Personal Lists featuring...

John Wick 2014


List of recommendations I found on Reddit and possibly other places.


:film_projector: Sélection de la communauté
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Best movies of 2014 according to Chris Stuckmann from youtube.


title explains. Wanna watch something with good story, soundtracks, photography and all you deserve after a day of work? Pick one here, grab some popcorn and good movie! :hearts:


Jean-Claude Van Damme
Steven Seagal
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Dolph Lundgren
Jackie Chan
Sylvester Stallone
Dwayne Johnson
Bruce Willis
Tony Jaa nar. 5.2.1976 (44 let)
Surin, Thajsko
Danny Trejo


"They get a bad rap from snobs, but don’t mess with action movies—they’re pumped up, loaded with ammo and in your face like Arnold Schwarzenegger on a bad day. Truth be told, no one can live solely on Woody Allen movies or animation alone. We need explosions periodically. Big ones. Preferably accompanied by catchphrases and squealing electric guitars. With crucial contributions from Hong Kong and France, the genre has a global richness that sneaks up on you like a swarthy henchman with a knife clenched between his teeth. And when we arrived at action’s ’80s movies heyday, when Hollywood stars ruled the roost, our research was euphoric. We’ve polled over 50 experts in the field, from essential directors like Die Hard’s John McTiernan to the actual folks in the line of fire, such as Machete himself, Danny Trejo. Critics and experts have weighed in, too."

The list has 102 titles because Kill Bill was counted as one entry.



HollyWood Movies based on Popularity


Who doesn't love some good ol' martial arts?!?! First, I'd like to start off by saying some of the older movies I have on this list have horrible acting. However, despite the bad acting, I think the martial arts were very good for it's time. So, I'm forewarning you, don't watch the movie thinking you're gonna see stellar acting! From Bruce Lee - Angela Mao - Jet Lee, I love them all! Even Jim Kelly, with his corny butt. Feel free to browse through my collection and ignite your memories. competition


A list of movie lists on io9. Organized by release date.


Dolby, DTS, My set-up: 7.2, Yamaha, Paradigm and SVS
