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Retribution 2023

Save yourself the time and just watch speed.

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What did they do??? Casted the most annoying Co-Actors on this planet and put them all in one movie?

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this was just incredibly average and unoriginal. felt like something i'd seen 6 times before. acting n script were both subpar, don't bother with this one

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Liam Neeson scraping the bottom of the barrel :/

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Neeson must have been sick when they filmed this. Not sure who the stand in is but they can't act.

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It was a different movie that I watched recently. It was good, but a little slow. I think you should give it a chance and watch it. The plot, effects and acting were as they should be. Thank you for your efforts.

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Stopped watching after 40 minutes. Unbearable performance and script.

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Just another Liam movie. Not great, not original, bad script.
Who the hell wrote a script that the Killer sits in a bomb, threatening others.
Also that cop holding a full front door by hand :person_facepalming:

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Horrible movie. Would not recommend to watch it.

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This reminded me of a movie about a bus that had to speed around the city, keeping its speed over fifty, and if its speed dropped, the bus would explode! I think it was called "The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down."

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8/10 (biggest Liam Neeson fan)
6/10 (if you’re not a fan of Liam Neeson)

i am one of the biggest Liam Neeson fans so yeah everything he does is great in my eyes.

The movie was fun, just a regular action/thriller with mediocre actors, except for Liam ofcourse ;)

The ending is pretty bad I have to say.. it’s like they saw the movie was 1,5 hours long and there was no room for a good ending anymore.

Overall a fun movie.

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just watch the korean original.

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I liked it! Keep me on the edge of my seat, literally. Unfortunately, Prime Video X-ray revealed the ending early in the movie.

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I was going to give this a high rating but the last half of the movie was not good.

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The acting was okay, overall, but the script was way too easy to know exactly who, what, etc. It's not worth a watch unless you've got almost nothing else to do.

Side note: Liam needs to stop with the plastic surgery already. Starting to look ridiculous.

3.5 out of 10.

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OMG :fearful: what a horrible movie. Everything sucks. Every thing happening is ridiculous and far fetched. Liam playing a complete dumbass. Any kid would be smarter.
Just a very stupid movie, a big waste of time.

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Do not bother with this movie. Bad. Read the comments below. Such a frustrating movie to watch. Hasn't been such a stupid character in a long time.

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Speed in a Mercedes. It’s a time passer, has a few good moments but definitely not one Liam’s better films.

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Wow! Hollywood knows we are stupid to watch these trashy movies.

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I can forgive any inconsistencies, but when the guy planned his whole thing around german trains being punctual, I stopped watching. Everyone who has been in germany knows deutsche bahn is always at least 5 minutes late.

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This was a good movie! intense

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'member the movie Cellular, or Phone Booth? This is that, but in a car.

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:heart::heart: - Seriously? I like Liam Neeson films but this one is really bad

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit.

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This a a remake of a Spanish movie (El Desconocido), just watch that instead.

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Shout by MrBass

Jesus, what a mess! Called who the bomber was in the first scene so the “twist” certainly wasn’t. Also, as another reviewer wrote, how annoying is just about everyone in this movie?! Decent writers create characters that the audience can connect with so, I dunno, they root for them in tense situations. I guess this writer thought, yeah nah I’ll just write a bunch of unlikable tw:asterisk_symbol:ts so no-one will give a rats ass if they die.

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Why I have so strong feeling that ChatGPT was so involved in wrting story for that.

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Why was this movie even called "Retribution"?

The title makes as little sense as the incredibly subpar plot, script, and acting. If you're looking for Liam Neeson kicking ass you're not going to find it in this movie--it's a thrillerless thriller. Neeson's character just drives around confused until we get a long expository villain monologue 5 minutes from the end that just feels tacked on to give some sort of motivation to a villain. Spoiler: Bad guy just wanted money and it had nothing to do with revenge or "retribution".

Frankly, it's just a boring movie that said nothing and went nowhere. I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone.

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Don't lose your time. The worst movie of him

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I thought this may be better than his last few, but it's not. Neeson is fine again, but these scripts w ridiculous plot hole after plot hole. Choose your own suspension of disbelief. 3.1

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This movie wasn't as bad as people here make it out to be. It's a typical Liam Neeson movie. The story was predictable. But there was a plot twist that I didn't see coming. It was paced to keep my attention.

Kudos to whomever edited the movie to end in that slightly over 90 minutes sweet-spot. That's rare these days, where watching a movie feels like a half-day exercise. :rolling_eyes:

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Wow. Not one of Liam Neeson’s best movies. A solid waste of time. Acting was so bad

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Really .. There is not much to say about this movie I am very surprised that Mr. Lian Alla acted for this movie since he lacks history, it is almost a template of previous movies of him, that is, he looks a lot like other personejes that he has done Previously, .. Apart from the effects it has nothing new.

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Liam Neeson yearly mediocre film!!he's firing out lots of average films but I always find myself watching them!! an easy watch,nothing special!

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There's really nothing special about this movie. Its your basic action/thriller - the type of movie that Neeson has been making lately - at least this time around he sits thru all his own action.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Instead of chasing someone down (the typical Liam Neeson movie), he's being sort-of chased. Same routine, just a different perspective.

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Liam is so old they had to shoot him sitting in a car the whole time

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Shout by Brian

I started out liking this, but as it went on, it just defied common sense. Good action movie, but the script is off. Driving around with no doors and not pulled over, not having your kids say they are ok on initial calls, etc... could have been far better. reality is missed here. This should have been an 9 of 10, but it got a 6 of 10 for being unrealistic.

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Saw this as part of the :pound_symbol:RegalMysteryMovie tonight.

It was a decent action flick with good pacing and drama. Some unbelievable moments but overall a fun 90+ minutes of Liam Neeson doing what he does best in these types of movies.

My girlfriend who doesn't like a lot of violence and shooting enjoyed it too.

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