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No Hard Feelings 2023

Imagine it was a 19yo girl with a 32 yo man

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This movie would not have been received the same way if the guy was the 32 year old and the girl was the 19 year old. Sometimes you have to flip these things around to realize how many consent issues there were in the first half of this film. The way this character tried to force herself on a 19 year old kid and straight up manipulate him into having sex with her made me extremely uncomfortable. Imagine if she was a guy; we would have burned the creators alive.
I just wasn't able to get past that and enjoy the rest of the movie. I'm just glad they didn't end up together romantically.

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No Hard Feelings offers laughs above most raunchy teen comedies. The film is mostly well written, and Jennifer Lawrence feels at home in this role. It's good for a watch, but probably not two.

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JL has great presence and comedic timing. Some of the writing was 5-6 rungs over the top and completely silly, but that's okay for this type of flick. Easy one to laugh with for the most part. 6.6

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A genuinely funny raunchy comedy that also has a hefty scoop of feel-good in the mix! In addition to finally bringing Jennifer Lawrence back to acting, it’s also nice to see a comedy like this in theatres again, among all of the blockbusters and franchise installments. (Andrew Barth Feldman was also really good - his jump into screen work looks good for him.)

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Simple, light hearted and fun. it was just the type of movie I wanted to see the other night and for that it gets an extra star. additional bonus star for you know what.

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Jennifer Lawrence is such an icon; of course we all already knew what an amazing actress she is but I am actually really impressed with her comedic timing too! Then again, this shouldn’t have come as a surprise, because I knew that the actress herself is also absolutely hilarious; you only need to see a few interviews of hers to find that out:wink:

P.S. Jennifer was so goddamn hot in this movie too:weary:

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In the first 15 minutes I was convinced this was doomed to have all the filler clichés. No way was I expecting a homage to the raunchy comedies of the 2000's with some originality!

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The chemistry between the two lead actors really works. A very enjoyable and funny movie. A bit heart warming as well. Worth the watch.

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Shout by shmosby
BlockedParent2023-07-16T19:04:03Z— updated 2024-01-21T01:17:52Z

Deserves an extra star for that beach scene :rofl:

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Shout by a
BlockedParent2023-06-24T00:49:16Z— updated 2023-10-29T15:11:38Z

really good and way better than what the trailer makes you think so. both main actors have great chemistry and I had a great time watching it. plus it's only 90 minutes so that def helps

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Caught a special preview earlier tonight. It was pretty funny. I'm talking there were parts where the entire theater was laughing out loud. This kind of reminds me of raunchy love story movies like American Pie. Overall it was a lot of fun.

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Shout by Xiofire
BlockedParent2023-08-09T19:03:03Z— updated 2023-08-28T12:21:21Z

I want my own Jennifer Lawrence to pull me out of my shell and show me the ropes of life while also inadvertently becoming a close friend of mine in the process. Not a bad film by any stretch of the imagination and there were many moments that got an audible laugh out of me, it just lacks the completeness of the raunchy comedy classics it's emulating to swing for a higher score. It's still a fun time with enough heart to see you through to the finale, perfect streaming fodder when it inevitably makes its way there.

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God Jennifer Lawrence is hot. Enjoyable movie with plenty of jokes sprinkled throughout to elicit giggles and chuckles plus it has jennifer lawrence in tight dresses so bonus points

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4/10 poor
Leaves you feeling some what uncomfortable, that feeling you get when watching a sex scene with your parents in the room….
To be honest I found it to be rather tasteless and crude, once we got to the full frontal nude scene, which was totally uncalled for, I stopped watching….
I’m not a proud, but there’s no need for nudity or even lengthy bedroom scenes, suggesting these thing works far better….

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Simple but poorly written light comedy, with a terrible climax, but overall quite entertaining. In some scenes it takes quite a good snapshot of the current social situation in the US.

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It has its strange moments, but in the end it had a good story and a good message. It's worth a watch to judge for yourself. And it has some good comedy bits in it, so props to the writers

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The plot is pretty much a paint by numbers of the genre but the comedy worked well and that’s really the main reason I watched the film.

