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Oppenheimer 2023

Didn't do it for me. Dragged and dragged. Managed to watch it to the end but only just.

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  • I’m not coming here, Robert.
  • Why not?
  • You drop a bomb and it falls on the just and the unjust. I don’t the culmination of three centuries of physics to be a weapon of mass destruction.
  • Izzy, I don’t know if we can be trusted with such a weapon. But I know the Nazis can’t. We have no choice. _______
  • Io qui non ci vengo, Robert.
  • Perché no?
  • Tu sganci una bomba e cade sui giusti e sugli ingiusti. E io non voglio che il culmine di tre secoli di fisica sia un’arma di distruzione di massa.
  • Izzy, io non so se siamo affidabili con un’arma simile, però so che i Nazisti non lo sono. Non abbiamo scelta.
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The movie was amazing to watch even though there were some inconsistances, my favourite actress Florence pugh also showed out lol, Overall 9 stars.

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So you are telling me Oppenheimer was warned several times of what he was building and he did not stop until he realised it was too late to apologise and revert on what he had caused/created. Even he regretted his own invention on the bombings of Japan moments after creation. He could have stopped all this non-sense and maybe today we wouldnt have Atomic bombs nor Hydrogen bombs that would menace the humanity.
Furthermore, he was warned that he had near 0 chances of destroying the whole world and he kept doing it risking everyones life because of his selfishness and ambition. He was truly a MONSTER. One of the WORST inventions ever

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It started slow, but once you get into it, it slowly builds to a great movie

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Other than the bomb, doesn't let any moment breathe.

Would be 10/10 if Jack Parsons were in it:person_shrugging_tone3:

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It's a Nolan movie and quite a fun topic

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Good biographical story.
Great acting
Biographical stories are typically not for me.

Characters 8/10
Story 7/10
Pacing 5/10
Visuals 8/10
Rewatchability Factor 1/10
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 4/10
Average Score 5.5/10

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Level "Interesting" • 7 :heart: • Entertaining and Good.

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This was a fantastic film. The acting was tremendous, and the pacing of the film was quite good for such a movie. I was really impressed w/ the overall production, and I learned quite a bit about the entire process of the atomic bomb coming to be. I will say that I was somewhat surprised that there wasn't any real focus on the long-term effects of dropping the bombs, however.

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Acting 10/10
Pacing 4/10 (montage)

Why did we need 60 mins for the villain arc, it added nothing. It was just Hollywoods obsession with needing a villain.

Was it good? Yes.
Was it overrated and majority of people being twats who don't mention both good and bad after watching? Also yes.

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It's way too long..
You really have to justify yourself to be a 3 hour movie..
There was way too much fat on this film to justify itself..
Did I say this film is too long??
It would have been a better film if it was shorter, like this review..

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The movie was great, but I wish it was a bit shorter. The directing was exceptional, and Cillian Murphy's acting was on point. But I think they could have focused more on the devastating effects on the civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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As a biopic, I found this quite engaging, if a bit overlong. As a Christopher Nolan film, it felt very safe, but gorgeously done. Perhaps the hype set the bar too high? That being said, this film is chock full of standout performances by a cast of amazing individuals. Murphy turned in a fully realized effort as the titular character, and he was surrounded by performers knocking it out of the park. I had hoped for a bit more moral wrestling with what they created, but the scenes where it was permeating the goings on did hit. This is obviously worth the time you'll invest to watch it, but it was not quite the masterpiece it may have been talked up to be.

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Nolan does a even more serious movie about politics and wins the Oscar he should have won decades ago

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It's a movie that's carried away by its monstrously remarkable historical context, and as a film, Nolan's beautiful technical production. However, it fails to create a biopic that makes you connect with what's going on, and even manages to spoil the pace of the movie with a lot of filler. It's unbelievable that the guy could deliver such a lazy script for such an impactful and interesting subject as the use and danger of the nuclear bomb. A waste of potential.

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A great watch with fabulous performances and great photography, but also with many issues...
In many scenes it felt like watching the academy awards speeches: after a short while the, mostly very interesting, dialogue was getting drowned out from the music, why make it so annoyingly loud? When watching Oppenheimer giving a lecture in what supposed to be Dutch, I almost laughed out loud... I'm Belgian myself, why not bother to teach the main character of a movie with such high production value at least a few understandable sentences in Dutch? These details kinda got the movie down for me. Almost as much as hearing Tom Hanks speaking with a Dutch accent in 'Elvis'.... Certainly not best movie at the Oscars material in my very modest opinion....

