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John Wick: Chapter 4 2023


Shout by sweetdeath
BlockedParent2023-03-31T15:37:57Z— updated 2023-07-02T18:01:12Z

They never should have made this into a "universe".
Overly-complicated long fights that make no sense.
Keanu has 10 lines literally.
The only time he delivers lines with emotion is when he's speaking to Laurence Fishburne or - surprisingly - when he's talking in Russian.
Too many new characters that are there only to be killed / to be forgotten and basically nobody cares about them.
The villain is weak.
Too long, which equals too boring.
I am convinced that people just don't get what a good action movie is these days, not only because of the majority of the comments here, but also most people in my theatre liked it so much. Just because there are long complicated fight scenes, doesn't mean that this is a good action movie.
First John Wick film is a perfection. Second one was also very good. I will rewatch them and pretend that this was never a "universe".

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Audio/Visual: 10
Location scouting: 10
Casting/Acting: 10
Storytelling: 8
Action/Choreography: 10

What a fantastic and thrilling movie!
Bill Skarsgård stole the show for me.

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This is one of the most idiotic movies ever made and the people who rated it higher than 6 are effing morons!!!

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watched twice and if anyone has studied film, can understand how difficult this film is to pull off. Incredible action sequences, great ending. Loved it.

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Wow, first and foremost. One sequence in particular, just wow.

And there's parts of this that are really poignant considering the passing of Lance Reddick.

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boring overlong fights with no tension (the guy one shot kills everyone in a bullet proof suit with unlimited ammo. yawn.), long talky lore scenes, an hour longer than it needs to be. the duel at the end was ok i guess. oh, keanu is awful in this. like meme level bad.

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Every time you thought the fight scenes are almost over, there’s still more and it gets crazier! Some people might think low of Keanu Reeves’ acting range, and it shows clearly here, but he seems to fully accept that and enjoys the ride. That’s the least of the problems though, when it comes to doing action scenes, he totally delivered as always. The story is kinda meh and pedictable, but at least the cinematography is neat and lots of beautiful shots to please our eyes. 7.5/10

R.I.P Lance Reddick

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“Yeahhhh” — John Wick

I don't know what is the movie everyone has seen here, but I truly believe this one to be the weakest entry in the franchise. Not saying it's bad, just saying it's not THAT good.

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Post-credits scene at the very end

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This movie is absolute garbage, certainly one of the worst action movies i've seen and by far the weakest of the John Wick franchise. The narrative loses all coherence and weight in favor of empty scenes with absolutely extensive and implausible choreographies of 15 minutes per scene. All the new characters, instead of adding value to the film, subtract it and on top of that the film pushes its own logic to the limit, making the film feel like a superhero film. It still seems ridiculous to me that with all the massacres the police never appear. This film summarized is: "Immortal asshole kills everyone" there is nothing more, in my opinion, is not even worth for entertainment since the franchise began with short but precise scenes and they changed it for the ridiculousness scenes from a Chinese movie. such a downgrade and a awful way of finish a legacy

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What can you say, another beat ‘em up with John Wick. Not the best of the series, but enough action and twists to keep you entertained.

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This is getting a bit much isn’t it? Was Japanese DareDevil really necessary? As if these movies weren’t lacking in realism already. Jeez. I get why people enjoy these so much, because the action is still entertaining. Just don’t watch all four so close together, like I did.

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A state-of-the-art action movie, everything here is perfect, breathtaking scenes, with many references ranging from Game of Thrones, western movies and even games like The Hong Kong Massacre.
The story is captivating, starting where the previous movie left off and developing very well until the end.
The characters are very charismatic and striking, which is already a fundamental part of every movie. Everything here is truly great.

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It's more like a comedy movie now. John can just wave the collar of his suit and no bullet can even graze him, even if tens of people are shooting at him, not even when someone shoots at his face from ten feet away.