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I usually don't write movie reviews. Too much work and I don't think that many are reading my stuff anyway. But in this case I need to make an exception.

Because this movie is the perfect example for a completely misleading trailer. Because of this, I went into the theatre with the feeling, that it would be better to leave my brain at home. If it wasn't for my movie flatrate, I wouldn't have watched this one in a cinema. But, I would have missed something.

This piece of work is WAY better than the trailer suggests. It is indeed no silly slapstick like American Pie or Scary Movie. Well, honestly spoken, the story itself is quite predictable, but it was surprisingly entertaining to watch.

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very long commercial for Buick vehicles

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I really enjoyed this. The cast was fantastic, and Jennifer Lawrence really knocked it out of the park in her role. The story was sweet and heartfelt, and it was really funny.

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3 things...

1) in this day and age, with all the woke snowflakes looking to be offended by every little thing, how the hell did this even get made?

2) Jennifer Lawrence is a beautiful woman. Not sure we needed a film like this for her to prove that to us or what her motivation for taking the role was...

3) it's just not clicking enough for it to be a full-blown comedy. It's hardly American Pie for this generation. It's a damning indictment of helicopter parenting and kids being overly sheltered these days though.

I won't remember anything about this film within a week. Except for the JL getting unnecessarily naked on the beach scene.

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OK, Best fight scene... EVER!

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The highlight of the movie for me was the party, showing how pathetic the world is right now, with all those smartphones and propaganda. Oh, and naked Jennifer of course! Even though there is nothing in that department we didn't see before all over the Internet.

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Went in with low expectations, was pleasantly surprised. Funny, entertaining and endearing.

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I actually really liked this film, lots of funny bits. Much better than I expected.

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Sadly, very unsexy movie. It's a bad movie too, but I feel the fact that they completely missed the mark with the sexyness completely ruined it.

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Good fun movie. Nice easy watch. I enjoyed the banter between Maddi and Percy. Well worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1:

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this movie achieved somehow to make a Jennifer Lawrence nude scene uncomfortable. nice tword tho

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I liked it. Follows usual traits of a typical romantic comedy but ranks and stands out because of the friendship part.

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I really need one uber driver

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Really enjoyed this movie, was a great fun time. Love JLaw, the beach scene was crazy.

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When you can no longer be a teenager fighting for life with a bow, you can pretend to be a teenager fighting other adversities. ;)

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I really enjoyed that, fun film with a good sense of humor, got a lot of laughes from me and all cast did well together and loved how it eneded.

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No hard feelings to the filmmakers...but this could have been funnier. Thankfully, the lead actors elevate the sometimes weak material.

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Not a masterpiece, but a semi-solid romcom. Had some laughs, was entertained,

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Really great first half of the movie. Laughing out loud multiple times but after the piano scene the tone changed quite a bit and I don’t feel it was able to maintain itself the second half

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Shocked, just shocked. This plays out nothing like I expected. Really good acting and character building from something advertised like any generic raunchy film. Some really funny moments with some near tearjerking ones (I'm a sap). Worth the quick watch. Don't expect much but expect a little. Also ferris bueler???what? 7/10

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I miss those 2000s classic American comedies of regular people living life and improving. This reminds me of those. A weird premise, a uplifting resolution, and some cheesy laughs along the way. And Jennifer Lawrence really sells it. The age gap is weird, but I guess the point of the film is more about being friends...and that has no age limit (well it does...but you know what I mean)

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The first part of the movie is bad. Very sex oriented, with very uninspiring dialogs and the nude scene in the beach totally unnecessary.
It gets better once the too much sex goes away.
She is very pretty as always but the nude scene was again super unnecessary.
Overall a bad movie and the trailer makes you think it will be more old school and witty.

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I enjoyed this movie a lot. Jennifer Lawrence is always a pleasure to watch and the story is really fun but also has its sad and heartwarming moments.

