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Renfield 2023

Not sure what other people were expecting... I thought it was the perfect blend of humor, action, gore and even some heart.

At 93 minutes, it was a lot of fun and didn't drag at all.

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This was, quite simply, a good time! It’s nothing remarkable, but if you like dark, horror comedies, this is for you! It feels like the lovechild of Fright Night (2011) and Warm Bodies (also starring Hoult). I will certainly rewatch this one sooner than later!

Rating: 3/5 - 7.5/10 - Worth Watching

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This started out slow. Really slow. I mean reaaaaly reeeeaaaaaly slow. But then it picked up and got much better and quite fun and funny. Quite an enjoyable watch. There were a lot of fun, bloody kills.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Not enough Cage, just not enough Cage. And just too much Awkwafina. To me, she sounds like nails on a blackboard. Just horrible.
Overall, few funny moments, some nice action, and a predictable story. Hoult plays basically the same character as in Warm Bodies here. If they had the courage and let Dracula win for a change, would at least made for a nice surprise

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Not bad, but I didn't really click with it enough.

Nicolas Cage is a nice piece of casting and delivers in the role of Dracula, as I'd expect to be honest... feels like a Cage sorta character! Nicholas Hoult and Awkwafina are decent, I've seen better from the latter elsewhere but her performance improves as this one progresses. Honestly, I would've reworked the film to revolve around Cage, rather than Hoult.

The story didn't really connect with me, as in I didn't get the required entertainment from it. It's alright, I just didn't really care for what I was watching - more like just acknowledging its existence, rather than actually sinking my teeth into what was happening onscreen. The humour could've been a bit stronger, too.

I appreciate the attempt. 'Renfield' just didn't work for me.

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It's Nick Cage as Dracula!

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I liked Dracula's unconventional approach, inserting elements of magic. However, the plot involving the police didn't captivate me. I couldn't empathize with her story. I was confused by the idea of everyone being corrupt, she could have simply exposed it on the internet and ended the corruption. And is the FBI also corrupt? Furthermore, I found it forced to transform the protagonist into a hero. Although he can try to improve, the fact that he killed a lot of people is something I can't ignore. It seemed a little forced that the character liked him without considering the guilt he carries. The part where he needs to eat insects was also bland and unnecessary, as it doesn't affect the plot in any significant way. In short, the film is average, with parts that are fun and parts that are confusing.

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I thought it was another great performance by Nic Cage. I think it was a good modern take on Dracula.

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A goofy comedy that aims to use the relationship between Renfield and Dracula (here played by a delightful Nicolas Cage) as the ultimate embodiment of toxic co-dependent relationships. The action sequences reveal an unexpected taste for splatter and a genuine love for tacky horror, while the more reflective moments focused on the human characters leave something to be desired, both in terms of writing and execution. The premise, though interesting, struggles to bear the weight of a feature film. Nevertheless, it remains an enjoyable work for enthusiasts of the genres it pays homage to.

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A really fun movie that moved at a good pace. Casting was amazing, Nicholas Cage is perfect as a terrifying and camp Dracula, Nicholas Hoult is always excellent, and I actually loved Awkwafina in this role.

I love an absurd film that doesn't take itself seriously, but the characters take the situations seriously.

I'd watch a million more movies just like this. 10/10.

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I can't think of a better actor to play dracula, nic cage is unbeatable.
There's movies that are just movies sometimes, and this is that movie. The action was great and so were the characters. It was a mix of comedy, action, romance, thriller, horror, adventure, and fantasy.
What more do you want? Oh yeah, blood...loads of it.
Low-key want a number 2...

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Its a shame this isn't a better movie, because Nic Cage as Dracula is a revelation.

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This might be the first time I am not absolutely annoyed beyond measures from Awkwafina. She plays always the same role. Vulgarly swearing sidekick.
This time it's not as annoying, not as vulgar. Maybe even a bit more range.

