Shouts about...

Onward 2020

It's solid mid tier Pixar. The world they built is cool. The animation is beautiful. The characters and voice acting are great. The plot is fine and predictable. It does have a sweet moment at the end.

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Not quite up to the usual Pixar standard.
The comedy and characters ultimately save the film.
It touches you in a way that only Pixar can, but it did so in quite a predictable way, I thought.
Moreover, it feels a bit slapped together, as if they’re making it up as they go along.


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An incredibly beautiful, heart-warming, and enjoyable film, with a lovely story and filled with emotion. I loved every second of it, and it didn't feel like 100 minutes at all! Tom Holland's voice was perfect for Ian Lightfoot's character. This has to be one of my favorite Pixar movies. Here come the waterworks.

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I really liked Onward. The brothers are great characters, well developed : you feel for them and grow attached to them and their relationship. That was the best thing about this movie for me, and what carried my grade to a 7. I still wish we would have known more about Barley.
Unfortunately, every other character - and there aren't many - is very underdeveloped (except maybe for the Manticore, who was developed enough and pretty fun to watch) . I didn't care about the mom nor the cop boyfriend at all.

The pace is good, the story is good, but I feel like something is missing in that quest. Maybe it was a bit too linear.

Otherwise, cool world, the animation was pretty good, I don't feel like it was mindblowing but I don't know much about it. I really liked their hair for some reason though.

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That was a fantastic quest of fun with a beautiful touching message and had a great sense of humour and super voice cast. I loved the animation style, Pixar never fail to amaze me with their ideas. I noticed being Disney and all they brought back the Ogers from the old animation series in the 90s ‘Gummi Bears’ that I loved while growing up.

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As an older brother myself, this really hit me in the feels.

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Such an amazing story! And such a beautiful ending - not what you'd typically expect. Oh yes, be ready for the waterworks. This definitely goes on my list of top feel good Pixar movies

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This movie was truly beautiful
I love the comedy and the dynamic between the two brothers.
I wasn't expected to be this into that movie but everything was just magical
The actors were well-chosen also! Didn't know it was Tom Holland!

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Love this story. Can't think of another Disney movie about brothers. Really hit home for me.

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The world and premise is really awesome. Unfortunately it often felt a bit exaggerated (in the sense of overacting, e.g. it was pretty painful to watch when Ian tried to invite the "gang" to his birthday party). It's a great movie that had fun, action, and heart but just maybe it could've been even better. I found the ending very sweet (when Ian realized that Barley was always there for him, like a father).

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The first time I watched this movie, I was disappointed. I thought it was not up to Pixar's standards.

I rewatched it again tonight, for some reason. And I thought it was amazing. I don't know what changed, but this movie looks beautiful, has great action scenes, great voice acting, funny moments, a lot of attention to detail, and an emotional ending, the way only Pixar knows how to pull off. It's actually a pretty good movie. I was excited and I laughed and I even teared up a bit. It kinda flew under the radar, but I wholeheartedly recommend it.

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I enjoyed 'Onward'. It sets up a cool world filled with intrigue, whilst also having a heartwarming story and good lead voice actors. It doesn't, at least for me, hit every hearty note it attempts but you definitely end up caring for the main two characters.

Tom Holland (Ian) and Chris Pratt (Barley) are a smart pairing, they work together nicely. I don't love those around the Lightfoot brothers, the stuff with Laurel and Corey isn't all that interesting even if Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Octavia Spencer are fine choices as their voices.

Overall, a good watch.

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Not as funny as many Pixar films, as a lot of the attempts at humor both seem a lot more forced than normal and tired variations of previous films. Even the setting smacks of a variation on the Monsters Inc world, with fantasy tropes and magic replacing the childhood monsters and dreams explored to less comic effect. That said, Pixar knows how to develop genuine relationships that are relatable and touching, and although it takes time to come to the fore, the relationship between the two brothers is well handled and builds to a satisfying and emotional final act that ensures the film remains a cut above the weaker Pixar efforts.

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This movie is "Frozen" for boys.

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Well it's better than Inside Out for sure! its not too Grand but the animation is magnificent & the story & the characters are sweet.

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Ironic that this kids' movie about finding your magic doesn't have any in it. Despite a satisfying 3rd act, this is the first paint-by-numbers Pixar film I remember seeing. (I did, however, give it bonus points for not having any songs.)

