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Nobody 2021

This is not the Bob Odenkirk we've come to expect! While it's great to see him kick some ass, the film feels a bit odd. As with any hard-nosed action film, there's not much character development, but in this film it doesn't really work. Odenkirk is brilliant in Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul and even Fargo because of his character's complex moral code and overall character development. Too much, from almost all of the characters, goes unsaid here. But the whole film feels as if it's missing an extra half hour of backstory.

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Bob Odenkirk gets his John Wick moment (albeit lesser stakes) and it's pretty frigging awesome. The most fun film I've seen in a while. Also the best movie that Christopher Lloyd's been in in ages

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John Wick meets Home Alone. A much needed fun ride after wasted year. An awesome escape from reality. This movie just does what it needs to do, action from start to finish.

Logic? Leave it the door! Because this movie got none.

Complex plot? Go read a book.

Character development? Go watch a play.

Work of art? Go read Shakespeare.

This is A guys guy film. Seriously, after all the woke crap from past couple of years & female this crap and female that nonsense...this is a film that does away with all of that but in way without putting anyone down (male or female) or having some bullshit political message.

If you want a fun evening with a lot of violence, action, cheesy soundtrack, and some good laughable moments or you just want to escape from reality...this is the movie for you.

Go watch it...The most fun you’ll have this year.

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Am I the only one noticing the HUGE plot hole where the russians shoot up the family place in the cul-de-sac with hundreds of rounds an not one neighbor is calling 911 or even looking around the bend to see, what‘s going on? When the house is quietly burning, they crawl out of their houses.

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Honestly better, and more fun, than John Wick 2 or 3.

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Loved Bob Odenkirk in both Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, but this is just another shitty John Wick scenario. Very disappointed. Ilya Naishuller has made Hardcore Henry, which is a first person movie. That was at least a new take on an old genre, but this is just more of the same garbage you find in other movies.

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For an action flick, it's incredibly boring. I like Bob Odenkirk but lifeless characters, poor script, and the annoying slow mo on every action sequence. The story is pointless. There are some good moments but overall it's disappointing.

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With so many bad films released in recent years, this is definitely a breather. Pure entertainment.

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No plot, no drama, no realism, just dumb fights

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I found this to be quite boring, and no one fit their roles well. I felt that this film was entirely miscast, not that it would've helped the scripted storyline. This story really made no sense, and they tried to hide that behind the fact the main character was no one in particular. It didn't work well.

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My favorite part of John Wick is when he started hunting down the Babayaga to get his daughter's kitty cat bracelet back

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This movie proves Kolstad has a sense of humor, something the deathly serious (but also great!) John Wick scripts never show.

Lean and mean, and a true showcase of just about everything Bob Odenkirk can do, plus things no one had any idea he could do. Makes excellent use of a few pitch perfect needle drops, as well as Christopher Lloyd and RZA.

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They don’t make enough movies like this. Watched it for the 3th time with my friend that had never seen it. It’s such an amazing movie, the action is great, the story telling is amazing. Had a great time watching it with my friend, his exact words: rick you were right, this is a great movie!!

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I'm getting a bit tired of these badass john wick like kind of movies, so even though this one has some good production quality, the formula feels overused. Also, while I truly enjoy Bob Odenkirk, watching him trying to portray this kind of role was a struggle for me, even the acting felt out of place occasionally.

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Shout by Fxza

If you're into action-packed thrillers, this is right up your alley. Bob Odenkirk - you know, the guy from "Better Call Saul" - totally nails it as Hutch, the seemingly average joe who's actually a retired assassin. He seriously kicks some serious butt! The plot's simple enough, but it's the execution that makes it a total blast. It's got all the epic fight scenes and explosive action you'd expect, but there's also this dark humor woven in that just hits the spot. The pacing is fast, the soundtrack is killer, and the whole movie just oozes style. I won't spoil it for ya, but let's just say if you're a fan of movies like "John Wick", you're gonna love "Nobody".

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didn't expect to enjoy this movie but i loved it

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John Wick, daddy "I could totally get him" edition.