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I've given up on American comedies a long time ago because of those sheer stupidity. But this one I did watch and I'm very glad I did! I actually enjoyed it and had a good time! Great actors both, did a nice job and made the flick nice and fun.

I recommend, even if you don't believe in comedies anymore.

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This was genuinely sweet and funny. When I was a teen I was in the same boat (although not crazy parents) and would have welcomed a Maddie. That scene with the piano playing teared me up. The physical comedy on the beach scene was great - Lawrence claiming back her nude self after what happened in 2014.

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Was fun and had a nostalic feel to it. 80s movie in modern times.

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It’s pretty by the numbers but Jennifer Lawrence steals every scene. Charming and inspired performance.

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Some super funny scenes are sprinkled throughout this movie. Very generic but a harmless time. Jennifer Lawrence has great comedic timing. Worth a watch.

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The good old vibe of 2000's movies

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This was a really enjoyable watch. This genre (sex comedy) seems to have disappeared when the whole "politically correct" mania took over during the last decade or so. It's great to see it making a comeback with this movie. Jennifer Lawrence was great, and there were some hilarious situations and dialogue (including that beach scene) that makes this movie special.

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I thought this movie was funny in many parts, but for Jennifer to be nude on the beach scenes I think really didn’t need that part. Seemed strange to put that part in. I think it would have been more funny if they just let them steal their clothes.

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the beach scene, few funny moments, mostly entertaining, fair enough ending, the beach scene.

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This is a really funny and entertaining movie. Of course it's not cinematic masterpiece but you won't regret going into theatres for this movie. Just make sure not to watch this with your parents. Really. Don't.

My personal rating:
-Plot (Story Arc and Plausibility): 6/10
-Attraction (Premise & Entertainment Value): 7/10
-Theme (Identity & Depth): 6/10
-Acting (Characters & Performance): 6.5/10
-Dialogue (Storytelling & Context): 7/10
-Cinematography (Visual Language & Lighting, Setting, and Wardrobe): 6/10
-Editing (Pace & Effects): 6/10
-Soundtrack (Sound Design & Film Score): 6.5/10
-Directing (Vision & Execution): 7/10
-The “It” Factor (One-of-a-Kind & Transcendent): 6/10

Overall: 6/10 || 64/100

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Fun but predictable. If you caught a trailer, you already know what's going to happen. The biggest issue is that the film seems to be unable to work it if wants to be a raunchy comedy or a heartfelt comedy and puts no middle ground between these two aspects, so tonally it ends up a little all over the place.

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Like my parents after I was kicked out of AP Math, I expected more from this.

I really loved -- no really really -- Good Boys. It was fresh, unexpected and its unpredictability made it genuinely funny.

Sadly, the only thing surprising about No Hard Feelings was that it felt like a shrine to 1980s rom-com jokes and make me pity fortune tellers because everything is boring when you know what's going to happen next.

Jennifer Lawrence deserves better, and so do you.

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If Harvey Weinstein was around, Jennifer wouldn't be doing bad movie's like this. I'm just saying.

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I heard some mixed reviews about this while it was in theaters, but this style of comedy has been barren from big budget Hollywood for a while. I quite enjoyed this! Good time. Good laughs. Will watch again!

Rating: 3/5 - 75% - Worth Watching

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hollywood promoting pedophelia like usual.

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While there have been a few similar plots in films to this one, this was still very fun, but real with a heartwarming story (sort of) and tale of a life lesson. Jennifer Lawrence is stunning in every way as she portrays a struggling 32-year old woman who is in desperate need for some financial help and finds a unique outlet on Craigslist which ends up to be a life changing thing. The plot buildup is good, but short and sweet and then it dives right into the meat. The ups and downs of this film are a bit too steep, but that is really the only negative.

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a geniune bad movie. funny but meh. Jennifer Lawrence is too good to be doing these kinda movies.

