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Jumanji: The Next Level 2019

nice movie I like it

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Like the first one, very fun to watch. Lots of laughs. I didn't think this sequel was any worse than the original! Will definitely be watching any further sequels.

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There really was no need at all for a sequel here but this was a great one. Basically following right where we left off in the 1st one as it shows where the players are now and how they are trying to keep the group together and "accidentally" get sucked back into the game, but with some new characters that help the group re-realize the importance of their friendship. New stunts, characters, and adventure along with the same story line and comedy makes it surprisingly a good sequel.

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I honestly loved this movie. It was just as much fun as the first in these remakes, with a new twist when the gang returns to the game as different avatars. I really feared these remakes would bring the original movie down but they don't. It's a fresh take on the movie and the characters are all so much fun to watch. I'm really excited to watch another one and I love the set-up they created for it at the end!

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Enjoyed all the bit of it.Its entertaining with fun packed humours.Even the end credits was interesting.
Went to invest my time for entertainment,Got it

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Sequels often have a bad reputation, yet I believe the case does not apply here. Its formula is very similar to the prior release, that is the main reason why it works!

It surely didn’t let me down - the movie has a very straightforward approach and cough cough one would have to be significantly petty to identify minor setbacks, cough cough amidst all the fun, action and “chaos”.

Shoutout to the CGI and scenery. Moreover, the cast is on point with their impressions. Danny DeVito and Danny Glover are a nice addition. I’ll be definitely revisiting this movie in the near future.

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A great entertainer. Film is predictable and overall you will have fun.

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This is fun follow-up to the previous Jumanji movie. Finding a way to pull in additional players was a nice touch and switching up the players inside the characters was fun to watch.

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Solid impression. No big surprises - just a normal evolution that made sense. Had a pretty overall nice time and thats at least more you can ask for allready compared to alot other "remakes" from the last years.

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The first movie was a lot better, the second felt rushed to completion with elements of the first one mixed with a dash of new stuff.

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Good movie and a lot of fun. Do not take seriously.

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The film starts out fun, funny and ambitious. It is that way through at least half the movie. After awhile it got a bit draggy and not as involving.
There’s a villain but we don’t see enough of him to feel like they are in danger by him. While it feels like the characters spend half the movie figuring out what their strengths and weaknesses are.
Despite my problems with it there was still no doubt I’d still give the film ***. It has plenty of humor, action, locations and very committed actors.

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Good sequel. Simple with a few new twists. Easy watch. Enjoyable. :thumbsup_tone1:

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This is some more dumb fun with body swapping characters and video game levels. Nothing that special but a few good chuckles. I would see another one if a few years. I can never see Danny DeVito as anyone beside Frank Reynolds and that makes this better.

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Shout by Deleted

when i saw an asian character, i immediately knew they named her ming.

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A fair extension of what we’ve already seen and nice to have a balance of the old cast with the young. Kevin Hart was most entertaining this round.

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"Did I just kill Eddie by talking too slow? Like he always said I would?"

A solid sequel to the last Jumanji and a very entertaining one. I really enjoyed Dwayne Johnson pretending to be Danny DeVito and Kevin Hart doing the same thing but being Danny Glover but Awkwafina rocked it by portraying to be Danny DeVito!

Anyway kind of the same plot but it works. Love the possibility of people using their avatar for bad guy stuff. Loved the scene where Ruby and Sheldon switched bodies. Loved the scene where Bravestone just crushes 45 npcs. Having "Welcome to the Jungle" in your movie is always a ++ and Awkwafina walking out of that cell portraying DeVito cracked me up!

I still laughed a lot and will be looking forward to the third installment, hopefully they'll keep Awkwafina and maybe add another charismatic actor/actress to the group?

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Shout by Deleted

Saw this on a field trip. Pretty funny, any movie with DeVito gets and OK in my book (except the Lorax)

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Not beter than the first movie, +1 for surround sound

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Jumanji: The Next Level is super fun. While it feels similar to Welcome To the Jungle it has the breath of newness. The jokes are great some fell flat and others were hilarious. The action is good and the visual effects are pretty good. The plot is good, the drama in it is alright I liked the whole restaurant thing between Edie and Milo. The acting is good from the four original characters. Kevin Hart was great. Danny Devito( The Rock) and Danny Glover 
(Kevin hart) are great additions. The body swapping is fun and the end is happy. The end credits are good. Overall it’s a fun and funny movie that is at the end a good sequel.