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Really good idea but lost its way 3/5 of the way in and became a bit out there

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This felt more lke a parody of john wick than a rip off and loved every part of it

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8.8 Sall Goodmans/10. One of the best b movie action flicks I've seen in a minute. Absurd, hilarious, and a fucking blast.
Added from back catalog of earlier reviews I found from 4/15/21 viewing date

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Absolutely superb movie, bloody, brutal and funny, loved it

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Nobody’:

  1. Wow, that was more brutal than I was expecting. The action/fight scenes were hands-down the best aspects of this movie. Relentless and creative.

  2. It’s great mindless entertainment. No question. But — with a somewhat-flawed villain, an anticlimactic ending with said villain, too much mystery around the lead, and supporting characters without much depth — it doesn’t journey far beyond that. And even though it clearly sets up for a sequel, I sadly feel it’s a liiittle too forgettable to warrant one.

  3. I thought it got a little silly when his father and friend joined him for the final act. The film was already over-the-top fun, but something about their group standoff took me out of it all.

Bonus Thought: Christopher Lloyd is still a legend.

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Dad Wick is so much fun.

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We watched this because the actor is from Better Call Saul. It turned out more like John Wick or Die Hard. Excessively violent but then you understand his background and it all becomes clear why. No matter what it is riveting to the end, AND it’s not just a shoot ‘em up - it’s about marriage relationships, father kid relationships, business relationships.. and the characters ( most of them ) are complex.

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The action film "Nobody" truly doesn't present a single new idea. The story is mainly cobbled together from the first "John Wick" movie, as well as several Liam Neeson flicks or "The Equalizer". The fact that "Nobody" nevertheless works pretty well is solely due to Bob Odenkirk. He was obviously really eager to do the film and is convincing in both the physical and the dramatic sequences. The villains are Russians, as in "John Wick", but they don't get too much profile. They are functional, however. In the end, the film doesn't win any innovation prizes, but the 92-minute runtime flies by. It's sometimes enough if a film is "only" entertaining. With "Nobody", this is the case.

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Bob Odenkirk is more believable in the action scenes than in Steven Seaqal's entire career.

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I will rate this movie kitten bracelet/10

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Nice action movie for free evening after work. I was looking for B action movie and saw Bob Odenkirk as main character. Watched it without any expectations and I liked it. Story is one-dimensional - traditional "I was big someone in CIA/FBI/Military/Mafia/Yakuza/drug lord but I am not now. And you made me angry/sad/hurt so I'll kill you". But action was cool and I enjoyed acting by both Bob Odenkirk and Christopher Lloyd.

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Just another film about some middle-aged man beating up everybody.

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I was misled by a trailer that promised so much more and a puzzling 7.4 IMDB rating. What you get is a dumb movie for dumb audiences where a bored of life ex-hitman kills waves after waves of one-dimensional cartoon Russians in a cartoon story in the style of John Wick and Home Alone. The Russian side gets a black guy as well and you can select Ukrainian subtitles to up the fun. The base setting and Bob Odenkirk promised so much more. Base score is a 5 - Odenkirk takes it up half a score - it is still a 5.

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What an awful movie. It's like playing a game with cheats activated all the time.

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I can't decide if the movie is a parody or serious. Anyway it has a veird mood. Interesting movie it's worth to see it, once.

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Better Call John Wick... it's the obvious comparison, but it isn't that far off. While not as action-packed as the Wick films, the scenes that are here are pretty great. The overall plot is pretty simple, but it works as a framework to get us into the protagonist's head and usher us to the action we came to see. I didn't know how Odenkirk would handle himself in a very physical role, but he was actually pretty great. I was surprised at how much fun this was.

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Fun action flick that’s much like John Wick. The action scenes are well done and the pacing is good. Was an easy watch throughout.

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The plot twist that turns "nobody" into "somebody" can be somewhat disappointing, which seems like carte blanche for the director to deploy his arsenal of slow-paced action scenes with jazz songs, but having an actor like Bob Odenkirk as the lead It guarantees that at least the character manages to have a certain depth, which is no small thing for this revolution of movies with angry mature protagonists.

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Fast-paced John-Wick-esque Action-Movie. Great, mindless fun with many superb violence and action scenes. Too bad they don't make many Action-Movies like this anymore. Was great to see Christopher Lloyd as well.