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Nolan certainly outdid himself in this one! More pedantic and self-important than ever! There is something ironic in that Oppenheimer's wife character critiqued him saying something along the lines of him thinking so great of himself... and that that would definitely apply to Nolan. Just because the movie had great acting and a difficult story to be adapted, it doesn't make it any good; quite the contrary, the higher you are, the harder the fall. The editing to make it "artistic" is just disorienting enough to trick you into thinking it's oh so smart and complex and profound. Not to forget the cheesy lines some characters, Einstein specially, were spitting like it was fountains of wisdom coming straight from the most generic Marvel movie. This is the worst garbage of intellectual wannabe film ever: it's like Ricky and Morty for people that think they are actually smarter than Ricky and Morty fans. Apologetic Hollywood trash that OF COURSE copped 7 Academy Awards. Make the bomb, drop the bomb, make the movie, make money with the movie, award the movie... all in a day's work of American imperialism.

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Slow movie with US propaganda.

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There it is. My 3rd viewing of arguably one of the most mesmerizing technical achievements in cinema ever. I'm gonna up my rating from a 9 to 10 because it totally deserves every bit of praise it gets. I have read many reviews pointing out the flaws of the movie, while I don't really deny most of them you can't but get pissed at the comments saying how boring the movie is because no movie has ever had me glued to the screen for three straight hours like Oppenheimer has.

I don't have anything new to add that haven't already been said before so I'm gonna cut this review short by appreciating Nolan for this masterpiece and the totally deserving Oscars for the actors, directors and the crew.

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Uneven movie. Stellar performance by Robert Downey Junior.

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This anxiety felt since the bomb test scene is breathtaking. The cast is great and so is the cinematography. Chris Nolan did it again, hope he ever will

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Incredible cast. Absolutely phenomenal casting.

I must not the intended audience of this movie… or maybe everyone else is just saying they like this to sound smart?

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The Zone of Interest is a grown up story about war. This is a sophomoric history lesson and an incomplete one at that. And folks should know that there were people in New Mexico who were displaced and not compensated and others who were irradiated and not compensated either. Nolan's way of doing history does not entertain me nor does it satisfy my curiosity.

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Don't know if I would have loved this film had I not read the book on which it's based. It really was a strange mess of short clips that are supposed to take the viewer from place and time. It was difficult for my over-stimulated mind to bounce around like that. But once I settled in, it was a great ride. And the Oscar goes to Cillian Murphy...

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I'm in the minority but I didn't enjoy it. The focus of the story at times was not of interest. The story itself around the bomb and court case was interesting enough that it didn't need all of the time jumps. I'm assuming these were added to motivate tension or quicker pace which it didn't. Some weird scenes in there like the two character sitting naked and discussing things. Seemed like a cheap ploy to get bewbs on screen. Overall the actors performed fantastically and the real story was interesting, but it ran too long adding in some meaningless scenes and story tangents which created a bit of boredom.

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So you don't even get to watch a video on your phone that you choose that is not good

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It’s like Zelig, but with physicists and not as funny.

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I didn't like this very much. Too disjointed. Mixing scenes from different times where they have their own specific feelings and emotions doesn't work. Overall no sense of wonder, bad use of effects and many other things.

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A haunting exploration of the genius and moral burden behind the atomic bomb, fueled by Cillian Murphy's captivating performance and Nolan's signature grandiosity.

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Right after watching, “Oppenheimer” leaves you the lasting impression of having just watched a perfectly crafted film. However, I still find it hard to connect to the material on a personal level. Nolan gives it all, but his tropes look as elegant as they feel mechanical, capable of achieving their effect only superficially. The film leaves you amazed by its achievements as a piece of cinema, but struggles to have an impact on an emotional, human level. Nevertheless, "Oppenheimer" remains a meticulously crafted film, so rich in characters and events that it never feels dragged out despite its three-hour runtime. The first half felt even too fast-paced, frenetically bombarding the audience with so many names, notions, and fanservice for science history nerds that it disorients. Luckily enough, the pacing slows down in the second half, allowing the audience to breathe and connect the dots in preparation for the crescendo in tension accompanying the last beats. Ultimately, despite failing to get a moving insight into Oppenheimer’s inner world, I find it impossible not to be fascinated by the intricate framework built around the character.

