Kingsman: The Golden Circle can't compete with the original, but it still gives us a bold, action-packed and fun spy movie. The visuals are spectacular and so are the performances, with a great cameo from the fabulous Elton John.

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I was really disappointed by this sequel. I enjoyed the first movie as it developed the theme of polishing a diamond in the rough, an unlikely but likeable hero, with wit and clever direction and writing. This second film did the opposite, it celebrated the crass and the writing was bad - there were huge holes in the story lines, and the character arches were undeveloped or fractured by missing/unwritten elements. The heros and villians were silly without comedic intent. The only bright spots were Taron Epstein, Mark Strong and Haille Berry's rapport, and Jeff Bridges. Colin Firth's character was butchered by the writers, Elton John' s part was unnecessary, unexplained and poorly executed, This movie is just BAD, and a waste of time. I give it a 3 (bad) out of 10. [Comedy?, Action, Adventure, Spy}

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CG was so cheap that I couldn't just stand it. Absolutely not for me, they went too cheap in many places and I had a nice nap during fighting scenes. I mean c'mon this movie could be lot better. Instead of involving USA culture in here they could involve Ireland for example. I hope next movie will be lot better.

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2018-02-16T20:18:29Z— updated 2018-02-19T00:05:20Z

Not nearly as good as the first one but still entertaining. Maybe a bit too long. Suffers from all the typical sequel problems by trying to outdo its predecessor by overdoing almost everything, by just adding more without adding something new. And Julianne Moore is no SL Jackson. Best thing really was Elton John.

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The movie that Pedro Pascal's character dies, yes, again.

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Thus movie was an utter can of trash

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In my opinion the first one was far superior, this isn’t a bad movie, it’s just ok.

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Not as good as the first but entertaining

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I actually really enjoyed this movie, when I thought it wouldn't be that good. The dialogue reminds me a little of "attack the block" which makes it all the more funny to see the contrast with the supposedly smooth upper class spies. The americans where a bit overdone but aren't they always...? :) Very funny Cameo from Elton John throughout much much swearing and hilarity. Overall I thought this was a great attempt after the first brilliant film.

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Big fan of the first. Sadly this is no match. Too many characters and gross out humour which felt out of place and cheap. Good fight scenes, awful cameos and special effects. Wasted talent.

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Nearly held my attention on a number of occasions.

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It would way too positive to say that this sequel is a second rate offering compared to the first. The first Kingsman blended action with good acting, a good script, credible characters and good effects providing an all round enjoyable, if completely unbelievable, movie.

With Golden Circle, for some reason they thought it would be a good idea to adapt the storyline to blend in some Cockney barrow-boy (the word BOY really needs to be emphasised) spiv with a penchant for saying f**k and 'bruv' every 5 minutes as the lead character. A bizarre character who seems to swing from being a switched on savvy, highly trained and educated spy to a 'do ya 'fink I'm 'fick or wot?" playground teen' who'd be more at home playing someone's recalcitrant brat in an episode of East Enders. For what reason exactly? It's not charming, funny or clever and seems to serve no purpose whatsoever. All it serves to do is to make the appearance of the male lead actor in 'juvenile prat' mode something to be dreaded and endured rather than enjoyed. CRAP!

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Despite loving the first one, I foundthis installment to be predictable, redundant, and unnecessary. It was so juvenile, a better title would've been "Spy Kid".

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As good as the first film? No, not really, but then sequels rarely are. It was big and bold, but the story was a little weak. However, the movie is still very entertaining in parts, and while I perhaps wanted a little more plausibility, it may be that I had unrealistic expectations for a film of this sort. Great action, a delicious turn from Julianne Moore, a rocking soundtrack, and a mincing turn from Keith Allen (what, you expected me to say Elton?), made this a film I will go back to. So not as fresh or as funny as the original, but it could have been a lot worse. And remember, before you have a go at me for giving it a lower rating than others, manners maketh the man!

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Needed more Channing Tatum. Fine enough, otherwise.

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This was the WORST movie I've ever seen, since the last worst movie I've ever seen!! What a waste of time. The first movie was great, but this just blew chunks. Stupid "story" and plenty of bad acting. Dropping the F-bomb every other word doesn't make a movie funny or intelligent it just proves the writers have nothing to say. 0/10

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Shout by Deleted

Not as good as the first one but keeps you entertained...

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Shout by Deleted

Entertaining and always fun to watch. Not as great as the first one.

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There is a fine line between being stylistically over-the-top and coming off as contrived. This one wandered into the latter territory at times (particularly the Statesmen bits), but on the whole, it was a fun ride.

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Shout by Evert Meulie

What is the Swedish liquor they're drinking in the beginning? Seems to dark to be Akvavit...

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Awesome, Funny, really good movie.
I'm glad we have Henry back, but come on why will they kill Marlin?? He was such an amazing guy. I'm going to miss him.
Agent Tequila was funny and hot.
Let's hope to see more of these agents.

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So much talent going on before as well as behind the camera, it’s just not funny. The editing and direction enhances the action scenes, it’s funny and you won’t be bored for the running time..I do think some scenes play out a bit too convenient at some points but everyone involved delivers an expertly crafted piece of filmmaking, it’s a blast to watch..! Recommended sequel to the already great first film..!