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A film about how vigilante justice is bad, made by people who think vigilante justice is good.

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good fun. not the best cinematography nor scenario nor stunt but do everything good enough to be enjoyable

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Even better than every John wick movies. Realistic and awesome action.

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If you love John wick then this movie is for you :thumbsup:

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Bob Odenkirk acts like John Wick in Nobody. Great movie, well-acted, hot action scenes, comprehensible reasons for the actions of the protagonists. Nice movie from start to finish.
I like Bob Odenkirk more and more. Cool guy, very suitable cast for the role.

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An absolute blast!

'Nobody' is a supremely entertaining action flick. Most of it actually feels fairly usual for a film of this sort, yet the way everything is presented is great! The pacing is perfection, the musical choices are fully on point and then you also have strong cast performances.

Bob Odenkirk is of course (rightly) super acclaimed for that role as a certain lawyer elsewhere, so it's nice to see him doing other things. He is superb in this from beginning to end. Aleksei Serebryakov also gives a good performance, as also seen in television's 'McMafia'. Christopher Lloyd and RZA are fun, too.

The action is top notch, especially the fight stuff, and the humour - whilst not in your face - is noteworthy as well. It all comes together to make a fantastic 90 minutes that truly fly by. Gimme 'Nobody 2'.

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It still amazes me that people find movies like this entertaining. Killing for killing sake with a paper thin plot. Even the great Christopher Lloyd seems miscast here.

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This movie shows the realistic action

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Plain, simple and just throughly entertaining with a not the same old “action hero” actor. Few films like that around which adds another point to the greatness of it.

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61 | Nobody has one of the realistic fight scene among others action movies. It has the myteriousness of John Wick that adds excitement while watching it. But like many others action movies, it has a lot of missed details which could be plot holes. With all the goods and the bads combined, Nobody only a regular action flick. Taking that aside, Nobody still has a lot of potenttial if there would be a sequel of this and it would be wild if this film shared the same universe with John Wick. The posibillity is there beacuse they have a same writer.
Rating: 60.14

25%: 1.8
50%: 2.5
75%: 1.3
100%: 1.5

Favorite Character

  1. Hutch Mansell: 2.3
  2. The Barber: 2
  3. David Mansell: 1.8
  4. Yulian Kuznetsov: 1.5
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This movie doesn't have the looks on the posters and images but it sure packs a punch!

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Actually enjoyed this more than john wick

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A good movie to relax, especially if you're a little tired of routine :blush:

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Okay, first if you are looking for a reality-based cleaner movie, this isn't it. More fantasy, John Wick style with scenes that get that video game feel to them? This is pretty decent. Lots of action, lots of killing and Christopher Lloyd's character will make you laugh.

I was expecting more Bond-ish at first, so I wasn't as pleased. So it's a 6.5 to 7. if I had wanted or elected to watch John Wick meets 21 Jumpstreet, 7 to 8, so overall I gave it a 7.

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I loved this movie! It's the same John Wick universe, I'm sure!

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"Everybody dies... some sooner than others."

Watching Bob Odenkirk kill some bad guys and Christopher Lloyd use a shotgun was pretty fun. The plot could’ve used a little polishing but if you are wanting to see more John Wick style movies, look no further.

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Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2022-01-13T10:37:20Z— updated 2023-03-19T07:36:05Z

This is an undoubtedly fun and self-aware action comedy that felt like "RED" on steroids. The action scenes are so stupid that they look like they were taken from a comic book, but at the same time, there is a sense of gore and physicality that makes them satisfying to watch.

The formula works because Bob Odenkirk was cast as the protagonist. I doubt it would have been as engaging with a believable action star in it. Even though I liked the songs they picked for the film, the editing doesn't always do them justice.

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Wasn’t expecting to enjoy this as much as I did, wonder if they will be a sequel

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At least it was funny. Besides the couple of nice references to better films: Brother (1997) and War (2002) it doesn't deserves the praise that it got. If only Ilya kept it simple, withought batshit insane backstory and over the top "Russian" bandit. Honestly, feels like John Wick, despite his hilariously incorrect nickname, was more nuanced with his Russian gangsters treatment.