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Well-directed action scenes, shootings, chases and other kung-fu. The plot is basically unnecessary, do there isn't much of it. ;)

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Yes, we have come to the end of a legend. I'm sad that this series will now continue without John Wick. At the end of the movie, I already understood how the events would take shape in future movies. I want to touch on something, how this series started; He was a retired person. His life changes when his wife catches a terminal illness. When he went home, he found his beloved dog murdered. This is how the movie started and where it ended. He went to his wife. The man is iconic and will always be among the legends. Thank you to all of them for their efforts.:blue_heart:

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more of the same, enjoyable to switch off to

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Very good :thumbsup:!!! KIANO IS VERY GOOD IN ACTI9N MOVIES

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A truly impressive film, with some of the best action scenes ever seen on film. Although the story is basic, it was executed with exceptional quality. The world created in the film is extremely captivating and intriguing. The ending is fitting to cap off a series of high-quality films.

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There are action scenes that’s well choreographed, almost too well, the camera angles look great, I like the top view fight sequences in a building. Acting is ok all around, I didn’t have problems with Keanu’s acting. However, with almost 3 hrs runtime, it’s just too long. The over convoluted storyline, plot armor and some plot holes just make this film longer than it should be. The pacing of stories from point A to B was slow. After he rejoined that gang again why didn’t them help him fight the bounty hunters or something? Isn’t that your pain is my pain?

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boring, already seen. This one was not needed

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Honestly, I really hope that this really is the final chapter in John Wick's story. This series has become too over-choreographed, drawn-out and sometimes even goofy. There's no reason for this movie to be 2h50m long. The action is cool, but it also gets dull really quick.

Also, Rina Sawayama was really fucking good in her role.

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Wow, just wow. The action sequences in this are unforgettable. The amount of complexity with different characters made so easy to understand is just bliss. My only semi criticism is this is a LONG and HEAVY action movie with LONG and HEAVY action sequences, so you got to be prepared before starting it.
Plus, the 'Minecraft YouTuber' soundtrack could have been so much better.

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Just finish this franchise. Every next JW movie is worse. This one lacks a proper story and a director.

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With a thousand incongruities. To pick one, why does King leave him so far from Sacred Heart?

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Sadly, the John Wick series is played out. After thousands of headshots and face-stabbings, it turns out that a story is needed, too. I'm a Keanu fan, but there's nothing new to see here. It is a good-looking movie, but that alone doesn't make it worth a look.

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The film has exciting fight scenes, an engaging story, and charismatic characters. However, the film is a bit long, clocking in at around two and a half hours.

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This movie is absolutely magical.

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Jesus it looked spectacular. I'm not a big believer in the HDR format preferring 3D mostly. But this really won me over. Every shot looked absoultely spectacular. Not sure what the story really was and it did go on a bit long. But visually it looked amazing!

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The blind assassin walks, fights, shoots, and moves better than a non-blind person. Why complicate shit?
This is as stupid and dumb as that show on Apple TV called See.

Stupid Hollywood wokeass nonsensical bullshit. What's next a transgender assassin who kills with her dick?

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"There is no John out there. No happy man with a normal life. There is only John Wick: The Killer."

Hard to mention a John Wick movie without mentioning the lighting and cinematography but they somehow managed to make this one extra cool to look at. I really liked the new characters the ending seems fitting for this movies.

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There is really no need for the 2h 50min film length.

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The story was full of bullet holes but as the action was good, this is still worth a watch.

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A brilliant finale to an excellent series.

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"John Wick 4" may test your patience with its excessive length, but it's undeniably the most engaging entry in the series to date. The few narrative sequences are well spread out throughout the runtime, and for the first time we have a charismatic cast to support Reeves’ wooden performance. The deliberate choice of drawn-out and repetitive action sequences lends a unique stylistic flavor, and while I concur that some side journeys could have been easily trimmed out, there's a heightened sense of variety and a more refined direction compared to its predecessors.

Regrettably, the film's primary flaw is its reliance on recycled tricks and plot dynamics from previous chapters, leaving "John Wick 4" feeling like a polished greatest hits compilation of its predecessors.

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If my mind wanders, even during fight scenes, it's a bad sign that they're too long and repetitive.

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It's another John Wick movie, still like them but every movie gets a little less

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Adrenaline burst into dame hell

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It would’ve been better to stop at 3. This had none of the heart or magic. Bill Skarsgard was a total miscast, Ian McShane’s fake teeth were so weird, Laurence Fishburne’s role was basically that of a valet bringing fresh clothes, and what in the world was going on at that club in Berlin? Bloody brawl and shootout? Just keep dancing. It was a farce.

