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Motherless Brooklyn 2019

Really enjoyed this. Well played Norton.

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I love me a film noir flick. This was perfect. The music, the setting, the story… a typical detective flick, except with a twist. Or a tick, rather. Edward Norton shines again. Does his talent know no bound?

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Really enjoyed this! Read some of the reviews before watching and some said it was too long for the story. I felt the story was well paced and interesting.

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Motherless Brooklyn is a fedora that really suits you when you didn't even know you liked hats: it's stylish and a fitting hommage.

Edward Norton adapts a novel and directs film and stars in it and doesn't surprise anyone by doing all of that masterfully. The way Norton fleshes out the bare bones of a less than fascinating story is what gives this film its soul.

Motherless Brooklyn is a fine aged leather, smoke and jazz, black and white night rain film noir that may not offer anything new to the genre, but resuscitates the classic spirit of old school detective movies with a sincerity the likes of which hasn't been seen in decades.

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Overlong, with a story that could have been told in half the time. Still, the cast are good, especially Norton as the twitchy detective. The plot is as convoluted as Chinatown, a film that this movie resembles in scale. Purists won't care, because the atmosphere the film evokes is enough to hold interest, despite the narrative ramblings. It's a good film, although I think I need to rewatch it to get a fuller grasp of what went down at the end.

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An above average movie with a good plot. I wouldn't call it life-changing and the twists and turns provided in the story weren't top-notch, however it was an enjoyable ride. The story gripped me and I became invested in our protagonist. The ending was satisfying yet for those always on the lookout for a "good will always win" conclusion won't get it here.

I would recommend this movie to those who enjoy grim storytelling and characters that are not defined as good or bad.

Thank you for reading, I hoped this helped you

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I really enjoyed this Ed Norton extravaganza (wrote, directed and played the leading man). Good cast with great performances. The mood was noir-esk without being heavy handed. Great soundtrack. I disagree with the criticism that the movie was over long. I found it evenly paced, perhaps because I appreciated all the artistic touches, like the tableaus in the Penn Station scene. I give this film a 7 (very good) out of 10. [50s detective thriller]

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Good to see Norton again, he's been off the radar and the film was sound, cool that he written and directed it too.

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F-f-f-frank! Frank! Frankly-Franko!!! F-f-finally! Finished! Finished!

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Shout by Tyberious Calhoun
BlockedParent2020-11-05T23:13:59Z— updated 2020-11-25T15:13:57Z

I expected it to be a little better, especially with the solid cast. It's also a little on the long side. The film itself looks beautiful, and the soundtrack is pretty good.

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Full of intrigue, Motherless Brooklyn is a compelling film noir based on a bestselling novel. Set in 1950s New York, a PI with Tourette's Syndrome seeks to avenge his boss’ murder by breaking the case he was working on. Starring Edward Norton, Alec Baldwin, Willem Defoe, and Bruce Willis, the cast is pretty good and delivers solid performances. However the script is kind of weak; as it’s hard to follow all the characters and conspiracies going on. And the pacing is rather slow, allowing time for the investigation to unfold and the mystery to build. Still, it’s a beautiful looking film, with extraordinary detail in creating 1950s New York. The score too is especially well-done, capturing the noir tone. Motherless Brooklyn was a passion project of Norton’s, and it really shows.

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Bruce Willis is useless in this movie. It's just to fool the fans.

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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2019-11-06T12:10:24Z— updated 2019-11-20T16:49:31Z

It's an okay noir movie but there are a lot better. The score is pretty good. The story is generic and it feels very long.

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Looks great and is well acted, but the pacing is turgid

Written for the screen, produced, directed by, and starring Edward Norton, this two-decades-in-the-making passion project asks how much corruption are we willing to forgive and whether truth and ideals even matter in a world in which there's a direct confluence between power and amorality. However, far too in reverence to films such as Roman Polański's Chinatown (1974) and Curtis Hanson's L.A. Confidential (1997), Motherless Brooklyn is your average noir mystery – a likable but flawed protagonist begins what seems like a fairly straightforward investigation, only to be led down a rabbit hole of corruption and power games, until he's in the midst of an elaborate political conspiracy. And whilst it's aesthetically impressive (the period detail drips off the screen) and the acting is universally excellent, the film can be spectacularly on the nose and didactic. It also moves at a snail's pace, and Norton is never really able to generate any sense of urgency, making the whole thing feel laborious, and, ultimately, rather pointless.

For my complete review, please visit:

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The story is interesting, the movie itself well made and the cast is really good. However it failed to really take me into it. It runs too long, deviates at times too much from the main plot. And I don't why did the guy had to have Tourette. It really added nothing to the whole. Could have been just a normal private eye. Well, every movie has it's audience.

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Good movie with some good performances by Norton and his fantastic ensemble cast. So well acted by such fine actors. It's very good murder mystery. That classic gum shoe style was done perfectly. I love the art direction. He painted a great picture of 50s style New York. And the music was stellar. Those jazz numbers really blended in perfectly with the atmosphere. Then I had that one piece of music made by Thom Yorke of Radiohead (you'll know it once you hear). This was a watchable movie.

loading replies baffling. So many artistic choices that make no sense, service the plot in no way, and end up being utterly distracting. Not worth your time. The score is good, but you can listen to that elsewhere.

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waste of time
what the f***

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It was a nice watch, can't comment on the story cause haven't read the book, but Ed did great acting & directing himself.

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