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I know comparison is the thief of joy, but I have to say I'm incredibly surprised and disappointed that Anyone But You did so much better than this film at the box office. I enjoyed every aspect of this film more. The premise was stronger, the humor was more consistent and clever (mainly driven by strong banter), there was better chemistry between the stars, and Jennifer Lawrence is of course Jennifer Lawrence. There were a couple of larger set pieces that went more over the top than I would like (e.g., driving into the ocean), but it wasn't enough to significantly detract. And those moments were balanced by great smaller "set pieces" that had me smiling throughout (e.g., Percy playing man eater at the restaurant).

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'No Hard Feelings' is one I'd recommend. Amusing viewing!

First time I've seen Jennifer Lawrence in a comedy and she nails it, undoubtedly the star of the movie - as expected. First time I've seen Andrew Barth Feldman in anything and he is pretty good, fits his role perfectly to be fair. Those behind those two are all positive additions too, Scott MacArthur in particular produces a few chuckles.

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What a waste of time! Cliché plot. Very predictable. Cliché backstories as well. And I don't mind that, I kinda knew that before watching but neither the comedy nor the romance worked in this film. I usually have tolerance for this kind of movies in terms of plot and characters' actions and decisions but this one fell off on so many levels and mainly the forced romance which was too cringe to watch. The humor falls flat most of the time and the dialogue is very bad.
The highlight of the film is the p*enis trap and the cop boyfriend.

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So immensely ridiculous and predictable that it gets a star more than it deserves.

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Shout by LukieB

Lots of good moments here, but the ending part of the movie felt a bit rushed.

At Time of Review:
Low 6/10

Story and Characters: 6/10
Presentation: 6/10
Enjoyability: 6/10

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Jennifer gave her best. Bit awkward, she was so much larger than the boy. I would have ran away when I had a woman coming at me like that.

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It ends as you think, it's kind of cliché....
But well...

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Pretty predictable raunchy romantic comedy, but it's definitely worth a watch.

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I could not get over the huge age difference and was constantly creeped out about it. The dynamic would have been better, 19 and 32 was just not it for me..

The beach scene was by far the best part, that made me laugh, but overall weak.

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Fun movie! Can't really say anything too meaningful about the movie... it's just a fun watch.

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Film 64 (Goal: 300) of 2024

Another standard fare adult romcom. Pushes for success through an A-list actresses and an outrageous beach scene. But otherwise it's just standard film. Lawrence is very good, and has good chemistry with Barth Feldman. There's also a good supporting cast in Morales, Broderick, MacArthur, Moss-Bachrach, Mooney, Minhaj. But this film overstays its welcome by 20 minutes. The film comes together well with a well earned ending. But overwise it's just standard fare. Good but standard.

Also, I feel if the genders were reversed in this movie, the male would be getting a lot of crap, but here it's okay.

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This was way better then I expected. Good to see these kind of movies are still possible in these idiotic times.

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Definitely not a rom-com person, and I feel that’s very apparent after I’ve watched this movie. It’s not bad at all and I quite enjoyed it, I laughed a few times and definitely enjoyed looking at Jennifer Lawrence.

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On the surface, this film is a typical rom-com in which one character goes into the relationship under false pretenses and later regrets tricking the other character. But once the story starts to unfold it becomes more about friendship, grief, and introspection. This film was hilarious and touching and has incredible rewatchability. And of course it has Jennifer Lawrence who is always amazing.

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at the middle between their ages so kinda understand the pure, awkwardness of Percy and the direct, brutal for her goals Maddie. was kinda worry about the Princeton party yknow like recurring Percy's nightmare, getting laughed by others? glad a good ending!

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It's funny. I'll give it that, but I couldn't help thinking about the age difference between the characters.

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Shout by Luke Eros

So.. portraying sexual assault & no consent in the movies is ok now? this feels wrong, especially the first part of the movie.

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Rated a Connor 0, normal 5

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Uncomfortable, unfunny, and unnecessary. Is this what a third-life crisis looks like?

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For the first 20 minutes it felt a lot like a farce comedy like "There is something about Mary" but then it got all flat on jokes. You can not deny it is not a good comedy but the laughs stops soon, besides the beach scene, and then it got a bit boring.
Of course Jennifer does not have talent as an actress will never be a star but for these type of movies she is ok. Too bad she started fixing her face at this age, you cannot get any feeling from her face, it is all flat and nothing it's moving. She is only 32!