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As other said, it's not as good as the original, but makes bold moves all its own. Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to have Sessions as president instead of Trump? Or Paul Ryan as the kiss-up general, instead of the kiss-up congressman? Now you can find out! With that said, Channing Tatum deserved a bigger role, but boy were Whiskey's fight scenes great. This movie was action-packed, full of permanent consequences, and a somewhat twist ending the president getting impeached for sanctioning millions of deaths, instead of being blindly praised for when the infected people were cured. If you don't want politics, then you might want to be wary of this movie, as the focus is largely on the U.S. executive branch and its response with 'War on drugs'. But, there will be a lot of sad parts, and uplifting parts, and ending is just great for Eggsy!

Expect new gear, new weapons, new agents, and Elton John kicking ass -- and may the 3rd film be just as great.

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That's how you do a sequel. All the charm and style of the original, whilst expanding the universe in a meaningful way. I do feel slightly for Taron Egerton, since he is the main character but has third billing.

As for the story. A decent enough plot. First one is was tech based, this one drugs, I guess the third will be more straightforward war based? Not sure what angle they can pull for a villain in the third. My only minor criticism is how easily they discovered Poppy's compound but that's about it. Original villains, great concepts and fantastic visuals make this a memorable adventure.

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still good, but without the initial surprise, I think the level goes down a bit. Colin Firth's take it out of his sleeve

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Unfortunately not quite as good as the first film, but has plenty of fun action. Some characters deserved better, though.

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Shout by Antoine De Schrijver
BlockedParent2017-09-23T09:05:37Z— updated 2017-10-23T12:15:35Z

After the huge success of the first movie, I was afraid this would just be a stupid money-grabbing sequel. But it's not. I really enjoyed it. I highly recommend watching it in theaters.

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Well It tops the first, strong has whisky, and a strong cast and so better with It's action, humour, gadgets, CGI, and sound track, also a special guest playing himself made the film so much better.

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Big. Bold. Loud. Proud. The embodiment of Elton John himself. If there's something Matthew Vaugh is top notch at, it's design. The design was very eye pleasing. Actually, everything on the outside is great, but on the inside, it's riddled with plot holes and cut-off character development. Luckily, the camera work, cgi, stunt work, practicality, and did I say stunt work? Amazed me enough to like this. The jokes were 50/50 funny, and the dialogue did feel slightly choppy. Although the amazing stacked cast did try to blend with it. Compared to the first, it's very different for sure. Almost like butterflies, beautifully and gracefully flying in the wild random wind.
Also, Taron went from playing with Elton to playing Elton in Rocketman. Insane.

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I'm not sure where to begin w/ this. This movie was as bad on every level that a movie could be bad. The script, the storyline, the dialogue, the music, the set design, the choreography, and the CGI were all terrible. There were two scenes involving death by meat grinder, and not a single drop of blood was spilled. The entire thing looked like it was CGI, and it wasn't good CGI. The story was inane, cartoonish, and unnecessarily complicated. I have no idea what such a fine cast was doing slumming in this crap. On the other hand, Taron Egerton is not a good actor. He has about a three-inch range, and he should not be helming this, or any, film. All of this was worthy of a four-out-of-10, but what drove it down to a one was the use of "Fox News." Any filmmaker who uses the American Nazi Party's propaganda arm in a film, where they get free advertising, shouldn't be making mainstream films. They should be making neo-Nazi propaganda for the Right.

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Matthew Vaughn continues his satiric spy series with Kingsman: The Golden Circle, a rather formulaic and underwhelming action film. After a devastating attack on the Kingsman headquarters, Eggsy and Merlin head to America to find their sister organization, the Statesman, and seek their help in discovering who was behind the attack. The plot is rather convoluted and stupid. And its attempts to recreate beats from the first film come off as lazy. Julianne Moore makes for a poor villain, and Jeff Bridges, Channing Tatum, and Halle Berry are relegated to glorified cameos. Still, the fight scenes are pretty exciting and the soundtrack adds some fun energy. It’s entertaining and action-packed, but Kingsman: The Golden Circle has its problems and isn’t quite as bold and original as the first film.

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It certainly wasn't as good as the first one but it's alright. I just wish they hadn't killed everyone in order to introduce the new characters

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Was the first one this campy and cartoony? Still fun though! Excellent action and over the top stunts. Really, just pure mindless violent madness. And that cameo? chefs kiss

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I so very dissapointed with this movie :sob: Always the same story, stupid, silly etc. Why Eggy play with vaccine knowing thats only one vail and WHISKY broke it. FukSake :bangbang: Fuck stupid movie :sob: :bangbang:

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best movie beacuse:

  • Elton John
  • landmine
  • doggie
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Fun, fun, fun... You don't watch a movie like this expecting it to be serious and/or believable; you watch it to be entertained and that's exactly what it was. They were quite liberal with the F-bomb (or derivatives) and that cheapened the overall experience (for me, at least) but overall it was very entertaining. Someone commented that the appearance of Elton John was unexplained, blah blah blah... A lot of this movie was "unexplained" but ladies and germs, this isn't a movie based on a true story. Sit back and enjoy the show without expecting a lot of "that could actually happen" moments. This movie was FUN and definitely re-watchable. :sunglasses:

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More, harder, sharper like in the sequel ... unfortunately nothing else.

