There's a lot of reused jokes and bits, but they're all his best jokes, which is why I think it's great. No filler or jokes that don't work, just good humor all the way through.

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I suppose Jerry was feeling nostalgic and decided to go back to were it all started for him. Good for him that he has that option. If you are a big Seinfeld fan, then I guess you'd really enjoy this. I really enjoyed his show "I'm Telling You For The Last Time", but for me, this show just wasn't as funny. Many of the jokes I had already heard before, and to be honest, I'm not that interested in him on a personal level or how he got his start. I'm like that for all entertainers though. I couldn't tell you a thing about the personal lives of any of my favorite actors or musicians. I don't want something about them as a person to affect how I enjoy what they do as an entertainer. For example, I think that how people view Tom Cruise as a person is starting to affect how they receive his movies.

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It was so great! Part standup part documentary of Jerry’s childhood through the early 80s.

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