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No, sorry, not the movie to become a classic. Way tooooo complicated, with 4? 5? different timelines, each one full of information that the viewer had to understand, put in order and remember. It was very beautiful to watch, but it looked more than a montage exercise and less like a drama movie. But Cillian Murphy was amazing, incredible, totally worths every award he is a candidate. Also the cast is top, even those who came for a scene or two.

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It was really good. Despite the long run time, it kept you engaged the whole time. It makes me want to check out the book the movie was based on, which sounds like they did a pretty faithful representation of the book.

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it’s complicated to properly rate this movie but i just find myself taken out of the movie watching experience by the poorly written female characters and the question of what the purpose of making this film was?
The visuals were great and the score was incredible, no notes, and obviously the acting was top tier (but with a cast like that you’re taking no chances) but something about the victimization of Oppenheimer angle taken at the end just rubs me wrong:woman_shrugging_tone1:

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Whilst rather long this is a superb movie. It certainly gives great insight into the life of Oppenheimer and the world of nuclear development and destruction. Murphy and Downey Jr deserve their Oscar Nominations, I hope they win in their categories. :thumbsup_tone1: Stunning film, should win best Film at the Oscars. The comment at the end of the Movie by Oppenheimer to Einstein " we have destroyed the world" sums it all up.

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Christopher Nolan is an expert in his field of creating masterpieces. This is an exceptional piece of film with equal parts beauty and horror. It is not a film for an everyday "sit down with your mates" but instead an education in history delivered in a package that only Nolan can drop. Stunning and hard hitting with a stellar cast and sublime acting.

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Well that was 1000x better than Barbie....

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Oppenheimer is not a movie, it's a film, it's a masterclass achievement in the history of cinema, a ridiculous achievement in filmmaking and a spectacular experience that should be studied. It's a cinematic detonator, exploding with tension and brilliance. I can't sweat it enough to recommend how good of a movie Oppenheimer is, but it doesn't always cater to the mass.

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Overall a good film, but you have to pay close attention to really understand it and sometimes the story seems a bit confusing and is only really explained at the end. This made it difficult for me to understand it right from the beginning and to be able to follow it consistently

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Another amazing movie to add to Christopher Nolan's excellent movie portfolio, 3 hours flew by like it was nothing! Exceptionally paced, beautifully acted (by everyone involved but especially Cillian Murphy) the editing, and the soundtrack how fantastic! What can i say? it's as to be expected by now from his previous track record that this is another movie well worth your time. Elevated by the amazing tech behind IMAX.

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Nolan deserve all the recognition that he are receiving by this master piece, a genius. Oppenheimer don't have mistakes.

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so it was good . not great. some real good acting that really kept the storyline going. so much male ego and feelings for my liking. I liked how the movie truly covered all of his accomplishments and finished the story with a conclusion that I never new existed.

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I love it because of the genuis in it. From the acting and designs to the soundtrack and cinematography. The only reason I'm not giving it a 10 is because the 2 hour version would be better.
The tension to satisfaction this gave is one of the bests iv ever experienced. I could talk about this movie all day.

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Managed to keep my attention for most of the 3 hours running time. I did get distracted by the stellar cast lining up to be in this film.

Both the leads were amazing in their own way, but I would give the award to Robert Downey Jr. He was mostly unrecognisable in the role.

The sound mix deserves a special mention for helping a biopic film feel like a blockbuster.

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Shout by jmonty

movie wasn't pink enough :(

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Amazing movie. It’s long, but it doesn’t drag at all. Which is surprising, because it’s mostly men talking about one of the complicated/boring subjects in the world. The fact that it’s as good as it is, is proof that the story, performances and music are top notch.

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Like Barbie, this movie has been written about a ton already. I think it’s genuinely impressive that a talkey movie, half in black and white, that works as a biopic and a condemnation of the American government, could become so popular. And that’s due to Nolan’s excellent directing, which finally feels purposeful instead of just self-imitation. I’ve often criticized how he tries to play with narrative structures and chronology just for the sake of doing so, but here everything is done intentionally. The spliced narrative puts Nolan into the room, giving the camera an actual perspective on the events taking place. And yes, the technicals are just as high quality as you would expect, from the stunning cinematography to the booming sound.

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First I was bored by science, politics and lack of humor. Later I got involved and the final lines blew my mind. It did totally worth the three hours of my pre-holiday evening.