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It got too repetitive, the same lazy fights in different locations. The cinematography, music and atmosphere were the strong points of the movie for me. In my honest opinion "Upgrade" and "Nobody" are much better action movies than John Wick.

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Heroes are as good as the last villian.

Though John Wick is not by definition a hero, he is the protagonist. This time he faces another foreigner brat, very creative choice indeed. Villian has no particular qualities that make him memorable or different, even though actor tries his best the villian just falls flat, which does make the movie pretty weak.

What's particularly good about the movie which makes it different than all the action movies nowadays is there are no nauseating quick cuts that replace good choreography.

The newly introduced relationship between Kane and John felt artificial and couldn't evoke any sympathy from me.

All in all, sound design was good, plot was subpar, action was good, cinematography good, there wasn't too much scenes requiring impressive acting, though obviously the stage presence of Ian McShane and Clancy Brown was there, action was great, pacing was slow. 6/10 Not too memorable

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Perfect way to end the John Wick saga.

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Chapter 4 was even more boring and worse than Chapter 3 uff. Apparently you have to be a gamer to like this kind of movie?!

Reminded me of earlier with the first-person matches in CTF and Deathmatch if one had activated the GodMode :rofl:

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Parcial what's on this one seems to be just like all the other ones

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Shout by Teuben
BlockedParent2023-08-22T19:43:48Z— updated 2023-08-23T20:48:43Z

Yeah these movies have always been way over the top but people getting AXED in the head in the middle of the damn dance floor and everyone just keeps dancing? Give me a ******* break. Even NPCs in a game would react more realistically than the average person in this movie. The fighting scenes are repetitive, barely innovating on the previous movies with the exception of the top down shootout in Paris.
Also, turns out the entire police force of Paris went missing during the adventures of Mr. Wick.

Bu- bu- muh epic scenery and beautiful lighting, so artsy!

You're an absolute delusional fanboy if you still like this bottom of the barrel trash. Suspension of disbelief be damned, you have to hit yourself in the head with a hammer to accept this pile of garbage.

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This is as close to a perfect action movie as you can get. There's rarely any slow sections, the set pieces are unique & fun, the choreography understandable & immaculate, and the characters have just enough personality to be more than stock archetypes. The only thing I feel that could be seen as a weakness is that the climax feels less intense than much of the rest of the film. It is a more character driven section than action oriented which may not work for those just craving thrills. The more I think on it, the more I feel it works. Even at its 2.5+ hour run time, I still craved more. It was just so good.

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The 1st 3 John Wicks got 10 stars from me but this one? Too many annoying characters like the black dude, come on What Halle didn't want to reprise her role so the 1st black dude that said ok they took him? I could accept Gabrielle or Sanaa could have played that role this dude was just completely out of place everytime he showed up on screen. Certain parts where scenes from the Matrix, like Neo oh my bad John waiting for the subway train!! At one point it looked like a Netflix special in the scene with black dude( Johnny Cage) and the Asian guy as Daredevil and John looking like Iron Fist. If this was the last one(because I actually haven't finished the movie yet) then the ball was dropped on this one. and also how was dude able to start a marker after the duel was set? Is he above the high table and the rules?

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Oh look! John Wick is shooting again. And fighting in slow motion. and barely acting. This is redundant and made for an OK final installment. The fight choreography was terrible. A lot of random movements to stall while waiting for there part. That and the unatural movement from enemies makes for a hard watch.

The plot was mediocre.

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The Blind !!!!!!!
I'm a bit disappointed

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A solid final movie for a franchise that started out so simple. Throughout the four movies, they were able to build the lore of John Wick's world pretty well. This ending also completed a good arc for John Wick himself.

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This movie really bored me. The action scenes were mostly just so monotonous :(

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The whole universe thing is too much. The bad guys don't know how to aim... But can't complain. This movie is awesome.
Another action packed visual masterpiece.
I want to see more fighting Keanu!! :muscle:

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Really enjoyed the movie, but 1 is still the best for me. They should just let John Wick rest now though.

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A biiiiiiit over the top & (very) long. But still entertaining. Also. The French police must me sleeping at sunrise ? 7.5/10

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Shout by ABSTRACTlegend
BlockedParent2023-07-06T04:20:15Z— updated 2024-01-02T20:47:03Z

Why is this movie so long?!?! They could have cut so many parts from this movie, for one the poker scene was absolutely awful.