If Ilya did kept it simple it could have been a decent Falling Down remake.

p.s. Hutch... you called your main character Hutch. Seriously?! No wonder the dub changed his name to Hitch in Russian.

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Fun while it lasts despite being excessively violent at times. Odenkirk proves once again that he in fact a somebody rather than a nobody!

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It hit its note from the start and nailed it. It can stand shoulder to shoulder with John Wick, which is high praise

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better call nobody (and give him the kitty cat bracelet)

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Nice looking action, not stupid plot. Nice movie to release thoughts.

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Bob Wick Stathem is all I’m saying!

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Absolutely loved this! Best action film I’ve seen for awhile.

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The comparisons to John Wick are inevitable, and they're not in this movie's favor. John Wick is just a tighter, more stylish, more visceral version of this story. That being said, Bob Odenkirk is fantastic, and arguably better than Keanu Reeves. Not a bad way to spend a hour and a half.

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Could really see the comparisons with John Wick, however it just didn’t deliver on the same level. Don’t get me wrong it was a good film, full-on nonsensical action perfect for a Saturday night!!

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Like a more light hearted John Wick, that ends with an adult version of Home Alone.

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When I saw the trailer for this I was pretty hyped, because sometimes I really have craving for some old fashioned fist to the face action. It looked like John Wick but starring Saul Goodman and somehow also Doc Brown!? I was not sure how well it would work since I mostly knew Bob Odenkirk from his roles in Breaking Bad where he seems rather fragile and ....old. Not quite "too old for this shit" but you know.
To my surprise this fear was wiped away pretty quick.
The movie is really fun (although quite graphic at times), had some pretty new ideas and a great pacing. If you want to see good (old) Saul kick some ass, you're in for a treat.

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Action Dad on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge. An entertaining place-holder while you wait for the next John Wick film.

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sorry folks. silly movie. stick to john wick if this stuff is to your liking.

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Shout by polycarp
BlockedParent2021-07-11T14:09:18Z— updated 2022-06-27T18:24:33Z

As everybody else I'm happy to see Bob Odenkirk play a different style. But that alone cannot make the movie by itself.

I really liked the beginning, maybe even first half of the movie. It's kind of a slow burn, the direction is snappy and well done. But about half-way (when the Mafia boss gets introduced basically), it falls back to a typical action movie - of which we've seen dozen already. The end fight for instance is almost cringy because it's so unoriginal.

The way they tell you Chuck's "accounting" job works is that it's pretty discreet and low key. The opposite of the way he handles the Russian mafia. I would have expected smarter tactics, and a better story to show them.

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I loved it. It's refreshing to see Bob Odenkirk in something other than the BreakingBad-iverse

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What an awesome movie! Great action with humor thrown in. The soundtrack really stood out and was incorporated perfectly into the scenes. Christopher Lloyd was hilarious in my opinion.

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I didn't think this was as good as people were saying. Things happened by random and accident. We don't get a great motivation and so on. He meets people completely by random on a bus that has nothing to do with anything.

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if you came for a story, skip it. if you want well-crafted mind-numbing action, you'll enjoy it.

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Quite a solid film. However, with a transparent, completely uninspired run-of-the-mill plot full of stereotypical characters and actions.

What didn't follow the familiar scheme often seems far-fetched or even ridiculous.

Bob Odenkirk saves the film with his acting skills, which are above reproach. No less noteworthy is the now very old Christopher LLoyd, who has lost none of his youthful charisma and unmistakable presence.

And although the antagonist was the textbook Schema F villain, I found his performance extremely good. I wasn't familiar with the actor until now, but he has - besides talent - everything you need for the role. Thumbs up!

All in all, a film that burbles along on the side, and while it doesn't disappoint immensely, it doesn't offer anything special either.

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1.21 gigawatts of bullet ballet and Home Alone shit with crazy set pieces designed to rid Odenkirk of the need to be a Walter White.

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At the beginning i thought it was a "Taken" reboot but it proved me wrong very fast and i'm SO glad for it. So fun, so entertaining, so fresh, no dragging at no point. 90 minutes of pure fun, violence (without being too gory).
His role was fantastically played, no one expected that from him and that was the magic. I hope it doesn't get repeated like Taken and make a Liam Neeson genre out of Bob Odenkirk. Besides it didn't have any superb fight scenes or choreography, just pure raw fist fights.