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As I was watching, I couldn't help but wish that they had used this movie as a springboard to launch that failed Universal Monsters-verse that they tried with the Tom Cruise Mummy movie. Renfield would be a great character to focus on as he recruits a League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen group to fight all the big bads out there. Make all the movies dark humor and over-the-top violence like this one. It would be so much fun if they hadn't marketed it as the beginning of a monster-verse, and just marketed it for what it is... it would have been awesome if the movie wrapped up with Dracula beginning a world domination quest and the bad guys win, fade to black. Then tack on a mid-credits scene with Renfield meeting with somebody and asking for help to find people who can help him.

Additionally, I'd really love a campy fun prequel to this movie totally in black and white with Nicolas Cage, like the intro. Fun movie!

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Nicholas Hoult and Nicolas Cage star in the mediocre horror-comedy Renfield, a pseudo-sequel to the original 1931 Dracula. After decades of being Dracula’s familiar, Renfield finds the strength to break free of his co-dependency to Dracula and begins to use his vampire powers for good. The plot doesn’t make a lot of sense and the tone is all over the place. Also, the gore is really excessive; comedically so at times. And actually, a lot of the jokes work; but they feel out of place with Dracula slaughtering people and drug lords making power plays. Yet for all its faults, Renfield is entertaining and presents an interesting new vision of this classic monster.

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The John Wick of vampire movies. The ridiculousness of the fight scenes plays well here. Hilarious. Once Nic Cage started realizing he was a buffoon and just started playing himself in movies his career has really been resurrected.

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A great cast ensures this doesn't suck. The crime boss subplot does get in the way of the entertaining relationship between Drac and Renfield, however.

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Brandon Scott Jones is always a highlight in everything he's in. This was a fun flick and doesn't overstay its welcome at ~95 minutes.

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Genuinely a brilliant film. It's violent, it's fun and it's quirky. I thoroughly enjoyed it from beginning to end, and it's great having Cage playing a big role again.

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This was fun! Great actors, story and soundtrack. A little too gory for my taste.

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Nicolas Cage fell a little pale compared to Nicholas Hoult, and not just because of anemia. ;)

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The Rules say i have to write 5 words. So i choose: GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE and GARBAGE

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Don't listen to the hate, this movie is such a fun watch, specifically for it being so goofy. props to Cage for nailing it, best part of the movie

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Shout by Will

WTF did I just watch haha

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A revision of the vampire myths that seems to bet on bloody scenes and an absurd sense of humor, but never really finds the balance between a skillful reinterpretation of the classic characters and simple silliness. Nicholas Hoult is much more focused on his character than a Nicolas Cage who looks like a parody of a Dracula parody, closer to what could be a cameo in "What We Do in the Shadows." The interest of the beginning is exhausted as a story unfolds that gives the impression that it loses focus too soon. At least Marco Beltrami's music properly pays homage to horror movie classics.

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My microwave popcorn was better than this.

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Nicolas Cage is fantastic and looks like he enjoyed the role. Renfield is fine but the cop and plot is not great. Overall enjoyable but it'll leave you wanting more N Cage

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Definitely a fun movie, and love the fact that Nick Cage is in it. If your a fan of comedy horror, than you’ll definitely want to check this one out.

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Literal Trash. far far away from reality or common sense. it was like giving tons of money to kid to produce a movie. What a way to waste time and money.

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I had much worse expectations, still quite silly overall.

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I was really excited about this movie. The previews looked funny. It was not. The preview was about 5x funnier than the actual show. Also, it was so long. I understand it was only an hour and a half but heavens to Betsy it felt longer than avatar.

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Good silly (albeit gory) fun.

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File this in the recycle bin.

Immensely disappointing.

Cage is great in the few scenes he's in, but the story is so dull, I can't stand prim and proper English characters, he just sounds like a whiny twat throughout. then there's Akwafina playing the standard fasthtalking know-it-all cop.but she's not ready for playing anything emotional yet.