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Actual Rating 9.5

In my personal opinion this was better than the first installment of this franchise as it had had its chance to find it's footing. The comedy, I felt, was more laid back which made it funnier when the comedic lines hit. The action sequences were great and there was a nice cameo with Elton John here. All round a very enjoyable film.

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The first one was really good and sooo entertaining.
This movie.
This was super bad, like super

Idiotic, no point, no nothing. Why on earth take a briefcase as a gun and not take an actual gun. Baseball ball for grenade with a bleeping led ? I'm pretty sure that it is addressed to 10 year old that will enjoy pointless gadgets and so so so bad scripting and dialogues. Two and a half hours of this. So many talents , i mean Elton john, to this ? Moore to this ? god, do they actually needed the money ? I'm sure that they have sent emails to IMDB to remove them from the credits of the film.

Don't. Just Don't.

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It's a good movie overall but compared to some of the others it didnt really have that education I was expecting.. well not a lot or enough anyways.

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oh boy, Elton John is funny !

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It's not so great as the first film, but still watchable.

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Will be waiting for the third movie of this same title. Awesome night because of this.

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awesome movie but the first one is the best one
but still amazing

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The first one is so good and creative, but this one is boring and not even fun to watch.

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Shout by Deleted

...surprisingly good and entertaining, hope to have another sequel...

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Shout by Attila Marics
BlockedParent2018-03-29T15:10:45Z— updated 2019-03-13T01:20:33Z

Boring, uninteresting, dull, etc. I think the kingsman movies are for 6 years old autists.

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Not the same excellence as the first one. Not as funny, not as violent, and the effects seem cheaper.

Does this make Kingsman: The Golden Circle a bad movie?!?

Not really...

Since the comedy is of the same "low" variety as the first one, it has at least some of what the first one had. It might not be on the same level of greatness as the first Kingsman, but it's a fun 2 hours.

If you like this kind of "over-the-top" action and black comedy this might be right down your alley...

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country roooaad, take me hooomee

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Unlike popular opinions I prefer this to the original :D Its funny and entertaining.

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Moins bien que le « 1 »... mais divertissant quand même

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Weird story. Reminds me of Bond movies of the 60s. BUT, great acting, great action scenes which means awesome movie.

Minor annoyances where the sentimental nonsense scenes which ended in, oh, yes, you are right, that was stupid. But that was minor.

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Shout by Deleted

I enjoyed it...ok for a sequel

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A little long, but a total blast, like the first. Fun, ridiculous comic book/spy action. Feels like a movie version of James Bond Jr. Love the addition of the American characters.

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23 jump street is not the same without Jonah Hill

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Would give 8, but gains one point for the camera during fights. No other movie was this good this year, at least.
Also no forced gay or racial equity - such a rare thing these days! So you know what? It is a 10.

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
0 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think
+0 misc

6 out of 10

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Overall I would rate this equally as the first one, just as excellent.
However, this one hasn't the horrible acting of Samuel L. Jackson, which made the first movie extremely hard to watch.
I still don't know if he did that on purpose, as he usually is a great actor.
Anyhow, because of that, this deserves a very worthy 9 out of 10, as it's a genuinely fantastic action-comedy.

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Shout by Deleted

A solid sequel, but relied too heavily on references to the first one. (The best reference to the first one was the "backstage pass" line.) Aside from that, too many leaps in logic, and Whiskey's lightsaber lasso was just too bizarre. Otherwise, lots of fun.

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Too. Much. CGI. Even worse: Too much bad CGI. Half the movie looked computer animated.

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My eyes actually hurt after this movie – I just had to roll my eyes so hard and often because of all the nonsense happening… Just a bad movie with horrible plot similar to the first one…

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Shout by Deleted

‘’Manners maketh man’’ that’s all I have to say .

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It's a great movie in my opinion. Matthew Vaughn is really visionary with his fight and action scenes. The moving camera in direction and angle of the motion plus the perfect fluid and discreet cuts which gives the action scenes the appearance of a one take establish a fluid and dynamic picture. This fact and the bright coloring cause a comic asthetic. The action choreos, stunt scenes and gadgets fit perfect in.

I also like the meet of noble british Kingsman and the rooted in the soil american Statesman. I only see the movie in german tongue, so i don't get the different accents. I will watch in OV too because i think the accents could be hilarious.

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Waiting for a good quality HD upload in English to watch :)

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Entertaining, great action scenes and on-point humor. Not as good as the first of course, mainly because Samuel L. Jackson did such a great job as villain and I didn`t commit as much to Poppy, and some scenes were so aburd even for a kingsman movie. All for all, it was worth the watch.

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Not as good as the first. Did the best I could, given what the first film left. Great action scenes again.

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Shout by Deleted

where do you watch? tried to log into android to activate and no place to add code.

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