more satisfying way. Cassian is everything Poe Dameron should have been. But what really makes this movie a great addition to the Star Wars franchise is that it is the first true prequel to A New Hope, this movie ends right where Episode IV begins and it allows us to a classic with an enriched background story, which is really great.

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The movie has definitely structural issues.

I went into this with an open mind, wanting to love it more than The Force Awakens. Unfortunately I did not.

One undeniable positive is that the effects all look very real and good except 2 things that you will understand.

The movie has structural problems. It's beautiful to watch but it has no heart, no character development. You don't care about anyone that much even Jyn Erso. Now I understand why the had to do re-shoots, it needed it and it was not enough.

Also the score by Michael Giacchino was not very memorable. What can you do when you have to do it in 4 weeks.

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Shout by Dreadlock Unicorn
BlockedParent2016-12-11T08:37:53Z— updated 2016-12-14T23:20:13Z

World Premiere Review: 12/10/16

I think this was only second to Empire Strikes Back. It was that good. This wasn't your Pa's Star Wars, this was Star Wars with grit, intense action, interesting and investing characters and a true sense that at any point in time, your favorite character might die. Almost Game of Thrones meets Star Wars and (talking with Bob Iger) was a goal for this film and it PAYS OFF. Battles are a major part of this film; white knuckled, adrenaline fueled action. You'll be wired hours after viewing. Imagine the opening to Episode 3, but well done and what you wished Episode 3 was following the opening space battle. I'm at a loss for word without spoiling it. GO SEE IT.

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RRS The Waiting Begins Now

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