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Knock Knock 2015

Pretty bad, more like a bad comedy. And those girls were just two bitches with daddy issues who think they're making a point and giving what? moral lessons?. The poor bastard said 'No' a few times, and I'm not justifying him because he was stupid but those girl kept pushing, come on, everyone has a limit.

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Shout by sweetdeath
BlockedParent2015-10-25T16:36:18Z— updated 2022-04-07T19:07:37Z

This movie is so bad that it is hilarious! The acting, the dialog and everything is so unrealistic that I could not help but laugh. At times I was like "Why doesn't he just throw them outside his house?!" I mean, he's a strong man and they are just two skinny annoying bitches. Keanu is soooo bad that I am not sure if he acted that way on purpose or not...
And finally, I am pretty sure that if Keanu was not in that movie, nobody would have seen it.

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This must be one of the worst movies ever. Keanu is so unnatural and acts like a 3-class actor. Forget this movie, don't waste your time. Watching this movie to the end is a real torture.

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Whoah. Psycho bitches all the way.

Lessons learned though:
1) Don't let strangers in at night - no matter how gorgeous/handsome they are.
2) Always log off from Facebook.

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John Wick would knock them out in a minute

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MORALEJA: No dejes a tu esposo HORNY antes de irte de vacaciones

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This wasn't bad but it was terribly depressing and I'm not into this gender wars new-age bs. This movie is just like The Babysitters, it happens of course, but unless you like nailing yourself to a cross, it's probably not for you. I'm disappointed that money was spent on this. If you love being uncomfortable and nauseous in a way that isn't thrilling, you will love this movie.

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Eli Roth still hasn't grown up yet.

Oh and this movie would have been so much better if Nic Cage was the lead instead of Keanu. Just imagine him saying lines like "YOU B*TCHES! YOU CRAZY B*TCHES!"

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It could be a great movie if they were sane and there was a reason. It isn't a point that he's a pedofile if you puch and puch and throw yourself naked on him looking like a 25yo. A pedofile is interested and turned on by someone looking young. The whole point was wrong which was the most annoying.

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This film made me angry. They were completely in the wrong the entire time. I was hoping they'd get killed...

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About 10 minutes in, I checked the comments here. Thanks everyone who rated this a 1, you saved me a lot of time!

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“It was free pizza!” Ugly and depraved, Knock Knock is a sexual horror thriller from director Eli Roth. The story follows a married man who’s seduced by two women who show up at his door claiming to be lost, but the next day he finds himself a captive in his own home being judged and punished by the women for his infidelity. Lorenza Izzo and Ana de Armas give terrifying performances that really pull off the crazy especially well. However, the film’s theme is poorly constructed, as the girls are too violent and psychotic to be rooted for and Keanu Reeves’ character is never revealed as having any dark secrets or having committed any egregious acts that are worthy of the punishment that he receives. So while Knock Knock attempts to address some interesting issues, it ends up undercutting itself and devolving into mindless games of torment.

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I have just wasted the most precious 1 hour and 49 minutes of my lifespan watching this heap of buffalo diarrhea. Why did Keanu Reeves decide to star in a movie that is so fucking bad? Honestly, why?

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Skipped most of it. I only watched for Ana de Armas (some good scenes, so it was worth it ;))

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Well that was....interesting. Good movie to watch with your significant other.

I made it all the way through the movie, and I was interested the whole way through too. I'm not sure why people think this movie is that bad, it's really not. It's clearly not the best movie ever, but it's interesting to watch and you'll probably enjoy watching it and have some laughs too.

I sum it up to basically this: hot bitches; crazy bitches; keanu trying to show emotion.

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Just skip to the end, see the famous meme part and you're pretty much done with this movie.

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Meaningless awfulness in a bad film that will make you feel bad. Why do humans make films like this? If you want a film with attractive people getting naked and having sex, it isn't necessary to force them to be awful people just so it's "not porn". I wasn't alive then, but the '70s were a superior time when you could just have an indulgent sex flick with some drama, put it out in a theatre, and call it a day.

Ana De Armas and the other very attractive actress are nude in a bubble bath and basically force Keanu into sex. Turn it off after that scene and you'll be a much happier person whether or not you have a sex drive.

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Lots of negative comments here, but it wasn't THAT bad of a movie. Yes, you can't understand why he didn't just haul-off and punch their lights out at the beginning.. or the middle... but maybe he's too much of a gentleman? In that case, he gets what he deserves.

It's a good movie in that you don't know what's going to happen and where it's going. It's not gory and doesn't have unnecessary violence - it's a psychological torment more than anything.

Keanu Reeves shows his acting ability isn't that great - it's almost a cardboard cutout acting session. Ana de Armas plays a good sex kitten (meow, she can scratch my back any day..) 8/10

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I pretty much never leave a review for a movie.

I also pretty much never stop a movie or book before I finish it.

