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Just Mercy 2019

Just Mercy is a sugar glazed steak: the meat of the story is incredible but it's covered with so much saccharine that it's hard to digest.

The story of the civil rights lawyer Bryan Stevenson who went to Alabama to defend the rights of under represented convicts on death row is moving, but the way it's told here -- a series of static shots where talking heads take turns making speeches -- saps the sincerity from the story. Read Mr. Stevenson's book of the same title instead or, if you want to see something, try Dead Man Walking or Mississippi Burning.

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Too many period inaccuracies within the dialogue took me out of the movie watching experience. This, coupled with mannerisms that are more likely to be seen in the last 20 years instead of the 80's made it a difficult watch. I can't say for sure who is to blame for that, the writers, the director, Michael B. Jordan or all of the above.

All that said, the subject matter was more compelling than anything. That alone was enough to evoke emotion.

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Shout by LukieB

This movie was amazing. The performances here are incredible, and the tone fits perfectly. There is so much emotion behind this movie as well, and I cried 2 times during this movie. Funnily enough, I had to keep it kinda quiet because I was on a plane. The scene where Herbert is being sent to death and everybody is ringing their bells for him is so sad. When he finally gets killed, I was devastated. I also cried with happiness when the charges were dropped at the end. I also love how this movie shows how poor people can be at many disadvantages especially when it comes to justice. Great message, emotions, and performances.

At Time of Review:
High 8/10

Story and Characters: 8/10
Presentation: 8/10
Enjoyability: 8/10

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When you get Jordan, Foxx, Larson into three leads on a movie, you are in for a quality movie regardless of taste. On that note…I’m not the audience for this movie. Court dramas don’t really scratch an itch for me and there needs to be something more. Objectively, it’s a damn good movie. A compelling plot, great actinic true story. Even if this doesn’t sound like your kind of movie, it is worth watching.

Rating: 3/5 - 7.5/10 - Worth Watching

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Shout by Deleted

Yet another movie that highlights the institutional racism prevalent inside the US judicial system. Offers nothing that it predecessors and betters have already shown.

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A movie with very serious facial makeup

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10/10. Great message, really makes you think of today’s society.

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Amazing eye-opening film about the injustices caused by a very bad judicial system. For someone with limited knowledge about the what was actually experienced, this was very disturbing and enthralling to witness.

Also, the quality of the film it's self was on-par as well, I am surprised it didn't get any Oscar nominations.

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Michael Jordan's acting is actually way better than most give him credit for, probably because of his father. Jamie Foxx is really good, although not one of his best roles.

The story is great and the fact it remained focused on the issues rather than somehow teeing up the divide really makes this movie great. If you're racist at all? You're going to hate it, because it's going to make you think

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A great movie another story people all over the world need to know..It gets so emotional and perfomances from Jordan and Foxx are perfect. 8.5/10

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We have seen stories like this before, but that's okay, as they need retelling. This is an emotive film and one guaranteed (assuming you have a heart) to move you to tears. Powerful performances hammer home the messages of injustice that are at the core of this story.

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It highlights the shocking social injustice that some people receives. I am glad that there are people fighting for them, The story is emotional and very gripping. The film just shows how messed up our judicial system is and does a great job with good acting and story telling.

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I haven't cried this much over a movie in a long time. This is one of those films that feels larger than its medium, jumps out at you and grabs that which makes you human. I can't believe it didn't get a single Oscar nomination. This deserved enough hype to make everyone around the world tune in to watch it. Vital, immense and so so so important. And of course, memorable performances from Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Foxx who delivered arguably the best supporting performance of 2019.

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For 9 people getting executed in the US, one person on death row has been proven innocent and released. WTH???

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The film is something close to perfect. It brings fundamental discussions and treats them with due care, but without leaving aside the combat.

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What an amazing movie, with so many great actors, especially Michael B Jordan and Jamie Foxx, They should've waited a few months with the release cause now i truly feel it got snubbed by the Oscars. This is the kind of best picture movies we're used to and alas again based on a true story. So weird that in a land of hope and dreams people are still wrongly accused based upon the color of their skin. Not sure if it's the same way here in the Netherlands, but America should be ashamed of itself since it still happens, you'd think they would've learned by now. The story is good and reminded me a bit of "a time to kill"which is also an amazing movie! Will watch this one again when it's available on Netflix, it was a long movie but i never got bored, only angry with the injustice that was done.

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This Movie HAD ME MAD 5 MINUTES INTO IT. Being a person of color know that this could happen to you and literally ruin your lives in the matter of moments is still in 2020 very freighting. This is a great movie excellent acting done by Michael B Jordan and Jamie Foxx tears literally came to my eyes when they highlighted the fact that the people suffering from PTSD and other mental problems are not getting the help they need.

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In a perfect world we shouldn't need a Bryan Stevenson, but this world is far from perfect and we are thankful for his existence. And Btw - great performances from Michael B Jordan and Jamie Foxx.

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A great movie that's based on a true story that still rings true to this day. African Americans are incarcerated 5x more than whites and are given 3x longer jail sentences than white people that commit the same crimes. It's sad that In 2020, a person skin complexion can still be a factor in society.

Anyway, Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Foxx were phenomenal in this movie.

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A solid legal drama that has some great acting from Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Foxx. Other than that it is nothing special.

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