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Red Rocket 2021

What a ending, what was I looking at? :sweat_smile:

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Great assortment of characters, all equally toxic for different reasons. The film’s strength is built around its wry humor. Instead of making you laugh on the spot, it intelligently draws connections to earlier details or inverts roles and stances as the power balance between characters morphs along the way.

Although far from being a slow film, it could have been a tad more concise.

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Has some good moments, but didn't quite reach the heights I've been reading about. Rex was great as a manic lowlife and some of the lesser actors did alright as well. I know they had locals playing some of the roles here to boot. Enjoyed a few of the comedic moments that were thrown in. 6.0 for me. It's not bad, but it's not at all polished either, nor is it really trying to be I suppose.

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Rated a Connor 5, normal 6

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On paper, you should despise Red Rocket's protagonist, ex-porn star Mikey, on so many levels. Nonetheless, you occasionally root for him, owing largely to Simon Rex's exceptional performance. He plays the role so energetically that you are dragged along by his charisma. There is probably also a lot of Rex himself in the role. I can absolutely understand why he was considered for several awards.

However, credit must also be given to director Sean Baker and the entire crew. Red Rocket looks fantastic, especially given the limited budget. Baker also outdid himself in terms of casting. Every single role is flawlessly cast, with the majority of the actors being relatively unknown. The film is a little too long, but it never becomes boring. Overall, Red Rocket is an engrossing milieu study that I would recommend to almost anyone.

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Mikey is an unlikeable character but that doesn't mean you won't like hanging out with him! A very well acted film with a cast of mosly non professionals and an enjoyable story that takes some dark turns.

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Simon Rex does an amazing job at playing a character by the name of Mikey. Mikey is the kind of guy that everyone has known someone like him at one point in their lives. Someone who is full of lies, fake stories, and always up to one scheme or another just to get by and make ends meet. Even though you see through their BC, you also seem to think maybe thinks are actually starting to look up for them, just to find out they where caught up in another web of lies, and to watch it all come crashing down on them. What’s funny is that these same type of men always seem to meet a nice young lady, who they eventually end up dragging through the mud and ruining their lives.

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The screenplay is probably the best part here, as it effectively builds the tension throughout the film, avoiding the trivial ending otherwise expected. The setting in an ordinary American Midwest environment is also well realized. It may lack however specific meanings or devices to make this movie really remarkable and to remember, but it is still very good.

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I can see why people who are not familiar with Sean Beaker's movies would hate it. He doesn't make movies about well put together people in tidy up places. This is America too. Why would you want to watch another New York/Los Angeles movie?
The last scene was perfect. That's the American Dream :tm:, right there.

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This movie isn't Comedy. This is very serious situation. Every minute of movie feels Attacking USA. Attacks USA's Flag, culture, Industry and etc.
But small movie from independent Film Makers. So don't Raise your hope for this movie. Enjoy it.

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Trash movie about trash people with a trash ending.

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What on earth did I just watch and why was it so long and why are people praising this to high heavens? Seriously, just... what? This is a 2 hour long trainwreck, with a side of junk for some reason.
Worst thing is I can almost see it as an actual documentary, and it's scary because it might well work better that way. Still too long either way though.

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This culture is alien to me, it was kind of confusing and amazing to watch..

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I think I saw an edit where they removed all the comedy :person_shrugging:

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Like an old, suburban sidewalk, this is cracked and uneven but it'll get you where you're going.

This story of an adult film actor who returns to his past and meets his future is as charming as the the character thinks he is but really isn't. Not unlike the lead actor whose talent stretches thin in the emotional scenes and the script which feels like it hits the wrong beats.

Anyway, I only came to watch this for Suzanna Son (though I didn't know it until the instant she walked on the screen).

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If you're a woman this is a good movie to test if your tinder date is a garbage person. If they say "It was a cool movie," chances are they are garbage people. It's Brown bunny for GenZ. The social equivalent of Vincent Gallo and Chloe Sevigny without Fiona Apple 10 years ago on repeat with a reality television star convincing an indie filmmaker (Sean Baker) to make a film entirely around his junk -- the whole movie resolves to SImon Rex's penis. Previous commentors who are stanning for this movie need to srsly ask themselves some hard questions. 1 mini bags of popcorn.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-01-11T14:22:09Z— updated 2022-08-02T21:35:37Z

Fun and disturbing at the same time.
Great filmmaking and visuals, twisted, Simon Rex owns this role (probably because he’s pulling from a lot from his own experience), and funny.
It’s also remarkably accesible for an A24 film, assuming you’re the kind of active viewer who doesn’t need to be spoonfed how to feel.
Very easy recommendation.


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Simon Rex owning a movie in what I assume is a version of himself. I went in pretty blind and the film does a good job of reveling in Mikey’s charm and letting the audience fall for a bit, even if you know there is something more sinister beneath the surface. It’s really fun watching Mikey level up like a video game as he slowly gains small victories like being allowed into the house after being banished to the sidewalk, parlaying that into sleeping on the couch, stepping up to the bed, etc. Sean Baker keeps it subtle though for the most part until we get to the Donut shop and then things steadily fly off the rails and you realize Mikey is not going to change or learn anything, just like everyone else in real life. Like most movies, it could have been a tad shorter.

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This film is so fucked in every best way and Simon Rex turns out a complete unhinged performance and is phenomenal. Sean Baker is a gift of a director

The best thing NSYNC has done in years

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