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There’s no doubt that the idea of an atomic bomb feels vile and immoral, but there is also no denying that its existence (and thus, the stalemate of mutual destruction the world finds itself in now) has brought peace to our time like nothing else could have. One might call it a necessary evil or say “the ends justify the means.” Of course, that will only apply as long as these bombs don’t fall into the wrong hands; hands that could ensue a chain reaction resulting in the end of the world…

All in all, this was a beautiful and compelling movie with stellar acting. This movie has certainly shown me that Oppenheimer was not only a true genius, but also a good person with the best intentions and perfectly human emotions and feelings

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I don't see what the big stink is about this movie. its OK

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  1. cillian murphy=goat
  2. the monochrome is as pointless as the one netflix trying to do in 'the spy', its like 'ok we know what you are pursuing but nah bro'
  3. its not perfect but we need more movies like this but its nolan so I'm disappointed
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The music all the way through this film ruined it. Far too loud and not needed.

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I think it's not the usual biopic that me or people expect, but still a good one. Btw, RDJ finally gave something else different from Tony Stark lol.

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There are two things stand out about this movie. First, I can't imagine any other actor other than Cillian Murphy pulling this off. He is just so.... believable. He completely blended into the role, and I have to imagine that if he did not nail the role then this would have been a lesser movie. The second thing is the direction. This is a story that had to have been hard to tell because it is a rather talkie-like drama. Nolan's storytelling walked a very fine line, and the result was something truly special. It was easily in my top five of the year.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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I liked the movie when I saw it in the cinema. But now watching it at home, being more familiar with the names and timelines, with the possibility to rewind; I have to say it's a masterpiece. There's not one minute that could be cut, for those that complain about the length.

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the big bang theory's worst episode

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The movie lets you believe the atomic bomb is the worst invention, but in the past months, they bombed Palestine with more bombs in kiloton (KT) power than the A-bombs used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki together. Again, with the cooperation of the same two parties that invented and used the A-bomb. So the worst thing in this world is not the bombs themselves but the parties that control the power with their undemocratic World Government.

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This was an ok movie. For some I just didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would. I also think it could have been much shorter.

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This movie makes you feel like you were part of the Manhattan project. Imo as an Indian the controversies don't bother me at all. It might seem random and it very well might be... but honestly... eh. Made in a very compelling way.

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Pretty good... but not fantastic. Felt like a lot was just brushed over, which it quite a feat considering its 3 hours long!!

I really appreciated it switching to black and white for the flashback/different timeline - more movies should do this.

Overall I liked it, but still feel a lot was missing (I have no idea what, because I'm not that interested in finding out more). One thing that was referenced but glazed over was the German scientists' involvement.. as in it was downplayed. Pretty sure I've read in the book Operation Paperclip that they were heavily involved during and/or after Oppenheimer.


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Me when Matt Damon testifies at the end:

""Awww! They're buddies now!""ù

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Casting-wise it is pretty much flawless and every single one delivers stellar performances and Nolans script derived from American Prometheus is spectacular.
However the cinematography is absolutely appalling and I have a hard time believing that an non stroke impaired Van Hoytema followed up Interstellar and Tenet with this absolute mess.
It is constantly switching between different aspect ratios and black and white vs colour all within the same timeframe.
It illustrates nothing. It accomplishes nothing. Just... why?
The sound levels switches seamlessly between barely audible dialogue to EARSPLITTING BOMBASTIC MUSIC enough to actually simulate an atom bomb going of in your eardrums every fifteen minutes worthy of a horror B-movie aiming for a jump scare.
As much as it pains me as a fellow Swede composer Ludwig Göransson completely missed the ball on this with a musical score so out of place it's like he wrote it for a completely different movie than the one I just watched.
As these factors where so extremely palpable throughout the entire film it turns what could have been a great film into a good one simply because Nolan's at his lowest is still ridiculously high.

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I was actually looking forward to watch this movie. Unfortunately I have to say I was rather disappointed when the movie came to an end.

One of the most impressive projects ever undertaken filled with scientifical challenges and performed under immense pressure.

That is what the movie should have been all about. Unfortunately it is not. Instead all the science, challenges and achievements are just glossed over and we are feed three long, boring, hours about political machinations and his sex life.

That is not what I was expecting and it is definitely not what I wanted to watch.

Trust Hollywood to turn science into a bloody soap-like drama.

