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Monstrous 2022

If like me you've recently lost a child, this is not a Movie for you. I thought it was a horror, not a psychological film about grief. Many horrors touch on grief as a basis, but this was in poor taste.

Either way, it didn't deliver anything except disappointment and leaving you feeling horrible inside. Not exactly what you want when escaping into a film for a couple of hours.

I could say a lot, but I feel it's wasted enough of my time.

Do yourself a favour and find something else to watch.

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The description is very misleading.

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It is a good try to show the horror of loss, but it doesn’t work as a horror movie, or loss movie or escape the ex movie all of what it tries to do. The hints are enough to knock you out of the suspension of disbelief that watching a movie needs. The cars were pretty.

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Even though the ending of the movie made the rest of it make sense, I can not recommend that anyone spend their time watching this.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I enjoyed the movie. It's not a horror movie per se, but more of a psychological thriller with a dash of horror moments throughout the movie. I usually can figure out a plot and most likely ending before it is revealed. But with this movie, I truly did not understand what actually was taking place until the later part of the movie during the interview scene between Laura & Barb, which was right after the school scene in which Laura was looking for her son Cody. All is not what it seems and there were definitely some things that were left unexplained. But I will watch this movie again just to notice all the signs I missed the first time I watched it, because I didn't know then, what I know now.

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90 minutes of my time wasted. Wow how can they waste money in movies like this

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A little predictabe maybe - especially if you work out what's going on - but its still a well made film with some thought provoking moments.

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I am honestly shocked by the fact, how very few people actually DO get the plot of Monstrous. This is not a horror, it’s a clever disguise for psychological drama and grief study. Actng and scenography are top notch, pay attention to little hints.

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Christina Ricci does a solid job in Monstrous but that was to be expected. While the film was solid I just found the overall tone, storyline and character interactions just a little.... Meh! If I'm being honest I'd say verging on boring. The horror aspects are extremely light and while the other elements are okay, they weren't enough to really wow me. But worth the watch, a solid middle of the road 5/6

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A sufficiently dark and creepy horror film where underneath all that is a sad and moving story about grief that will haunt you until you can truly let it go. It's not without its flaws, though. I thought the back and forth of the serious and silly tones kind of lessen the overall impact of the film but I have a soft spot for ghost stories not completely reliant on jump scares so I enjoyed this film quite a lot. The production design is nice to look at, the music is quite fun, and Christina Ricci gives a solid performance as usual.

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First off nothing surprising Christina Ricci is great. The visuals and the set are beautiful. It was marketed as a horror creature feature but this is more of a drama with light horror elements. They give off a little too much which makes it predictable.

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