( 7 out of 10)

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There was no real need for another sequel, but this film is better than I expected. It subverted expectations in the first half, and continued pleasantly if predictably in the second. No need for a third level, but we will probably get one anyway.

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Shout by Deleted

another great fun time, like the 1st one, and im glad to see the post credits tells us another sequel is coming =)

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All the action adventure of the first film but not enough of the fun. The impersonations of DeVito and Glover were amusing at first but wore thin quickly. Awkwafina was a great addition to the cast. But, the magic of the first film was its capture of the teen angst of the original players and that was lacking in this. I give this film a 7 (good) but it lost its GREAT! [Action Adventure]

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Eh... For the first hour and a half, I'd say, the movie struggled to find footing. Adding the clueless old men and their drama, and leaving out Bethany for most of the adventure was a wrong move. Dwayne Johnson did horribly trying to impersonate Danny DeVito, but the slack was promptly picked up by Awkwafina, who did superbly as a grumpy grandpa. Kevin Hart as Danny Glover was okay - I actually chuckled a few times, - but not as funny as in the first film. I missed Jack Black as a ditsy cheerleader because his other character is completely forgettable. Karen Gillan, unlike in the Welcome to the Jungle, has little to work with. Her sole purpose here is to be hot and kick ass. I liked the action sequences (especially the monkey bridge one), but the rest was just meh. I really wish the writers found a better explanation for the characters ending up in the game again.

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More of the same.

I have to spoil to comment unfortunately.

I didn't think the swaps worked. The slow talking Danny Glover and the Jersey boy Danny De Vito impressions by Kev and The Rock didn't work. Jack Black is usually hilarious but isn't here.

It's okay and entertaining enough but it's nothing spectacular or praiseworthy.

And I thought Danny De Vito was off his game here. Hammy and loud.

Some good CG, but a bit of a one-trick wonder. They'll need to step up the plot line for the inevitable 3rd instalment.


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Drinking Game: Take a drink every time they forget to airbrush away Karen Gillan's extra hole from her belly button piercing. (For lightweights, take a drink every time they remember to remove it, for they do this far less often.)

Apart from that, I prefer this version to the first of the reboots because the filmmakers took my advice and played up the 'game' aspect, (though still not as much as the 1995 original).

Basically, there's enough action to keep the audience awake and Dwayne Johnson does a surprisingly great job acting as Danny Devito. (Awkwafina is no slouch either!) Not a classic by any means, but Jumanji: The Next Level puts the 'fun' back in 'fun & games'.

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The previous installment had better rewatch-ability. Danny Devito was hilarious as himself, but stopped there unfortunately. Some good one-liners but nothing impressive

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A bit better acting than the previous part (DeVito is a star here). However, the idea of returning to the game is poorly justified.

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It was okay, some moments were fun, but I think the first movie was overall better. Still though, it was more enjoyable to watch than most other movies. I laughed quite a few times. Yeah, would recommend.

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Can’t go wrong with the Rock...err well that’s not true. Anyway you’re reading this review so you’re obviously not looking for an art film. Check your brain at the door and enjoy two hours of mind candy.

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This sequel was entertaining enough, but it wasn't really needed. I found myself looking at my watch a couple of times during the movie as it gets quite slow in the midsection. It is nice that they changed things up a bit in the film and introduced some new mechanics to the Jumanji game. The action was lackluster and borderline boring. Jack Black and Kevin Hart are the best things in the film. I am not sure who Dwayne Johnson was trying to do an impression of but it definitely was not Danny DeVito. It was nice to see Awkwafina in the film, she does great with what she is given. The mid-credits scene hints at where the next film will go, but I really hope they just leave it with this film.

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A lesser version than the previous one.

There's nothing new, everything is almost identical. It's still done the right way, but... not enough to cover the fact it's a rehash.

On the small things that changed, the switch of characters is a good idea, works well and give the actors some performance opportunities. The use of the grandpas not so much. The new thief character is kinda ok.

They still die in stupid ways, still making it more a children comedy than the adventure movie that the first (real) Jumanji was.

They try to do grander thinks in the final showdown, but nah, doesn't work. It's too much. And the guy becoming a horse ? Nope.

Possibly great idea at the end, if the antagonist is a player. That opens great possibilities for the universe, but it should have been better at the end of the first one, it comes a bit late there, not sure the need for another sequel is there.

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Idk why I find these movies so much fun. The third act was very cheesy ngl but this cast is actually insane. Jack Black is a genius.

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"What in the Sam Hill?"

I was one of those that said this was a bad idea, but they found a way to change it up and crack me up. As long as the comedy can stay fresh, I will continue to go watch these!