Christopher Nolan is definitely not a person that should be tasked with making a science or history movie. His Dunkirk was underwhelming to say the least and Interstellar was both a poor movie and a joke when it came to science.

I guess I should have lowered my expectations when I saw they gave the movie to him.

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Oppenheimer, a historical figure of immense significance, has long awaited his cinematic portrayal, and it has finally materialized. This remarkable film boasts outstanding performances from its cast, complemented by a compelling narrative.

While the movie approaches perfection in many aspects, its extended duration and occasional complexity may pose challenges for some viewers. Regrettably, the film falls short of perfection in my eyes, partly because my wife did not resonate with it. In my opinion, a movie about Oppenheimer should strive to captivate every mind, transcending the boundaries of historical or scientific interests.

For a film to truly be considered a masterpiece, it should aim to imprint the concept of a nuclear bomb on the minds of all its viewers, fostering a positive impact. I derive joy from the greatness of this movie, yet there's a tinge of sadness as I feel it didn't fully realize its potential to reach and resonate with a broader audience, making a lasting impression about the gravity of the subject matter.

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This is a good story about Oppenheimer and everything surrounding his work. The acting is pretty excellent but the movie isn't particularly captivating. I was into it for the first hour of the three and then found myself distracted by nearly anything else to have this on in the background.

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absolute masterpiece.
this movie is not a biography of j Robert Oppenheimer.
it's not about making bombs.
its a very balanced story.Will involve you in that days.
it's not all about can you read the story,it's about can you hear the story more.

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Solid movie, more vfx might have added to a few scenes.

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This is and will be the most overrated move in history. I'm straight to the point, it boring AF.

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Shout by nini choi

It's a movie of life.

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gave it an 8 but I'm not sure I would want to ever watch it again

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Honestly, if this doesn't sweep the Oscars then I guess I know nothing about movies

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On the technical aspects of shooting 70mm IMAX - why bother if the shots are out of focus? If you believe so highly in resolution being important for film making please use Digital Intermediates so we actually get to see that resolution by the time it hits our eyes. Finishing a film photochemically destroys resolution. We have better tech now days - use it!

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Shout by Nox
BlockedParent2023-11-19T17:54:03Z— updated 2023-11-20T20:23:43Z

The score had me think every 5 minute scene was building up to a life or death climax only to jump forward, or backward in time to focus on another pointless and exaggerated storyline. It hopped along from the US to Europe, back to the US, political parties, cheating spouses and having children with a hearing and bomb building sprinkled in between.

Instead of telling a coherent story it felt more like "hey... Look how many famous actors I can get in my movie."

Someone took my mom to see this in cinema. She hadn't been to see a movie in 40 years. I feel sorry she had to sit through this.

I don't know what he was speaking but it wasn't Dutch.

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The movie is a little too hectic, switching from one scene to another. Playing in 3 different times at once. You have to really focus to know what's going on, definetely not a movie to chill out. The movie should've been a little slower and some "unnecessary", less important details cut down.
I fully agree with what Jordy said in his comment: "There’s a strong ‘and then this happened, and then this happened’ feel to it, which definitely keeps up the pace, but it refuses to stop and let an emotion or idea simmer for a while."

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The film would have had greater impact and been a 8.5 if they cut at 2h:09m. The remaining 51 minutes is extraneous and feels like bonus content that wasn’t cut.

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Although I don't like biographical films, I loved this film. Nolan should definitely get an Oscar this year And certainly the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor is decided for Robert Downey jr.

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Absolutely loved it so very much

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I do not think i could have watch it this on theatre, the years have passed on me were i could sit for 3+ hours on the chair to watch a movie, even one that suppose to be a masterpiece.
Was it a masterpiece ? no, a solid 8 for me. Nolan have yet to to be able for me to pass Interstellar.

It was very difficult to follow the pace and the cinematography, the constant change of scenes the sciense and the facts that were giving all the time in extra speed was hard to keep up. Yes i should paid more attention on the school or maybe read a bit more about the story before seeing the movie i think that would have helped a lot.

Cillian was really good (every performance was good actually)

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Truly amazing that Nolan was able to create a biopic that somehow had a twist in it, but given the material, it also makes complete sense. While I will say the pacing of the movie in some parts was a little odd, there's no denying the visuals, soundtrack, and story are all spectacular. The end credits scene was also really good.

