I did not have many expectations going in to this movie, considering I remembered very little from the TV series. (I didn't even recognize Jibril until the ending sequence) I was pleasantly surprised, considering I thought that it was going to mainly be a comedy. The visuals were beautiful, the battle scenes may be some of the best I've scene in anime, the OST was top notch, the VA's were great (especially Riku's), and it had me in tears at the end. This may have finally baited me into reading the LN's.

I would have given this movie a 9 or 10 if it hadn't felt rushed in the middle. The transition from humanity being hopeless to coming up with this master plan (which wasn't explained well at first) seemed awfully quick. Also, what happened to all the other humans Riku was giving that speech to? At least an extra half hour would have made the movie better.

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