The bulletproof suits really ruined this movie as well. Whoever thought of that is an idiot

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I was in the mood for a new John Wick film, and I know the action in these movies is always kind of cartoony, but there's not enough suspension of disbelief in the universe for me to give this a pass.
I'm not expecting Jackie Chan levels of choreography and grounded action, I just want it to not be like a generic video game.
John Wick is made of rubber, every enemy waits its turn and always shoots directly to the body instead of the head, they get knocked by a simple touch while John can jump off a building like it's nothing... Even the Tracker's dog is like a Warg with steel armour. Also, they fight in public and no one calls the police, people in this film are like NPCs with no AI...

Three mediocre writers are credited for this film, not even the three of them put together could come up with anything decent.

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I did not enjoy this film as much as I did part 2 and 3. The action wasn't as good and the plot armour was extra thick. Some of the new characters were good but not as good as the ones introduced in previous films.

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This is movie is entertaining but sadly really below the first. The action became somewhat stale and u can see keanu beacoming old. the locations are cool and nice, the sound is well played the story muh, the actor well choose but ot s overall not unique in any sens

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I expected much after a weak third part. Unfortunately part 4 is also so boring. With few exceptions all fights just are the same, it is by far too repetitive and uncreative. Really disappointing.

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should've found a way to put John on The High Table and fuck everything up in there, that should be much fun;

if so John's legacy could be the direct destruction of the organization...or, he could somehow form a love-hate relationship with Akira and let her finish the task in the future.

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The action was very much like all the others but still good

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Movie was like 10 hours long!!
Could have been cut by an hour

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It's no secret that Bill scarsgard is not a good actor but he reached a new bottom here. It's hard to watch such a bad performance. I literally stopped watching the movie a few times during some of his scenes. It was so bad that made me lost interest.

The movie was also not that good. Nearly everyone looked like they were too tired to fight or run all the time, even at the beginning of each fighting scene, especially Keanu.
Still enjoyable though.

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Utter garbage, deleted after 45min

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good i didnt ended going to cinema to watch this
this movie was boring
too much action scenes of fighting
almost zero conversations
looks a perfect movie for people that dont even want to think and wanna waste just 2h watching special effects

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this is what action movies should be like ... learn damn it learn . such e beautiful movie.

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4 for Chapter 4
Nothing more.

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Every scene was just perfect
Except the ending of this movie
But as wiston said such ìs life
Rest in peace Loving husband :two_hearts: Mr. Wick :heart:

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Worst movie I have half watched all year, deleted after 45min

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Unfortunately just more of the same with fight scenes that we’ve seen many times before just A LOT longer. Why is Fishburne even in this? So many good characters who they refuse to involve and are just there. They introduce Clancy Brown but he’s barely in it and does nothing. The first movie was great with plenty of action and a good story that kept developing. The second was good and started to explore that world deeper but other than the guy in the desert they didn’t bother exploring that world further in 3 and 4 and instead just wanted more bullets.

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To quote George Lucas after seeing Episode VII, there's nothing new.

It's still a John Wick movie, except this time it has zero plot and just goes from one set piece to another. Mind you, the set pieces are stunning and the choreography is on the John Wick level, but the movie lost that something when every piece of cloth became body armor and everyone requires ten rounds to go down.

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Well the Director definitely made this one for a laugh, don’t take it serious and again with no focus on a plot and a lot of it was ridiculous with a lot bad acting also felt cartoonist action at times or like a video game but I did enjoy most of the action and thought it was cool what they did with some of the camera angles so had some positives to it but i still stand with the first film.

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I laughed way too hard when he kept falling down the stairs.

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Holy sh**! This is pure art.

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I don't even know if I want to watch this. Has anyone else noticed that this dude has aged like 10+ years over the course of three days? Terrible metabolism yet he is so agile.... How many times are they going to remake the same movie and add a new number at the end? This is getting to fast and furious territory.

Move on to something else alraedy Reeves!

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Biggest pile of poo violence, nonsense, and a total and utter lack of a script. Perfect for the brain-dead and the spotify generation. The trailer has the full plot. The movie is just an extremely stretched, violent music video.

