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Palo Alto 2014


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Oh boy this film could've been amazing if it weren't for such a shitty ending.

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Jack Kilmer, bless. He's adorable and is just mesmerising on screen. I love films like this which focus on what's on screen rather than having to spell everything out. Some things made me so frustrated and uncomfortable so it worked.

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idk i felt like the movie had no point ?
but it did represent teenagers in a good way.
also i felt so stupid falling for the teacher :") i first thought he did really love her n tried to restraint himself but couldn't :") turned out he was only a predator ...

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I think James Franco produced this just so he could make out with underage girls.

It's impossible to rate this film objectively knowing that James Franco wrote the stories this movie is based on and that he also solicited sex from minors.

The second film I've seen today about older men seducing children... I just can't.

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Somehow, to me, this became a lot more about Emily than about April, Teddy and "all-the-way-down-problematic-road" James Franco's character.

Anyway, it's nice to see Emma Roberts portraying a non-blonde, super rich, bitchy role. Haven't seen it in a while.

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This is a sad teen angst movie with fleshed out characters. Peer pressure, broken people, consequences and the "wisdom" of adults. It's really good writing. The movie doesn't explain everything and it works.

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Jack Kilmer, Emma Roberts le Amo.

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A Capolla directing mixed with a James Franco story and a soundtrack by Dev Hynes....what could possibly go wrong with that combination of seems a lot.

I don't think id have enjoyed this film even if I was a 14 year old girl. Emma Roberts was as good as ever and Val Kilmer son Jack was okay. That Fred fella though irritated the life out of me.

Great soundtrack by Dev though. Im off to buy it.

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This movie was not good. It was not good at all and I am used to these kind of movies. Watch 'Adult World' and 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' instead.

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nat wolff plays the trashy piece of shit mysoginistic homophobic white boy to a fucking t

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@atlantis14 What does "I am used to these kind of movies" even mean...

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Interesting characters but...was that even an ending or?

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I love the cinematography of this movie.
every angle of this film describes like every teenager!

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