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Nothing new compared to the 1st, Recycled History and Hurried Script. Obviously it works, just like the first one. A good entertainment option for the family.

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Nowhere near as good as the first two. Huge unexplained plot holes litter the first two thirds of the movie. The ending was the only decent part of it and I'm not sure how I managed to make it to the end.
They're obviously setting up a Jamanji 4, I hope they put a little more effort into that one then they did into this one!

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I have to force myself to finish the movie........ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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1.5points -> Cinematography (0-3)
1.4 points -> Acting and Characters (0-2)
1.2 points -> Plot (0-3)
0.5 points -> Score (0-1)

0.6 -> enjoyed the movie. (0-1)

Aka. 5.2 points

This film is the traditional cashgrab. Compared to the first one (which is already bad) this one is terrible.

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watered down rehash sums up The Next Level. everything done right in Welcome to the Jungle was lost in this one.

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Old grandpa imitation didn't work. Too much annoyance. As one character said,"the worst Bravestone of all time." Very little action and comedy is mostly it starts without any reason. Every second character just whines about that he didn't get a good avatar. Story is just time pass.

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Shout by Deleted

Incredibly chaotic sequel. Didn't like the thing with the voices and it ruined the film for me. The character swapping was so weird. It's not like your swapping your main characters for an episode of a series that has been running for 12 seasons. Nobody knows who they are after one movie that wasn't focused on the people years ago.

While the first reboot was okay, this one was pointless.
Let's hope they don't make a third one.

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Shout by Deleted

Its bad, very bad, is pulled by the ears for 128 minutes.

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Repeat of the first part without contributing anything. Bored by parts. Totally dispensable

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Adding review from 3/1/20 when I saw this. Awful. Some of the cringriest crap I've ever seen. I tend to like the Rock & Kevin Hart, but this was so much worse than the last one. Avoid. Gillan gives the movie a few pts that keeps it out of the 1-2 range albeit barely. 3.0

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I just watched this because my family likes, but it's not good at all. I didn't liked the first one either.

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It couldn't keep me awake, boring.

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This one of the stupidest movies I’ve seen for last 10 years of my life. Robbie Williams would be spinning in his grave

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Just as Devito said about Danny's eggs : "Meh!"

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How to play the movie? I can't see any play button.

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Love this movie. Hilarious with decent action scenes.

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Fun film. Seeing Devito and Glover was fun. The impressions of them were nice.

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So as far as the world knows, Milo went to see his old partner he had a falling out with, then vanished. Eddie is getting arrested for murder.

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Not going to make the same mistake again.
The only way they are going to make me watch the sequel is by tying my sorry ass to the chair.

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Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart are what make this movie work. The changes in personalities as they switch between players was hilarious. The whole back to Jumanji part was rather unbelievable, especially with Nick Jonas' character. I have trouble believing an adult man with children would knowingly risk his life to save a manchild going through some sort of beginning of adult life crisis. And while the premise of getting there and risking their lives was unbelievable, once they were actually there it was plenty of fun.

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It has better action sequence n feels like a video games level design. This second film is way funnier than the first one. I thought by the first film that they could up the pace of the film to make it more exciting. This film had the right pace and it kept me excited for the whole film. And I love the addition of Danny DeVito.

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this sucks
a lot man, where is the play button

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I just came out of the theater and I could not be more in love with this movie. if you watch the movie before this you will really appreciate the subtleties and the point in which this film picks up 10 story. However it is a good Standalone film where the adventure is captivating and takes you on an adventure along with the main characters. you become fully immersed in this phone actually get the world around you. the actors did an amazing job and I command all of those apart of the team to make this movie possible the film is amazing and I highly recommend it

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Unfortunately, the approach can't save the film from its own poor choices regarding the filmmaking.
The action in this is quite poor, to which some people will undoubtedly respond: well, it's supposed to be chees

Basically, there's enough action to keep the audience awake and Dwayne Johnson does a surprisingly great job acting as Danny Devito. (Awkwafina is no slouch either!) Not a classic by any means, but Jumanji: The Next Level puts the 'fun' back in 'fun & games'.

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I couldn't watch it more than 15 minutes ... It's a shame how much money wasted for nothing
they should plant some million's tree around the world .....
( nothing to see with the movie ) just a philosophic thought : we are so intelligent ( atomic Bomb ) that we are going to loose our habitat our home : planet earth before time spend from Dinosaures
I think in few. thousand years' human will be erase from this planet :) ( nothing to see with the movie )

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