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I have a very big question ... If they used a gem and only brought back half down their father's body, why if they use another gem, the upper half of the body isn't appear for another whole day yet?

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Onward is a great adventure filled with humor and emotion.

This a movie that you should watch with your family.

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Pixar did it again!
Absolutely brilliant. Really strong on the family values. Funny, emotional and a great sense of adventure.
Loved the characters and their individual development throughout their quest!

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In Onward, magic is like playing outside. Once technology came along. Everyone stopped going outside and going on quests.
Ian (Tom Holland) and his older brother Barley (Chris Pratt) discover a wand and a spell. That can bring their late father back for a day. Who Ian, never met.
Together they go on a quest to get a gem that together with the wand. Can bring back their dad. There’s some road trip movie cliches. Whether it’s a fairy version of a biker gang or not.
As soon you see the biker gang, you know there will be a fight with them. After someone does something to anger them. Like, the most cliche thing as to knock over their bikes for instance.
The film still tugs at your heart strings though and might get a tear or two out of you. It is touching and cute even if is not Pixar’s best. Though more memorable than any Cars film.

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wow. i cried SO MUCH. i know i'm a pisces and it's pisces season now and i know it's affecting me and i cry so easily with movies BUT this movies made me cry badly. it was so beautiful.

also. this movie is actually really funny. usually i don't find "kids" movies that funny but i laughed so much with this disney movie. like no fart jokes. im happy. this was a great time. thank you pixar.

ps. eventhough the lgbtq representation was pure crap, WE GOT AN OPENLY GAY CHARACTER IN A PIXAR MOVIE, FAM!

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great movie!! exceeded expectations. this movie did not become mainstream.. but should have

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I like this movie, but it is not one of the best.

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Full Review:

Even though over the years, we have come to expect nothing but perfection out of Pixar (Which is kinda harsh from my perspective even though it, unfortunately, makes sense), I believe it is still worth noting that movies like this one give the impression that the beloved animation studio wants to keep enchanting us with stories that are relatable, creative and tug hard at your heart strings. “Onward” is the same and deserves to be more loved as much as many of the best Pixar offerings, even if it may not be the strongest when compared to movies like “Inside Out” or “Coco”. If “Frozen” was the touching tale of two sisters then “Onward” is the touching tale of two brothers. This movie deserves a second chance after being sadly tossed aside during the Covid-19 pandemic. It has an unsteady but emotionally resonated story, great characters, excellent animation, and a surprisingly good soundtrack. It may be a B-level Pixar flick, but it needs more attention and love from critics and audiences worldwide.

(Final Grade: B+)

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Shout by Deleted

长兄如父, watched at 2020-03-26, imported from douban

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Oh noooooo Guineveeeeerrrr!!!! :sob:

Only the first of many year jerk moments. What a lovely film wipes eyes Full of adventure, family values and magic. What more could you want.

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me crying over a pixar movie and the fact that magic isn’t real yep what’s new keep scrolling

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Why do I get the feeling that Jack Black was supposed to play the character of Barley Lightfoot instead of Chris Pratt?

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This was a fun Pixar movie, especially if your looking for new characters and a new storyline.

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If Frozen was Disney's touching story about two sisters, then this is definitely Pixar's touching story of two brothers. I really liked Ian and Barley's dynamic; it's nice to see that while the older one still ribs the younger one, they're still really supportive of one another. It's the glue that holds this movie together, and I'm glad that it plays a big part. Also, it took me a while to get used to Chris Pratt's voice coming out of an animated character, but all the voice acting is pretty darn solid.

The whole aspect of the dad's lower half being there is an inspired choice. It elevates the relationship between the brothers, and makes for some really funny jokes. I got a little choked up at times, so Pixar definitely checked those boxes for me.

It's a fun movie with a lot of heart. That's something Pixar has been doing for so long, and they still know how to do it well. These guys can really tell a story in every pixel and every sound.

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Shout by Deleted

Watched this when it first came out on D+, not as good as people say. Watched with my brother and we felt nothing, especially because this was a sibling movie. We both felt that the movie was not up to Pixar's highs

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The animation is good but the ending could have more time between children and father.

