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Midnight in the Switchgrass 2021

Another in a growing list of low budget, poorly acted, made-for-tv productions using the Bruce Willis “brand” to attract viewers who then discover Willis’ role is minimal and his performance is completely lack lustre.

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Ordinary detective movie. Willis is only visible at the poster and in some small scenes. Fox is better than my expectations but still not enough. Maybe just a time-killer.

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Absolutely nothing special to see here. It's just a run-of-the-mill th"thriller" we've seen a million times before.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Started promising .. slowed in part that were irrelevant and then rush the conclusion. Wasn’t bad but wasn’t great either.

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garbage garbage garbage garbage garbage garbage

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What a depressing, gross and pointless movie. Willis barely in it, and his acting is awful when he is. Fox is really the main character, along with Hirsch and Haas. She does okay, the two H actors do a good job playing their parts. This is very anticlimactic and a waste of time.

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Wow, looks like every movie Bruce's acting gets worse. The crime scene scene is the part where I stopped watching; just bad acting all together

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Midnight in the Switchgrass is a poorly made and predictable crime thriller. The story follows a reckless FBI agent who teams up with a local police officer to catch a serial killer who’s targeting prostitutes. Megan Fox, Emile Hirsch, Lukas Haas, and Bruce Willis lead the cast; however they rarely share scenes, making the film feel incredible disjointed and weakening the performances. Also, the plot is kind of hard to follow at times and relies heavy on clichés and tropes: religious serial killer, cops that don’t follow the rules, etc. Still, there are moments of some suspense and intrigue, and a couple of intense action scenes. Yet overall, Midnight in the Switchgrass is a clumsy, low-budget film that nobody seems to be putting much effort into.

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Awful. Megan Fox can't act.:wastebasket:

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Very bad casting choices. You don't give such a role to Megan Fox. Period.

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I only watched this to hear Bruce Willis mumbling and I wasn't disappointed.

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5 minutes in and an extra playing a cop stumbles on a yellow evidence marker at the crime scene... lol
The film spends way too much time on the serial killer, his personal life and on him threatening and abusing his victims.
A couple of scenes with Willis and Fox were decent but overall a forgettable crime thriller.
What I didn't understand was how the hell did Fox's character get roofie'd at the bar while she was drinking a beer... Did the barman roofie'd her? Or did she just blackout from one beer?

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The acting is so poor leave it alone

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I don't understand why Bruce Willis is even in this movie or the cover of the movie. He airtime is minimal and plays no role in the plot. Overall the movie is watchable, pretty boring but fine to deal with boredom.

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Hang in there Megan. We will get you a competent agent soon.

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t would be a cheap midday TV movie if it weren't for the actors, despite the poster Bruce Willis appears very little and seated.

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Bruce Willis was terrible in this movie.

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Bruce Willis phones it in, but it’s hard to care about the 2 dimensional characters. Yawn.

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Lukas Haas is good but the rest of the cast do little to enliven this below average thriller.

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It's a good thing sometimes I'm able to pretend I'm still in the 80s... coz this one feels like an oldie... " an oldie where I come from " of you know what I mean.

you're gonna skip a lot of scenes, and don't expect Mr Willis to shine, coz it seems that he's just cashing in for appearance lately.

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