2 good gory gags, but the blood is all bubbley goo which often disappears in the next shot

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nicholas hoult is charming and the fight sequences are really fun but the awkwafina stuff is succh a drag and the script is terrible

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I really really liked it

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Crazy fun time.

Characters 6.5
Story 6
Pacing 7
Visuals 7
Rewatchability Factor 7
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 7
Average Score 6.75

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Renfield feels like a movie that would have come out in the early 2010s. I cannot explain it. It’s just a feeling, I guess.

Anyway, I enjoyed this one. With it being a vampire movie, I knew it would be bloody, but I didn’t expect it to be so freaking gory lol. I wish they didn’t include the crime family in the story, which isn't needed.

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absolutely a funny movie, well done and acted, happy for our beloved Nicolas Cage

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Like a vampire's victim: going through the motions, soulless and sucky.

This modern day reframing of Dracula as an abusive relationship recovery story fails because, despite rewarding amounts of gore, the jokes aren't funny and no one wants to see a vampire movie with a self-help theme.

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well done and welcome back Mr cage

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Rated a Connor 5, normal 7.4

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A very enjoyable take on the 'Dracula lore/world'

An excellent blend of Gore, Story and slathers of humour - Everyone does really well at playing their parts, Hoult is a splendid Renfield and lead role, Cage excels as Dracula himself, Quincy delivers the dry humour they are known for to perfection!

I really liked this movie (the opening scenes were an excellent touch) sure the plot was a bit dry and predictable but if you're watching this movie for that you've got it all wrong! Just sit back and enjoy, laugh and wince.

-Never watch a trailer

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This was so good literally- it was pretty action but the comedy was so well put on there. I loved the co-dependent metaphor it made the whole sorry really cool

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Great fun! And a fantastic performance by Nicolas Cage.

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Better than expected. The terrible Dark Vader voice of Shohreh Aghdashloo ruined it for me though. She has to quit acting for all I care. Wasn't a great fan of Nicholas Cage lately but really liked him in this part.

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delightful and full of body horror, the end

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The mortal kombat fight co-ordinator scenes were a perfect mix of action comedy horror for me. Hilarious video game gore. Fans of this over the top style will be pleased. A lot of the middle dragged, but it was overall far far more enjoyable than I imagined. Actual movie score? 6.3. My score? 7.5 for the enjoyment.

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Not the best performance by Nicholas Cage

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I feel like I'd seen everything this movie had to offer in the first 20 minutes. It's always fun to see Nic Cage run headlong into weird territory and this is no exception, but the film around this performance just inspired nothing in me. The gore goes places, sure, so blood nuts will be easily satiated, but the central plot and humour is very threadbare for those of us looking for more than corn syrup and squelches. I didn't hate my time with it, but I wasn't blown away or captivated either. Just middle of the road stuff. You might get something more from it than me, so give it a whirl if you're interested. The 90 minute runtime is palatable even if you come out hating it.

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A biting comedy that sinks its teeth into hilarity!

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i stopped watching any movie with Cage in it from a long long time ago but i was fooled by the high rate into watching this.. don't make my mistake,this is an okay movie or below okay to be honest.

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Bloody comedy almost black humor but funny .. I don't know how to explain it but certainly not for children .. to watch it in leisure time.

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An almost perfect genre film, Dracula as Cage, and vice versa, he is merrily naughty and revels (pun!) in opportunities. An evil abuser sits on him like a glove. All this is decorated with fountains of blood and meetings of co-dependents, mass destruction of bad guys and black humor. Juicy spectacle!

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I don't understand why there are so many positive comments, the movie is nothing special. Yes it have some funny moments, but nothing special.

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It has a great opening. I thought it was going to be What We Do in the Shadows:The Movie. But then Ben Schwartz and Awkafina enter the picture and it turns into a sort of generic action comedy. Maybe if Seth Roger punched up the humor in the script could have turned funnier.