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A movie pushing every boundary of consent.

I am convinced that in the future, with hindsight, society will see this movie as a perfect example of a time when young women see the majority of young men as emotionally stunted, uneducated in the ways of the world, and socially inept. And those same women without any true autonomy over their bodies are the ones faking power and autonomy with role reversal of gabage that was despised by women only three decades earlier.

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The strength of the movie is that relationship between Percy and Maddie. Percy gets to learn a bit more about the world outside his room where he plays video games most of the time, and begins to understand how much his parents (Matthew Broderick with an amazing wig and Laura Benanti) have been stifling his growth with their helicopter nature. Maddie on the other hand learns how to be a bit of a kid again, enjoying her time with Percy despite her financial troubles and the fact that she feels stuck in Montauk.

Read my full review on Substack (

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Absolute cringe. Predictable plot. Poor acting. Lawrence just cashing a paycheck because she is better than this. If she actually watched this after it was finished she must have been embarrassed.

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This was fun and entertaining to watch! Not a bad movie. It certainly could have been better. But it's one of those romcom movies that you can enjoy if you have some time to spare!

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Such a great surprise!
A movie that definitely gets you thinking about the way you were raised, especially for a "city boy".
Great movie.

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At times funny n disturbing I’m Loki impressed by her

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The plot feels bit rapey, but JLaw is absolutely stunning to look at. So that makes it ok and everything is cool.
I know it is comedy and there needs to be some suspension of disbelief but no way she got herself out of debt in one summer driving that piece of crap as uber.

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Unnecessary PORNOGRAPHY, if that is ever a thing :person_facepalming_tone2:♀

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I enjoyed this movie more than i expected.It was a descent movie not excessive at all in the script with great visual effects and Jennifer Lawrence leveled it up.Also it was about 90 minutes so that made it more enjoyable and if you want to see something to relax and don't think too much this movie is a great choice.

7.6/10 for this even if this kind of movies is not my cup of tea.

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This movie was surprisingly good!
Plenty of laughs and not your usual movie of the similar genre...
Jennifer Lawrence is great and the kid (Andrew Barth Feldman) and 'Jim' had some of the funnies lines in the movie.

Can't make up my mind if this is an 8/10 or a 9/10
I'll give it 8.5

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After first 15 minutes of cringe slapstick, Jennifer Lawrence is gettin absolute hilarious.
Every Joke without J-Law seems to be awkward. All funny Moments are coming right out of her Role.

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I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. During the first part of the movie, I feared that it was just going to become some kind of hacky ripoff of Bridesmaids or movies of that ilk. But as the movie went on there was real character development and some really excellent acting. It doesn’t hurt that they nailed the ending.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Well, many many moons ago I would have loved the raunchy side of this movie. I don't anymore - so fair warning there's plenty to be had here.
However, I did watch it and in the end, it was actually a sweet love story.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Shout by brandbaard

Surprisingly wholesome for an R rated comedy that features fully nude Jennifer Lawrence beating up a bunch of children on a beach.

The end leaves the characters all mostly redeemed and developed and happy, without resorting to happily ever after clichés.

Thoroughly enjoyed my time with this movie, and laughed out loud a few times as well.

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I can’t of been the only one hoping they would get together at the end haha

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How do you have an Oscar, produce and star in a movie, do a full-frontal nudity scene and somehow still get upstaged by a relatively unknown kid actor?

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I love this movie. A young guy falling in love with a 32 year old woman Jennifer The hunger games comedy love movie but what kind of relationship I want to be in with no drama just me and my girl do everything fun together and playful and no one interrupt relationship
Thanks to Gene Writing did a great job what is the truth about love should be in relationship

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I really wanted this to be better than a 6/10 haha. Still enjoyed it nonetheless!

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Great comedy. Was a fun watch

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aside from a full nude scene ..this movie is exactly as you would expect

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