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Shout by Aby HP.

while it is a good movie, personally I don't like the ending at all. because john wick finally dead, just when I thought he could become one of the high tables and obliterate the other leader and completely destroyed the system or at least recreate a new system.

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If it was AT LEAST 1 hour shorter it would've been much better. They streched it too far, it was my first time sleeping at the cinema. seriously, I took a good 20 min nap and missed some parts. And that wasn't just me, my friend did too lol. Overall it's not too bad but it really gets boring watching Jhon Wick fight for that long. I liked the characters and cinematography though. Especially that fire shotgun scene.

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Aside from the many ridiculous, stupid and unrealistic (even for a movie!) fights/scenes, the ending is all what I asked and hoped for. Couldn't think of more satisfying ending for it :heart:

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Previous movies are more beautiful, I felt bored in the first hour, however, I cried at the end and I loved it

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The legend says that John Wick is still rolling on the stairs :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::thumbsdown:

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Bad film. Pointlessly says absolutely nothing.

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Highly enjoyed this chapter! Always been a big fan of the series and this one didn't disappoint. Donnie Yen was such a great addition; his character was so fun.

My only gripe is [spoiler] the whole "everyone is bulletproof" thing that was started in chapter 3. They took that to the extreme in this one.

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First of all: I had a little bit of tears at the beginning seeing Lance Riddick, Rest in Peace man!

The movie itself was kind of different to me, nice hunting action sequences packed with awesome moves, etc…

But for me it wasn’t the best experience, although I enjoyed the movie I had a feeling that it was not that good compared to the other 3 movies.

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Could have been half an hour shorter, Keanu is slow and other actors had to wait for him to catch up, and story wise pretty boring, they should have ended this with the first one

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This franchise is becoming boring.

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I was unimpressed by John Wick: Chapter 4. The film was lengthy, with excessive and unrealistic action scenes, losing the simplicity and elegance of the first installment. It became a confusing spectacle, lacking coherence. The only enjoyable aspect was the score, featuring cool songs and a pulsating soundtrack. The inclusion of an invincible blind assassin was absurd, given the presence of numerous professional assassins. Overall, the film proved tedious and frustrating, failing to deliver an enjoyable experience.

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Crap! Boring. Crap! Boring! Crap.

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Not bad but not great either. It could have been shortened by 1 hour. It's unnecessarily long and predictable. All be it that, it had its moments. I liked how they did not make the fight stunts flowery and superhuman. It's lethargic, humanly imitated and fun.
It's actually why I liked it. These days action movies fight-scenes are done unrealistically. This has bulletproof suits and that's it. Whereas other movies do fight scenes like they're superhuman :skull::joy:. Ik this isn't realistic but it follows its rules correctly. Keanu moves like he's a man unlike shit we've seen in movies like the gray man, extraction etc.

But I gotta say I expected more from this. The predictability and the plot felt underwhelming especially when you know the ending of chapter 3.

Still, recommend it if you watched the trilogy.

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Same as the others, how this is rated high is beyond me.
Rinse repeat, Rinse repeat, Rinse repeat, Rinse repeat, Rinse repeat, Rinse repeat, Rinse repeat, Rinse repeat, Rinse repeat, Rinse repeat, Rinse repeat, Rinse repeat, Rinse repeat, Rinse repeat, Rinse repeat, Rinse repeat, Rinse repeat, Rinse repeat...

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Haven't seen the first 3 but this movie is rediculous and unrealistic. The staircase scene is exaggerated.

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Disappointed by the decision to just turn it into a string of choreographed fight scenes.

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My wife fell asleep, she's the lucky one.

All action and no story line, and the action is akin to watching a 60 year old get out of bed in the morning.

The movie consists of everyone running around with their suit jackets over their heads because they are bullet proof. As such most fight scenes result in hand to hand combat where blades pass through the same suits with ease.

The main antagonist is blind and stumbles around with a cane until a fight begins and he suddenly has the echo location abilities of 1,000 dolphins.

Gun fights are performed at close range yet the bad guys never hit anyone, or maybe it's the bullet proof suits, it's very hard to tell.

This franchise suffers from the same fate as John Wick. It just won't die, despite how hard it tries.

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Same as all the others. Corny as times but enjoyable.

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