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Roald Dahl's The Witches 2020

awful. Charmless flaccid direction absolutely fails to capture any of the quirky whimsy of the books or earlier film, flat performances, including Hathaway, rob it of any chance at redeeming itself.

avoid if you value your time.

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The Witches (2020) is nowhere near as good as The Witches (1990) and that’s a fact, v true to the book, witches were scary but not as scary as the original which is why it’s not as good imo

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i used to love anne hathaway
but after this, everytime i see her in a movie, all that comes to mind is the fucking gigantic mouth she has in this movie

rly annoying and sad

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Boring as hell as an adult.

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I love Anne Hathaway, but this movie was very unsettling to watch.

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It wasn't as scary (for a lack of word) as the first movie and they changed alot of the details and background stories which I didn't really like. other than that it was a fairly good movie

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Not as scary as the original was, by far. I remember some cut off limbs or tails and the such. And ouff that supreme witch was :asterisk_symbol:ugly:asterisk_symbol:.
Probably still a fun, and way more inclusive than the original.

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If you're looking for a kid movie that you'll enjoy enough as an adult to not feel bored, this will work. Probably an 8 for kids and 7 for parents. The effects are really good and it's not exactly the same script as the Bette Midler version so it's not like just watching the same movie twice.

For the rest of the adults, well it's a cute movie, but it's only going to be a 6, maybe even less if you're cynical or don't like kids', movies at all.

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Shout by TopCat
BlockedParent2022-04-26T07:46:40Z— updated 2022-04-27T10:16:57Z

All in all, a terrible movie.

Not even Octavia Spencer, Anne Hathaway (that accent... yikes), Kristin Chenoweth, Chris Tucker (albeit in voice only) and Stanley Tucci managed to save the weak script. The effects were here and there, sometimes good, sometimes really, really bad.

Just an hour and a half wasted into oblivion.

Zemeckis is better than that, and so is Del Toro....

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The effects and cast were wonderful, parts of the story were very interesting too. It seemed to move alot quicker than it's predecessor's story however.

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Just a nice movie for kids and for the parents

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First off, I don't understand the need for a remake. The 1990 version is perfect the way it is. The remake is full of unnecessary CGI, weird over the top effects and makes the witches look like the sister of the Joker, with claw like hands and exaggerated "skills" (the arms that can stretch endlessly).
Pointless remake. What a waste of time...

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From Robert Zemeckis comes Roald Dahl’s The Witches, a campy horror-comedy. Based on the children’s book, a young boy stumbles across a witch convention at the hotel he’s staying at and learns of their nefarious scheme to turn children into mice and tries to stop them. Starring Anne Hathaway, Octavia Spencer, Stanley Tucci, and Chris Rock, the cast isn’t too bad; however, their performances aren’t very good. And neither is the CGI, which really stands out; particularly in the witch designs. Still, some of the comedy works and there are some fun chase and fight scenes. Roald Dahl’s The Witches is mildly entertaining, but isn’t as good as the 1990 version.

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I like the older movie better

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oh god what an awful movie it is :( nothing else to add just AWFUL

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A film that should have taken notes from the original movie rather than sticking to the book. The witches themselves were also very disappointing. I enjoy Anne Hathaway and Octavia Spencer very much, and Jahzir Bruno was also wonderful. It's a shame it was let down by the mid point onwards. The witches are supposed to be hideous, and knowing poor Hero Boy would only live a short while after being turned into a mouse, especially after everything he had been through, was more emotionally taxing than necessary.

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It was better than I expected.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this. There is incredible talent behind this production: Roald Dahl - book; Robert Zemeckis - director; Guillermo Del Torro - producer; Olivia Spencer, Anne Hathaway, Stanley Tucci - actors; voice talent of Chris Rock and Kristin Chenoweth. My only caution is that I’m a little afraid it may be too terrifying for children (but, the only experience I have of children is being one, who never really grew up). I give this film a solid 7 (really good) out of 10. [Live Action with Animation, Adventure]

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A Chris Rock voiceover makes everything better.

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In order to review this movie, I must channel my inner Joe Pesci for film criticism:

Me to this movie "What the f**k is this piece of sh*t?"

Looks at the director “Robert Zemeckis? What a goofy looking f**k he is”.

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What did I just watch.... absolutely terrible

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Shout by Felipe
BlockedParent2020-12-25T15:39:01Z— updated 2024-05-22T00:08:41Z

Leak and poor story, it leaves a lot of questions unanswered. Another children movie without great plot. We need more original movies. I was expecting too much, it disappointed me.

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Anne Hathaway and Olivia Spencer did all they could but the pacing has issues, most of the characters are one-dimensional, the CGI is mediocre and there is hardly any plot. Could still be enjoyed by kids I guess.