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This is a powerful, interesting movie and piece of History. I did peruse the internet a bit to see how much of the movie is actually true and I'm glad to report that it appears it is very accurate where it matters.
It turns out I only barely had a rudimentary knowledge of the Oppenheimer story making the movie much more interesting and educational.
Cillian and Downey Jr are excellent in their portrayals. Definitely a movie worth watching.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Nolan at his best.
Can anyone craft a tale like him? A masterful storyteller.

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Before watching it,I feared that Nolan wouldn’t be able to give his best this time.But you know what,Nolan never disappoints...
This time, he rocked with the solid appearance of the modern Prometheus and provided a cinematic experience like never before.I didn’t think that a biopic can be so intriguing and engaging to keep me seated the whole time.The music was just damn perfect with such wonderfully crafted screenplay and cinematography. And what to say about acting.!Nolan always takes the best as his cast and makes them exceed their own acting range..This man is just above appraisal. And Cilian Murphy acted as Oppenheimer like he lived the life of that legend...Love to the whole crew and cast for such a wonderful ride through a legend's life....

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I fail to understand why this movie was made. People who are actually interested, can just read the history or watch an actual documentary. This movie was filled with unnecessary personal drama, most of which is either incorrect or exaggerated. Oppenheimer never felt guilty of anything he did. He did feel sympathy for the innocent lives lost, and he was concerned about nuclear arms race. But he had no regrets till the day he died.

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Jason Clarke's most villainous role since Terminator Genisys.

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My first impression of Oppenheimer, after watching it yesterday, is identical to the review by Trakt user Jordy[1] here. This turned out to be one of the most over-hyped movies of 2023.

It's 3 hours long. So, the probability of me rewatching this to check if I missed something is slim to none. Personally, I think glorifying Oppenheimer as the "father" of the Nuclear Bomb is debatable. It's not like the guy actually designed and built the bomb all by himself. The Manhattan Project had other highly qualified people working on the bomb. Simply put, J. Robert Oppenheimer isn't Alan Turing, and this movie pales in comparison to The Imitation Game (which I've watched multiple times over the years). :wink:


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Playing with the timeline is a signature of Nolan, but this one so far, was my favourite type of it. A biography is boring in nature, unless it's told in a certain way. I admit it's confusing at first, but for that very confusion you'll be thinking about the movie afterwards.

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Captivating story, albeit the last act was a rad underwhelming

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"You don't get to commit sin, and then ask all of us to feel sorry for you when there are consequences."

For a movie about making a bomb, the explosion is only a small fraction of what the whole story entails, and I love that. RDJ kills it, Cillian Murphy kills it (not sure if his character is that likable), and the music elevates the build up and the consequences so much. At one point I had to look at my watch to see if my heart rate was elevated in the theater.

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This flick about the bloke who invented the big bangs is a real ripper! Ol' J. Robert Oppenheimer was a proper smart fella who cooked up the atom bomb during World War Two. This blue between the Yanks and the Japs was a real rumble, I tell ya.

The film shows how Oppenheimer and his mob of eggheads cracked the code on splittin' atoms using some bonzer physics. There's a truckload of science chatter that'll make your head spin, but it's choice seeing them blow things up in the name of science!

When Oppie realizes what he's done, he looks more crook than a bush parrot. His gizmo killed a squillion Japs and he's not apples with that. But the Yanks reckon he's fair dinkum

This flick is a corker with all the trimmings. The acting is bonza and it really gives you the drum on Oppenheimer and his doomsday machine. I give it the thumbs up - it's one for the pool room for sure! Take a squiz at Oppenheimer if you want a rip-snortin' history lesson, it's got everything including the kitchen sink.

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Re: Barbenheimer

I think it’s a really rare thing when releases are SO eagerly anticipated and then so wholeheartedly deliver. I enjoyed both of these movies immensely for wildly different reasons; Barbie is a fantastically feminist, candy-colored camp fantasy that delivers laughs and thoughts on existentialism and humanity; and Oppenheimer is a dramatically dense, fast-paced character study that delivers dread and thoughts on…existentialism and humanity. Funny how the two meet there.

Aside from the movies themselves, it has been YEARS since a movie theatre has felt so electric as when my husband and I saw Barbie on Thursday night. The outfits and “Hi, Barbie!” exclamations left and right fed directly into a delightfully enthusiastic audience - and then I didn’t hear a peep during my Oppenheimer screening this evening, which is a far cry from the typical Friday night audience.

This has been my favorite week at the movies in a very long time.

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