Personal Lists featuring...

Johnny Stecchino 1991


Raccolta di tutti i film italiani.

Alcuni film, sono presenti nella lista di Trakt con il titolo inglese pur essendo film italiani. Questi film sono comunque stati inseriti nella lista.

Se trovate altri titoli di film italiani non presenti nella lista segnalateli in modo da rendere questa lista la più completa possible.


Last Updated: 2019-04-05
Criteria: - These are the Greatest Foreign (Non English Language) Movies chosen for their quality direction, script, cinematography, acting, storyline, originality, and success. Title - (Year, Country, Director) (Actors)


Movies from around all the eras past and future ones.


All the comedies mentioned in the filmography of the book "Film Comedy" by Geoff King, published in 2002.

"From slapstick to satire and subtle innuendo. From the grotesque to the carefully mannered. From madcap anarchy to the darkly deadpan. Film comedy comes in a wide range of forms. For as long as film has existed as an entertainment medium, so has film comedy. ... Comedy was one of the most popular formats in the early years of cinema and has remained so ever since." (from the introduction to the book)

Missing: Edward Penishands (1991)

