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On the Rocks 2020

So it’s advertised as comedy, which is obviously wrong, but even as a drama this movie is extremely boring. There is no reason to watch it, even while cleaning the house. Better listen to something else instead.

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Shout by Andy Gilleand

I like the cast, and the movie has some nice cinematography, but man, I just feel like I wasted my time with this one. It just feels like the story ultimately goes nowhere. I mean I kind of understand what they're going for, but the ending feels too flat to work for me.

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This movie was somewhat of a letdown to me. Murray and Jones always have high expectations for me, and Wayans is a guilty pleasure. Unfortunately it didn’t seem to have any of their usual charm in the movie. It was fine. Well acted and whatnot, it just dragged and was too slow from time to time. Not one I would recommend to everyone, but there will surely be an audience out there for it.

Rating: 2/5 - 6.5/10 - Would Not Recommend to Everyone

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Rashida Jones and Bill Murray star in the Sofia Coppola comedy On the Rocks. When Laura suspects that her husband is cheating on her, her father feeds her suspicions and offers to help catching him. Both Jones and Murray give strong performances and have good comedic chemistry. And Coppola does an impressive job at creating three dimensional characters that are relatable. However, the plot is kind of weak and unfocused at times; which hurts the pacing. On the Rocks has its problems, but it’s still an entertaining film with something to say about trust and family.

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I have to say that I was bored with this movie. I didn’t feel empathy for any of the characters. They all seemed very one dimensional. What could have been comedic performances from Murray and Wayans was absent. It’s a shame because the cast ensemble was good but the script and direction was just so bland that these actors could only fail to turn it into anything more than forgettable.

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The difficulty with being the daughter of Bill Murray and, well, it really is that nothing happens. can be seen.

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If the trailer made it feel like this was going to be just another :pound_symbol:RichPeopleProblems film...well, you're not wrong. What could have been a completely tone-deaf and alienating film, luckily, is saved by Rashida Jones and Bill Murray. In less capable actors' hands, this could have been a slog. However, our two leads are charming, somewhat relatable (well, in the case of Murray's character, in that you feel like you know someone like him), and play into their odd father/daughter dynamic quite well. It's not groundbreaking, but if you still have some time left on your free AppleTV+ trial, it's worth a go.

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so very disappointed. waste of time

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There are no great insights here, though the dialogue is remarkably real and quirky, and the film is a pleasant watch.

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I think the only parts that I really really enjoyed were the Phoenix song and the mono-dialogues by Jenny Slate.

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Turned out better than expected!

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Doesn't really go anywhere. Chuckled 3 or 4 times, but that was about it.

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Two hours of daddy issues and rich people problems

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When you think that Sophie and Bill created Lost in Translation, this was hugely disappointing. But one strong plus, I didn't feel the need to pause the movie when I went for a snack break - so it didn't waste as much of my time as it could have ; )

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OMG such a disappointment. A film about nothing. Such a weak sauce. I still love Bill Murray though... but come on!

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It starts well, but the end ... The best moments: Bill Murray's performance and Phoenix's music in the credits

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Shout by Deleted

Disappointing for a Bill Murray movie.


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Like others have said, Bill Murray is the only highlight of this movie...other than 2 super cute little girls! That littlest one mostly. :heart_eyes: Other than that, an hour & a half of my life I can't get back. Started scrolling through Facebook about halfway through it. Just boring.

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Bill (mother fuckin') Murry - for the win.

movie was okay in general. Bill and Rashida sure held it together

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To like -

  • Bill Murray. The guy is just a legend. You could watch him brush his teeth and be amusingly entertained.
  • Rashida Jones. A deft performance from a talented and very likeable actress. She should get more high-profile roles.
  • Chet Baker songs.
  • Using New York in a natural setting.

To not like -
- Overly long set up.
- Under-used plot twist (cough: Mexico)
- Poor dialogue for the husband.
- Limpy ending...

(and how does this film have 20 stunt people?)

6/10 - largely on the strength of Murray's charm as without it, there's nothing to see here as far as plot.

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[Apple Tv +] I find it difficult to connect with this rich girl with insecurities about her husband's fidelity. Sofia Coppola imitates Woody Allen, but she comes up with a comedy so subtle that it's not funny. The dialogues aren't particularly brilliant, and the father-daughter relationship is very strained at times. Although we have long forgiven Bill Murray for playing himself always, even he can't save the movie.

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A'ight i guess, Bill Murray was good.

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A really poor, misogonystic script with the weakest female lead character in 100 years or so.

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