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Nixon 1995

Oliver Stone’s powerful docudrama Nixon is a fascinating portray of one of the most influential political figures of the 20th century. Set amidst the backdrop of the Watergate Hearings, the film explores the career of Richard Nixon through flashbacks as he struggles to come to terms with his political fall. The writing is especially good, and does an extraordinary job at giving a sense of who Nixon was and how he was changed by the political machine. Stone’s directing is also exceptional, especially in how he’s able to transition through the nonlinear narrative and progress the tone of the film. Additionally, the casting is outstanding, and includes Anthony Hopkins, James Woods, Joan Allen, Ed Harris, Powers Boothe, and Mary Steenburgen. Hopkins in particular gives a phenomenal performance that really humanizes Richard Nixon and gets beneath the stereotypical caricature that Nixon is often depicted as. A tragic tale of the corrupting power of political ambition, Nixon is incredibly compelling.

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This is an unavoidably political film, and I have always held some sympathy for Nixon, so my bias should be noted, but this may be one of the finer docudramas of the twentieth century. Stone humanizes Nixon, with equal deference given to his faults as well as his strengths. The writing is superb, the performances are exceptional... a fine film all around.

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