another good movie in the maze collection. this one surprises me with part one. different but good

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Like the first is amazing, the visual effects was so so good, the action was ok.

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i never seen like this movie in my life(super)

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A great movie which make you amazed in every moment while you watching , i gava it 10 .

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I absolutely loved every second of it! Better than the first in my opinion, and the first was brill :)

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I still love the concept of this movie, even though it's very predictable and it's very much like other teen movies (the whole teens against grown ups kinda theme) but I still like it very much. The cast is cool. The first movie was better though, more mysterious.

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This movie is great, I loved it, even though it is completely different from the book!

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Awesome continuation of the Maze Runner trilogy. As with the first one I haven‘t read any of the books so I can‘t compare the story and what happens in the movie vs the book but it definitely is interesting and I like the characters. I also really love the addition of Rosa Salazar to the cast.
Very excited for the final film The Death Cure.

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I like it more than the first one, again filled with action. And I need to know what happens next. Alright, third movie here I come.

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As in every trilogy about good and bad, this time the wicked are strikes back. ;)

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Not as good as the first, but it's an excellent movie too.

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Liked the first movie, but this one felt.... Milked. They were almost always running from something, which got quite repetitive. While 'run' is in the series name, it still got old very quickly.

The main character, Thomas, seemed to be the only one who was being developed as a character. Everyone else was bland.

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The rate at which these people keep throwing themselves into trouble is actually astounding… It’s no wonder that at least half of the movie is literally just them running away from things.

Also, am I the only one who completely missed when Teresa and Thomas even fell in love??? Like, it’s just come completely out of nowhere.
He honestly has more chemistry with Brenda, so if they really needed a love interest, I would have gone with her.

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I havent watched the tgirth one but i liked the first one better than this
Although it was a nice movie

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Had the makings of a great zombie flick.. Until they got to the bar and got high off of a sip from a bottle.. Then the whole thing just went to shut and made no sense.

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I liked it but it was actually disappointing a little. Not much happened. The beginning was good and interesting but then a little later everything went meh.
But I also think this "meh" part of the series is also necessary for the completion of the story; much like the calm before the storm, where everything seems dull and nothing is really going on until the storm hits with action and thrill.
Can't wait for the third movie!

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All in all, this movie was decent - I wasn't expecting much from the producers and directors of 2015 movies -, but where THE HELL did the story from the novel go? I mean, I know some events in the book were a bit unrealistic, but still, shouldn't it at least resemble Dashner's plot? Whatever, I'm surprised they're not splitting the last one into two parts like they did with most popular 2010s movies.

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My expectations were too high. It's not bad, but not excited enough. Let's catogerize it as "cheap entertainment".

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The plot it's getting weirder every second!

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What the hell was this movie about? What was the plot? No questions were answered, only added. What is the Scorch, what is the Flare? It all felt like some action packed movie just taking you from the first movie to the next one without adding anything to the story. Big thumbs down.

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Very fast paced, and not in a good way. They run and something happens and they run again.

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Help nigga they scorchin us!!! The end

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Why do I feel like 130+ minutes of nothing just unravelled in front of my eyes? The characters don’t seem to have achieved anything.

On the plus side the journey of the characters through the destroyed cityscape was incredible; the teams involved in creating that achieved brilliance

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Shout by dgw

Lost me as soon as it turned into a don't-call-it-a-zombie movie.

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Story of the first part was better. Way too many running and zombie scenes. Still a poop ending but i think that's normal when there's a sequel.

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Until the ending sequence, this film was pretty mediocre. The acting was not good, and as others have stated, the script didn't do much to move the story forward. I do have to state, I have no idea what the author of the books was thinking, when he devised the name World Catastrophe Killzone Department (WCKD), otherwise referred to as "Wicked." They were supposed to be the good guys, and that's the name he chose? You didn't have to be Stephen King to realize that the name was unbelievably awful; Don King could've figured that out. Doing something like that only serves to mock the very story that you're writing.

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The sequel to "The Maze Runner" is able to more or less maintain the quality of its predecessor. In other words, "The Scorch Trials" is another competently directed, if not exactly outstanding, young-adult film. In the second part of the trilogy, there is a bit more emphasis on worldbuilding, and the sets are a bit more futuristic. Furthermore, there are some nice zombie horror moments. At the same time, the plot is quite predictable: at the beginning, the survivors of the labyrinth from the first installment are welcomed by Evil McEvilface (Aidan Gillen), and afterward, the story takes its expected course. The film can certainly be commended for not trying to mislead the viewer at all (I mean, the bad guys continue to call themselves WCKD and Wicked, respectively). Accordingly, the plot quickly gets back on track, once again making for a fairly entertaining film. However, it didn't really pique my interest in the overarching plot either.

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Good movie in itself if we don't compare it to the first one and if we don't compare it to the actual book because it was a really poor adaptation :/

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Shout by Nick

The first morning set the stage for the rest of the series. I think this morning was the middle in the way to the "finale." They needed to use this movie, although not as great as the first, to get some things settled, get their following, and then come back stronger to fight off WICKED the right way. The last 2 movies should be great.

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Liked it, better from the first that's for sure. even though it was really long i didn't bored at all. Waiting for the next one

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Just imagine, take about 8 people with an IQ of 10 (so basically, they can only breathe automatically although, even that seems pretty difficult at times), put them in a nuclear-plague-something-aftermarth world and add some explosion effects - well that's what the 'Scorch Trials' is about! Enjoy!

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Despite some good additions to the cast; I found the first to be better. What's beyond the Maze ? Nothing we haven't really seen from other post apocalypse movies before it.

