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Date: 2014-08-23


Police Academy is a series of American comedy films, the first six of which were made in the 1980s. The seventh and to date last installment, Mission to Moscow, was released in 1994. The new film is scheduled for production for 2014. The series opened with Police Academy (1984) which started with the premise that a new mayor had announced a policy requiring the police department to accept all willing recruits. The movie followed a group of misfit recruits in their attempts to prove themselves capable of being police officers. The main character, Carey Mahoney (Steve Guttenberg), was a repeat offender who was forced to join the police academy as punishment.


Shows and movies released between 1980 and 1989.


Adventure, action, comedy and fantasy for all the innocent souls who still dream of being heroes.


One man's journey to watch 3650 movies of the 80s


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Police Academy is a series of American comedy films, the first six of which were made in the 1980s. The series opened with Police Academy (1984) which started with the premise that a new mayor had announced a policy requiring the police department to accept all willing recruits. The film followed a group of misfit recruits in their attempts to prove themselves capable of being police officers, and succeeding both in spite of and because of their eccentricities. The main character in the first four films, Carey Mahoney (Steve Guttenberg), was a repeat offender who was forced to join the police academy as punishment. The seventh and to date last installment, Mission to Moscow, was released in 1994. Guttenberg in September 2018 announced that a new Police Academy film was in the works.

In general, all of the films and television shows depended on low-brow humor, usually based on simple characterizations and physical comedy. As with many similar films, the theme was a group of underdogs struggling to prove themselves while various stereotyped authority figures tried to suppress them. The sequels have not been well received by critics, although they were generally commercially successful. The first film grossed $149.8 million worldwide and made a profit of $35 million. The sequels earned $387 million in total. Parallels are often drawn between Police Academy and the British Carry On series, for their common reliance on a largely constant ensemble cast throughout the various films, the two series' frequent use of low-brow humor, sexual innuendo and physical comedy. George Gaynes, Michael Winslow, and David Graf were the only actors appearing in all seven films of the series.


Best comedies from the 80s and 90s