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I was expecting good things from this movie. I wasn't in love with Henson's take back in the day and the subject matter is fairly strong. Then, add in director Bob Zemeckis of Back to the Future and Roger Rabbit fame. lived up to my expectations. Rousing and fast moving with excellent effects and that hard to come by feeling of wonder come together in a fun family appropriate film. Great fun.

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Anne Hathaway just didn't cut it.. She lacked and ruined what were otherwise good performances from the others.

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I was expecting a movie worthy of Robert Zemeckis name..but ended up with forgettable movie..that you will ask yourself in a couple of months,have i seen this movie or not?!

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A stupid movie for children. The plot is weak and not original. Why should the witches kill children? Why do they hate them?

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Anne is the movie. Childish but watchable.

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the ending was way too stuart little for me

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Roald Dahl was all about the imagination. This is all about the special effects.

And to be honest, there are some great special effects, occasionally about over the top (I did enjoy the witches mouths!).

But who cast Octavia Spencer as grandma? Or let Anne Hathaway use that accent?

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Shout by Preethi
BlockedParent2020-11-04T22:16:35Z— updated 2020-11-13T13:27:48Z

I can only imagine that this was better as a book. They really need to stop adapting novels when they don't know how to make them cinematic and actually enjoyable to watch on-screen.

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Amazing family fun movie. Anne Hathaway is impressive!!!

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I liked it. I loved the original when I was little, although I found it terrifying, so I was curious to see what this remake would be like. It was interesting to see Anne Hathaway in a less-than-beautiful role! Comparing it to the original, there are some changes, I was a little disappointed that it had moved from Cornwall UK, to Alabama US, but I think it worked well. I don't think it was as scary as the original, but that might be because I'm now an adult haha. I'd say it's worth a watch, if you go into it with an open mind.

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What a tremendous piece of crap (shit).

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Shout by Deleted

Can't beat the original. But worth a watch.

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So where’s the rest of the movie ?

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I actually really enjoyed watching this movie.

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First let me say this I love anne idk why she decided to be in this movie!

what the hell was this movie?
There was no plot or storyline, and what ever they intended to be, it was half-assed.

All the cast seem that they are not interested in their roles, maybe because they found out after filming begin what they have been sucked into.

I don't think any kid would enjoy this movie.

Any way I think I only could barely watch it because of anne she did good job considering this horrible horrible movie.

What a waste of time and money

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Anne Hathaway all the way up, down, to the left, to the right, inside, outside and every direction possible.

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This was an unusual episode of Everybody Hates Chris...

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The worst CGI ever seen!

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I liked this quite a lot. Unfortunately, I will never be able to watch peacefully another Anne Hathaway movie... I cannot unsee her witch face.

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Is it better than the original? Probably not. Is it still worth watching? Sure. It's an enjoyable film, with some decent special effects and good performances from the cast. It could have been better, I suppose, but its an adequate adaptation of the novel.

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[HBO Max] It's surprising that the collaboration between Guillermo del Toro and Robert Zemeckis results in such a bland film. It doesn't make sense to set the film in Alabama when most of it takes place in a hotel. Changes, in fact, make story worse instead. It's a film with an excess of CGI and a lack of imagination. And it makes little use of the iconography of the witches, less terrifying than in Nicolas Roeg's.

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Better than the original in my opinion, better paced and produced.
The Alan Silvestri score is a plus as well as Octavia Spencer Grandma.

Really enjoyable kids movie.

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First, let me say that Anne Hathaway never looked better ...LOL

But seriously. I know I watched an older version (original?) of this movie but sadly I can not remember anything about that one.

This one wasn't bad I found it started out a little rough and over the top until our hero mice entered the picture. I found all of the mice scenes to be a lot of fun. Ultimately I was eble to settle in and enjoy the movie.

I'm not sure if I normally would have marked this as high as I did - it might be due to COVIDfatigue, or a lack of new good movies in 2020. But in 2020 I am definitely able to recommend this movie.

1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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The Narration by Chris Rock makes it feel like Everybody Hates Chris, but with Witches. The CGI is also overdone. The original was creepier due to the make-up and effects from Jim Henson’s workshop.
This one is more interested in showing off what it can do with CGI which is too typical these days. The casting is good despite the narration not needed at all. Anne Hatherway is decent but tries too hard. Anjelica Huston was just naturally better in the role without all the overacting.
Octavia Spencer as the witch expert grandmother works the most. Stanley Tucci also is good casting as the hotel manager.
The movie won’t make you forget the original at all. I wanted to like it more. However it felt uneven and rushed. Despite a good start. The original is way more magical. The ending to this is just weird too.

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Been thinking hard on how to share my opinion on this. It's definetly not the worst remake out there, but it's also not the best. But even thgh it has a great cast there was something missing and I really wish I could put my finger on it.

The updated special effects were really nice, the pacing was good. But in the end this was a movie that really didn't need a remake :person_shrugging_tone1:

To conclude ; the movie is just like my review meh

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