Shouts about...

Remember Me 2010

robert pattison is so cute omg

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One of the best and powerful movies I ever saw, the acting, the music, the actors themselves... it's just a really good mix, although it can be slow sometimes, but...
the ending just gets me every time, I cry like a baby, it's just becoming my go to movie if I want to cry.

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The ending was totally unnecessary

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i wanted to give it 6 but for the last ten mins ..and the music too :") i just remembered one beloved person , passed away years ago , i just miss em ..much.

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the ending omg it got me crying fr

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very cute, the ending is </3

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this film emotionally scarred me for life.

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The first three quarters of this movie were fairly pedestrian. Robert Pattinson and the female lead were both doing a fine job of carrying the proverbial mail, and the only issue that was outstanding was how the whole thing was going to be wrapped up. I had a bit of an odd feeling in that things were starting to wrap up at a time in the movie when things are usually falling apart. The music reinforced this notion - something was coming. And then it came. I kind of like when a movie throws something in from out of nowhere that causes the viewer to completely re-process everything that they have already seen. It was a pretty decent movie.

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Great role played by Ruby Jerins. And Pattinson as always is playing only characters with twisted personalities...

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This movie blew me away...I watched it for the second time now and it still feels as powerful...Gandhi said that whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but it's very important that you do it because nobody else will. Like when someone comes into your life and half of you says: "You're nowhere near ready". And the other half says: "Make her yours forever". Michael, Caroline asked me what would I say if I knew you could hear me. I said: "I do know. I love you. God, I miss you, and I forgive you.''

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Lmao the ending was so unnecessary. The vigilante scene seems like Pattinson’s Batman origin story. I enjoyed seeing him in this, much of the film feels extraordinarily melancholic to some point of absurdity. A guy dealing with the aftermath of his brother’s suicide was enough trauma to put a strain on his anyone’s relationships. But the writers didn’t think it would suffice so they sledgehammered all the trauma possible into the script.

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Here's my message to the idiot who came up with the ending to this movie...

You are a freaking ass-hole for using 9/11 has a cheap tearjerker ending that comes out of nowhere and doesn't fit at all. Did the person honestly think this was appropriate to put at the end? The rest of the movie was alright until the ending happened. F**k this movie.

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What a muddled mess! Fantastic cast: Lena Olin, Pierce Brosnan, Chris Cooper, Emilie de Ravinn, Robert Pattinson, even a cameo by Martha Plimpton (uncredited). Killer ending. Fantastic premise. But everything else just couldn't pull it together. I almost didn't make it through the first 20 minutes. I thought, "Such a great international cast, why waste it on this movie, and why put it in New York and force a Queens accents on everyone?" Now I know that they must have lured the cast with the nobility of the premise. It's just such a shame they couldn't make good on the promise. Cast, ending, and premise aside, it is a bad movie. I give it a 6 out of 10, 3 for the movie and an extra point each for cast, ending and premise..

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