One of the best action films of the year

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"Give me the goddamn kitty cat bracelet, motherfucker!"

Christopher Lloyd with a shotgun is the best damn thing ever right?

Anyway I had high expectations going into Nobody. Read loads and loads of positive things and I love John Wick and I adore Bob Odenkirk. So yeah, it fucking rocked! The story is simple but it works. Bob Odenkirk is fantastic and looks like a true action hero. The tons of Russians who try to kill Hutch (Odenkirk) make him look fantastic. There is a bus scene which will be remembered for a long, long time. We have a final shootout that is epic with RZA and Christopher Lloyd coming in. We have hints of a sequel at the end (which wasn't necessary). And how about that epic soundtrack? Once again a soundtrack can truly elevate a movie.

So yeah, I like Nobody and encourage you to watch it, because you who wouldn't want to see a Doc Brown with a freaking shotgun?

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Shout by Ro

This was Fun.
For sure.

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Great film….. loved it… just enough action. Good storyline and Bob Odenkirk…… he is very calm cool and collected until you f**ck with him…. A great watch…. Very entertaining

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A friend told me "if you can get past the whole its Saul thing then it's a great movie" loved it from start to finish. I hope there is a sequel.

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I thought this movie was great! They were able to really utilize that 90 minutes well. Bob Odenkirk is simply amazing in this. He really elevates the movie. It's also great to see Christopher Lloyd again.

The movie does a great job at not taking itself too seriously. It captures the lives of the tired working class (at least in the beginning).

I loved how some of the fighting scenes were not one-sided at all, like he was getting his ass kicked too. It showed that even the pros can be out of practice.

Bob Odenkirk, Christopher Lloyd, and RZA are probably the strangest action combo I can think of. But like the movie, it works.

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This is good Movie from

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I don't watch many movies, and I pick carefully when I do, so it's been a long, long time since I saw a truly awful one. I watched this because of Odenkirk, and am shocked at how he ended up in such a pile of utter pointless crap as this movie. You'd think as one of the best dramatic TV actors around right now, he'd be able to pick and choose his roles but instead he's in.... this?

Nice use of music. Other than that, there is literally nothing to recommend this turgid mess.

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I'm really glad I went totally blind into this movie, not having seen the trailer or anything! I just saw the trailer today at the movies, and I think not knowing what the movie was really about made me enjoy it that much more. If I could I'd never watch trailers again, haha!

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Much fun.

enjoyed it more than any of the John Wick flicks.

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It’s a no knuckles barred action fest, I expected nothing and it delivered some grade A ass kicking and a fairly stable storyline to boot, pure enjoyable man on the edge action

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It's all good man.

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Good solid action movie with the same silly reasons to start a personal crusade as John Wick, yet very entertaining and in some moments with good humor.

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John Wick-ed: if thought Wick going after the Russian mob because of a dog and a car was disproportionate, you should see what Hutch Mansell does because of a kitty cat bracelet.

After watching a copy of Nobody that fell off the back of a truck (because of the lockdown), I was excited to see this on the big screen. Nobody didn't disappoint me!

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One and only problem I found in this movie is it's playback time. Everything was just action and action and action, back to back.

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Saul Goodman got buffed up! :muscle_tone1:
It’s a good movie and it’s action packed. There’s a little delving into the character’s backgrounds, but not a great deal. The fight scenes are well choreographed and there’s just enough humour to make you chuckle from time to time.
All in all, if you’re after an action movie, this is a good one to consider!

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Really enjoyed this movie. Slow for the first 15 minutes then boom!
All hell breaks loose. A wolf in sheep's clothing is NOBODY.
GREAT ACTION. Can't wait for NOBODY 2, if they make it. Well worth a watch for action fans. :)

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okay it's been a while since last time i watched an action movie
this was epic one
not the great story
but the scenes was really good, music too and that spirit that makes you feel soooo damn good with it
i liked

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Saul Goodman playing as John Wick. Amazing!

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Tons of fun from beginning to end.

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This is for action movie fans. You can watch this till releasing Jhon whick chapert 4.


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