This movie was so bad that both happened. It's complete trash. The characters are unbelievable, the situation is absurd, and the acting leaves a lot to be desired. It's incredibly slow and there's basically no story or reason to be invested.


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I thought I watched some terrible movies, but this one beats all of them lmao!

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Eli Roth still hasn't grown up yet.

Oh and this movie would have been so much better if Nic Cage was the lead instead of Keanu. Just imagine him saying lines like "YOU B*TCHES! YOU CRAZY B*TCHES!"

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I wasn't expecting really anything, and by the way it started I already realised this is gonna be a rather low aiming movie. It felt like the usual, golden washed American family which supposedly no-one ever has nor actually wants. The climax was really the way they tricked the father into 'being fucked', everything else is dumb and not conclusive, and the whole narration contains holes, unintuitive breaks, and most of all, unrealistic and unbearable dialgues. What possibly keeps you on it is the question how and if he'll survive, but in the end isn't worth having followed through. Poor.

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This is the worst movie ever.

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Oh wow! For me, it's just bad bad bad

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Don't watch this sh*t. Stop.

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Quite probably the biggest waste of TV time I've ever spent. Where was the plot? Don't expect any twist or suspense in this mono directional drivel. Better off pulling out all your own finger nails than be put through this garbage.

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Thinking about watching this? Just don't.

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Shout by Deleted

I enjoyed this movie with some frustration. the horror of it is what happens when you cheat, but this film really struggles with any scares or really any reality of the real world.

the movie did keep me entertained, I did figure what was going to happen and wasn't really surprised by anything in it.

the crazy bitch acting was pretty good, the other guy could have been better. as mentioned in other posts, the plot had holes in it. could have made for a better movie if it was more in line with real human reaction to situations. everything seemed built on tracks and you really couldn't avoid the brick wall of disappointment that the movie made you feel with the poor conclusion...

still consider it a 'good' movie... not disappoint with my time spent watching it.

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Kinda terrible movie. Nothing makes sense and the acting (especially Keanu) is really bad. One moment in the movie was one of the most cringeworthy scenes I've seen in a long long time. Poor Keanu. But the movie has some kind of strange... entertainment value though. It never became boring at least.

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Shout by Deleted

What elevates Knock Knock, a sloppy and unfocused mess, is Keanu Reeves. His performance is so unintentionally gut-bustingly hilarious that every scenario he's thrown into, whether it be a sexual escapade or a life or death game of hide and seek, is transformed into a unique kind of comedic gold.

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Shout by sp1ti

What a terrible movie. It just didn't want to end. What inspired Keanu to sign up for this? This shouldn't be considered horror or thriller at all, the comedy tag fits better. No tension, no proper progression and riling on a topic which obviously doesn't apply here for no reason at all. A poor mans mix of Funny Games and Hard Candy.

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Reading the comments you will see a barrage of negative reviews. For those who haven't seen it yet and like cinema that has the "moral of the story" and that also has quality. WATCH!

It's a film made for men. It is not a film for a female audience. This film is a warning about how dangerous modern women are. Intoxicated by feminism, they think they are vigilantes.

You will watch a man with all his power, within his territory, absolute place. And this is even being invaded by women who have no power, but, even though they are weak, they are much stronger than the strongest man.

It's genuine horror. The worst thing that can happen in a man's life: a woman with bad intentions destroys even the best of men.

This film made me reflect that relationships nowadays are the biggest screw-ups of all time for men.

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Eli Roth's wetdream turned into an horror script.

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Bet Roth is a psychopath. it would take one to think this raw Philistine crap is entertainment

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Shame on every single person involved in the making of this movie. Even you Keanu, I'm sorry.

I've never been so happy to know that my rating will help lower the score of a movie. Just knowing my rating is one drop of a water in an ocean of reviews bringing down this movie's score is satisfaction enough for what I just sat through.

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I'd rather not watch. it leaves me with so much anger and disappointment. that's huge hanging.

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It was not easy to watch the whole movie. Some of us are raised to be kind and respectful to others, but having some random experiences in society and watching movies like this change your prespective. Everytime you are trying to help someone a little warning sign lights in your head. Unfortunately some people take advantage of others kindness and make it hard for kind people to help others. This is our society we are living in and you have to figure out a way to differentiate between the good people and those with ill intentions.

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I see this movie as a "prequel to "John Wick". It's pretty interesting if you think about it this way. Ana de Armas is sexy as hell. You could have an interesting discussion about whether or not you would succumb to the desire as the main character here did. To be honest, I think I wouldn't had it in me to refuse, especially giving my thrive for sensations.