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wise buildup, cried at the ending

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Classic disney cartoon, every scene was predictable. It deserves 5, but 3d was good so, 7.
update: I didn't see the representation because I was watching the turkish dubbed version with my family and because the dubbers translated my girlfriend as “my partner” but I knew it!!!!! I opened it in English now yessss character says my girlfriend:pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face::sob::pleading_face::sob::pleading_face::sob::pleading_face::sob: queen:palms_up_together::palms_up_together::palms_up_together::person_bowing::male_sign::person_bowing::male_sign::person_bowing::male_sign::person_bowing::male_sign::person_bowing::male_sign:

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I love Tom Holland and Chris Pratt.

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Shout by Jim G.
BlockedParent2021-01-27T07:11:17Z— updated 2021-01-29T19:13:13Z

This one is a decent Pixar outing, but there's nothing about it that's fresh. In fact, it's pretty derivative of previous Pixar efforts and there's nothing in particular in this one that makes it memorable, let alone timeless. Still, it's Pixar, where even an average result is far above average.

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I was going to give this a 7 but then I cried at the end so I bumped it up to an 8

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"Put it in O, for onward!"

This was a nice heartfelt movie. I wasn't too excited to watch it because the trailer didn't feel like a Pixar/Disney film, but after my friends told me about it I had to check it out. I am really happy I did because it had magic, heart, sibling adventure and family quarrel. Plus ... D&D elements!

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Onward’:

  1. I loved the message that sometimes we need to appreciate what we’ve always had more than what we never knew.

  2. I thought it was an interesting choice to use fairytale creatures in a world that resembles our own. And I believe that there’s an analogy in there somewhere, involving a kind of wonder and magic that we as humans have forgotten about over time.

  3. The brotherly bond was incredibly touching and may have inspired a tear or two. The sacrifice at the end was painful, but perfect.

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nothing special. don't watch it

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Beyond the questionable universe, much can be found in the strong family themes the film offers.

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I didn't want to watch this but my kids picked it, but I got into it right away and I was crying like a baby at the end. I loved it!

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Lists are uncinematic and Ian spends a lot of this movie staring at and writing and crossing-out and ticking off lists.

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this movie is so wholesome! enjoyed it with my family.
sad that they couldn't make money in theatres due to lockdown.
applause to the people at Pixar and Disney for making this movie!
oh also Tom Holland and Chris Patt's voice <3

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A great story of two brothers that I'd recommend to anyone who grew up with either a younger brother who they thought was a little smarty pants, or an older brother who they thought was a loser, especially if one sibling knew the dad and the other didn't.

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Onward is a great movie. It’s nowhere near the best Pixar movie but nowhere near the worst. Pixar is my favorite movie studio, no other studio has and will ever take that spot. I went in to this movie excited and when it ended I was completely satisfied. The rest of the night I had the biggest smile and was very happy( like with every Pixar movie). The plot is good nothing really original but it still had some surprises. The voice acting is great Tom Holland was the perfect choice and the characters were all memorable. It’s a fun adventure with good comedy for the kids and adults. It’s great to see an animated movie without fart and poop jokes and It has some very sad and sweet moments. Overall it’s solid mid-tier Pixar movie and a fun family movie with a great moral.

(8 out of 10)

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RPG fans rejoice! More movies like this, please!

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Kids liked it a lot

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It’s a really good movie. I wasn’t expecting it to be that good. Especially the ending, which is very emotional. 7/10

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One of the few coming of age movies I really enjoyed. It might be because it's set in a semi fantasy world, it might be because it's fun, has a great believe in yourself touch and reminded me A LOT of Fanboys. But maybe that's just me. I really enjoyed it. Worth a watch.

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Pixar never fail to disappoint, and while this isn't the best film they have ever created, it is still better than many recent animated movies. More could have been done with the fantasy setting, and there could have been more laughs. However, there is a touching story at the heart of the film, and I did have a lump in my throat towards the end.

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the fact that we only saw the father from Ian’s point of view is great director work
Pixar still has this extra something... great film

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Generic Pixar movie, heart-warming very family-friendly. The characters do seem have that thing that when you see their physical attributes, you're sure it's a pixar-made character. A part in the ending was something that I didn't expect and it was very sweet.

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Hey guys... I’m new, how do I actually watch this thing

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Another Disney sibling you'll learn to love (first being Anna and Elsa). I love Ian and Barley's relationship in this movie. I wouldn't be surprised if they also get a Part 2.

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This was simply a good, fun, sweet, heart-warming story.

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