I went in expecting the same processed, reheated, bland cinema I've come to expect from a nation that serves up roughly 250 films a year... and instead discovered fare both tasteful and fresh.

Don't misunderstand me, this film is far from perfect (considering it contains two of my biggest pet peeves in film: family drama and a script based on secrets people who supposedly love each other keep) but the actors (especially those in supporting roles: Pauline Clément and Ramzy Bedia were brilliant) and the directing (co-star Jean-Paul Rouve is behind the camera and makes great use of lighting and includes some fun sound bridges) help separate this outing from the mass of French dumping filling the national screens every week.

I don't know if it's because I was expecting so much worse, but I left Lola et ses Frères (Lola and Her Brothers) with my eyes damp from laughter and emotion.

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