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Good fun horror movie. Well worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1:

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This is a really solid comedy horror film. The over the top violence and fight choreography is entertaining.

Good acting and an amusing script.
It's exactly what it aims to be!

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Some of the grindhouse splashy stuff is fun, some of the campy stuff with Cage is fun. Besides that, it’s fairly forgettable. It’s a classic example of the writer not having enough ideas to keep it entertaining and choosing the wrong angle, because let’s be honest here: the movie should’ve focussed on Cage instead of Awkwafina and Hoult. All the stuff with Awkwafina in particular is very boring and feels like padding. Moreover, it’s not that funny, the sickening hues in the cinematography are somewhat interesting but a lot of it still looks like basic coverage and the score/needle drops suck. I don’t even think it throws enough of a bone in terms of well developed characters or an interesting premise, instead it really feels like the worst instincts of Edgar Wright, Taika Waititi and Sam Raimi combined into a film.


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I really wanted to love this, but it just wasn't really what I was hoping for. I adore Nicholas Hoult, and I was excited for this movie from the moment I first heard about it. I managed to avoid the trailers to keep from having anything spoiled, but it has way more action than I had expected, and way less actually funny comedy; with most of it not really hitting the mark for me. The scenes with Renfield and Dracula together are mostly good, and I loved Renfield pulling out the "How to Defend Yourself Against a Narcissist" book, but I disliked pretty much every scene with Awkafina, and the overall tone of the comedy just didn't click for me. It was entertaining enough to burn 90 minutes, but I would struggle to actually recommend it to anyone.

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Fun movie! Both Nics kill it as always and having Ben be a bad guy is always fun but... oh boy just a little too much Awkwafina. Great potential but it was kinda flat at times, still enjoyable watch.

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This is a good bad Nicolas Cage movie. It's dumb in all the right ways with overtop violence. Worked for me. Def. not an award winner though. :laughing:

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This was an interesting take on the age-old Dracula story. Unfortunately, they didn't make it as amusing as they could have, and Awkwafina was wasted in her role. She's really funny, and in this, they didn't give her the freedom to be that. It's unfortunate, b/c it had promise.

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Could be more if remove Awkwafina from it. She is awful, again, a character that ruined movies. Nick as dracula, gory, Rendfield was awsome, I love it, they could use a cop doing Just trying to find the killer, and could be great, but choose an Awkwafina, damn I hate her. Please do not include her in anything, her voice is annoying, she is the worst actress I ve ever seen.

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I guess by 2025 we might be able to feed this movie into an AI model, input a long descriptive prompt .... and have it recreate the whole thing to our liking. :grin:

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The way this movie has been promoted and interviewed had me on a high expectation. I got tricked again :grin:

It's a 6/10 for me.

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Fair, if you are looking for something entertaining and comedic

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Utterly silly, it was completely brilliant.
The perfect amount of nonsense and fun

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Ok! Now this was a good comedy. Definitely a MUST WATCH! Nic is back baby!

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A really interesting yet gory and comical version of Count Dracula as it more so follows the story of his assistant/apprentice as he struggled to cope with the manipulative relationship he has with Dracula as he uses a modern day support to try to get out of the relationship which turns gory yet transcending. The amount of gore and unrelated side stories to the plot make this comical and fun to watch but the plot development and story line is eh.

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Pretty standard film but it was kind of funny and enjoyable. Definitely was longer than I expected but I liked it. Won't be one to remember.

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I was really hoping to enjoy this because I love the cast and like funny camp horror movies. It was pretty disappointed, wasn’t horrible but definitely bored about half way in and wondering how long until it’s over.

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You can't just do 90 minutes of people's heads exploding and call that a movie.

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It was a fun watch. Not a slam dunk for sure - didn’t hit consistently, had some jarring editing that took you out of scenes at times, but what it did hit was fun. Entertaining watch overall.

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Nicolas Cage has been a joke for many many many years now.

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