All in all, pretty good movie in my book:thumbsup:

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I love Keanu but… I don’t get why he accepted to do this movie (?) , the plot could have worked if the women were not mentally crazy … it would have definitely proved a point but those characters were all annoying and not well-written/developed , why are they like that? how did they start to do this?… someone messed it up, I blame the writers and director , but oh well, we are just the viewers and all we can do is call it what it is … a trashy movie. I’m sad cause this would have been fixed if the women were better and realistically developed. It ended up being one more anti-feminist movie portraying them as “crazy bitches” , even when the plot was right …

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I can imagine Keanu Reeves lying on his deathbed, the end approaching and someone asking "Do you have any regrets? Anything you wish you could undo?" Undoubtedly, his rasping, death-rattle voice would say, "Knock Knock" . What a stinker of a movie. So full of plot holes and implausible situations that I finally had to skip forward to the final few seconds. (One can only take so much of two spoiled prima donnas who think they're all that, plus 90% of the film was simply the two girls being as obnoxious as possible.) The conclusion wasn't what I had thought it would be…it was much worse. Do yourself a favor and skip this one; watch Keanu in Speed with Sandra Bullock, or in Constantine . So much more entertaining and without the annoying whores. And "sweetdeath" was 100% correct: I've seen the poster art for this film for years and finally watched it because it had Keanu Reeves in it. Bad mistake.

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I wish I had read the reviews before I wasted my time. I assumed it would be half decent because Keanu Reeves was in it. But he was the worst part. Sad.

If you do feel compelled to finish it, at least the last scene makes it a little worth it.

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This is easily the worst movie I have ever seen. It is slow moving for the first hour, it makes absolutely no sense cause the girl's motivations were not explained at all and the acting is terrible! Do not waste your time watching this.

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An absolute disaster.
This is a remake of a 70s grindhouse feature which I actually didn't know before watching it.
The grindhouse style over-acting was kept which explains that but he opted for a completely different cinematography which doesn't make any sense as it clashes into a complete shitshow.

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This movie had way too many faults to even begin. A ton of potential but no follow through.

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what the hell just happend? can you tell me director?

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Shout by kocierz

The director should be buried alive, I have not seen such a bottom in my life, something terrible

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Okay movie to watch when there is nothing else to watch or when you're in the mood to just watch a movie that doesn't require much thinking. Easy plot, nothing fancy but that is fine. This movie didn't require depth.

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the movie is a complete bullshit. theres no plot twist, there nosense. i felt to much sorry for Reaves

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Keanu's downfall continues!!! Saddly we remember his past movies.

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Everything went down after the first night, including Keanu Reeves. 2 stars for the two boobies.. couldn't be bothered to watch beyond 55mins.

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Honestly, i sorta wish they didn't cast Keanu in this show. I watched it because i thought it's gonna be good, but boy was i wrong. Eli Roth has some pretty good shows too but this one was just ehhhhhh. End of rant~

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To the guys, telling that this is the worst role of the Keanu EVER, go try Generation Uhm. Truth is, that kinda movie is really a thing for Keanu and he is bringing some sparkles to it. Not saying it was a great one, but definitely watchable, definitely raising some questions to make you think and definitely far more better then other movies with 5 to 6 rating

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The worst movie I've ever watched in my entire life.

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What a awful movie it had a good start that could lead to so much and it didnt fulfill nothing. Just a bad movie that doesnt need to be watched.

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Shout by Deleted

Worse. Movie. Ever.

And honestly, these are the only words this movie deserves. Don't waste your time on it.

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Keanu Reeves is an amazing actor.....yes really! He can even act, that he can't act!

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trash movie, trash. did not worth the time spent.

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To spend any time reviewing this movie would be to give it dignity it doesn't deserve. This movie is unwatchable on any level. Avoid at all costs.

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One of the stupidest movies I've ever seen!!!!! And thats saying A LOT!!! Its ending was as blunt as butter knife. The motives the capturs used to torture the the main character is just plain idiotic not to mention immature.. I wish I could erase this movie from my memory or better, EXISTENCE! If the movie had a twist at the end I wouldn't be here. BUT IT DOESN'T!! It just builds up, and up, and up...Then suddenly stops!! As if the writer gave it to he's 14 year old to finish it at the last moment!


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Shout by Deleted

So bad. Nothing here is plausible. It's not funny. It's really a shame, because I thought Keanau Reeves does a convincing job.

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OMG! Such bad, bad acting.. Keanu Reeves was never a great actor, but this performance deserves Golden Raspberry for lifetime achievement...

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I I KNOW this is the ABSOLUTE DUMBEST movie I have ever seen!!! 1 hour and 36 minutes of my life gone, wasted on this nonsense and the blonde pretty much gave it all away in the beginning with all the laughing!!!!! DON'T waste your time on this "movie" since that's the category it's in!

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John Wick, and then this? Terrible acting, and I'm pretty sure I'm done with Eli Roth.

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Eli Roth proves once again that he has categorically lost his knack for film making. Knock Knock has a solid premise, one I'd like to see executed properly, but in it's current form it is nothing more than a clumsy, campy, over-sexualised mess. Avoid.

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not achieving the style comedy-terror they wanted. But they tried

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