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I loved every single action scene
i think that this one is best then the first maze runner movie

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This movie didn't know what it wanted to be. The first one was focused enough while this one just has too much going on. And now zombies are a thing. Oh well hear's hoping the last one will be better.

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I quite enjoyed the first movie but this second one was just boring. The story was horrible and the time and space travel the people seemed to make (jumping from one location to the next, because they probably decided to edit out parts) the movie even worse. They should have ended with the first movie – although I have not read the books I suspect the original story would be way better than the movie that was produced from it/them…

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Why is this movie even called the scorch TRIALS? They completely omitted the titular trial.

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Loved the first one. Very disappointed to see this second one turn into a generic zombie movie

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Action, but I liked less than 1 and see what happens in the 3. "Little finger" a bad person again

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Do not waste your time.

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Dull, obvious and a plot with more holes than a tramp's socks; a real snooze, literally! I fell asleep twice.

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Zombies? Really? ugggh! Two words left.

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Surprisingly not bad. Better than the first one.

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Shout by HENRY
BlockedParent2016-07-10T06:14:04Z— updated 2016-09-05T04:52:28Z

Estuve tan concentrado discutiendo lo diferente que es la pelicula del libro, todas las cosas que se saltaron y las que cambiaron, que al final ni disfrute de la pelicula, dicen los que la vieron conmigo que estuvo buena yo solo digo: ¿en qué libro se baso? por que definitivamente no fue en el que yo lei.

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A big pile of crap. Feelt like an episode of Walking Dead, only worse. Not answering any questions, creating new ones though.

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What nroiser said. This film is a disaster. I expected not that much but this movie was more frustrating than entertaining.

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not really surprise for have the bad ratings. it is expected for most sequel. not have the clear plot. some scene is do not need to show. but i'm glad that i'm not the only one.

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Even though the action sequences are entertaining, they are all a distraction to a frustratingly messy plot that doesn't only fail at moving the story forward, but also ignores the questions posed in the first film, and adds too many others to count.

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Some of the action shots are neat. Most everything else is not. Oof. At best, it's a little bland. At worst it's a derivative mess of tropes and cliches that feel less satisfying that its predecessor. At the very least The Maze Runner had an intriguing setup. The truth of the matter is that JJ Abrams's mystery box philosophy proves true here: the answers we are given are significantly less interesting than the questions asked.

Just play The Last of Us instead.

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I loved the first film, but the second is terrible.
Errors in script and continuity errors, unexploited incredible scenic spaces ... looks like a telefilm for Sunday afternoon in a bad tv channel.
I do not expect to see the third party.

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I am missing the maze...

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I expected a lot from this, but it ended up much worse than the first one sadly. Nothing in this story makes any sense and you never really get any questions answered either. At the end, you're not sure what anyone is fighting for, or why they would do so. Oh well. At least there was less bad acting in this movie than the first, but that's only because there is no character development at all so the characters are never really given the opportunity.

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Unfortunately, this film was in the middle of a triple feature and I couldn't wait for it to end. It was as if the film did everything it could to insult the viewers' intelligence with it's silly character choices, convoluted plot, and nonsensical/repetitively boring events. If you like garbage, waste your money. If you like good filmmaking, stay far away from this one.

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Hey look, I think I found the way out of the tunnel, there is light on that side! (Although it was at night 5 minutes ago... huh. Well don't worry, with all the explosions, nobody will notice that). But you're right, lets keep exploring the creepy, scary, dark corridor instead, it sounds like fun. It's not like we are in danger, being chased, or in a hurry to reunite with the rest of the group, or anything...

Not the only stupid decision they made, it's the second movie they spend half of the time running everywhere... except when there is something dangerous (zombies, explosions, maze doors closing...). No, that's when they keep staring and slowly retreating, instead of hauling ass.

Also, I wonder what caused the buildings to collapse. Was it the Sun scorching, or the zombie virus? :rolling_eyes: Whatever it was, it tore down half the walls, even sloped a few buildings... yet it didn't break the windows.

Amazing movie so far! Loving it! 186 trillion stars out of 10!

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Worst, the first one is "entertaining" but this sequel is simply unfathomable and wouldn't surprise me a bit that it had harmful physical and psychological health related side effects to viewers!! :-(

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The trilogy is so bad, and stupid, and cringe, that I didn't even watch. Also, how stupid you have to be to create a virus without a vaccine?:DDD

loading replies horror movie :/ ugh

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This is so fucking boring.

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This is way to cheesy then it should be and they make us, the audience come over as people who will take this crappy script and say hey this was quite good. Hell no. So many things were just wrong in the movie. The overall tempon the constant running thats is just way to much at some point even if the movie is called The Maze Runner.

Parts where little finger stands there with his guard with shields and guns and the kids are out gunned and yet none of the guards shoot them from far while it took more then 10 secs beteween when the door opened and closed.
Scenes like this already ruin the movie.

And parts where it was more of a WarZ ripoff din't feel good neither.
And to much Game of Thrones characters in this movie.

There trying to lure people in with a cast that has no value in this movie.

Can't believe how many money they wasted with this piece of shit.

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Nice sequel to a very nice first part

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Littlefinger you SOB. Too bad Brenda wasn't a better shot.

This movie is a lot slower and considerably more boring than the first one. It feels sooo long.

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Did like the first one, which was quite a surprise. This second movie just is very predictable... There is no sense of mystery, which actually really drove the first movie

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This is a test please ignore

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Someone knows Why this movie is not available on my PopCOrn ?

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First :p just added that cuz the thing told me not to.

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